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Anderson, R. C., D. E. Gardner, C. C. Daehler, and F. E. Meinzer. 2002. Dieback of Acacia koa in Hawai`i: Ecological and pathological characteristics of affected stands. Forest Ecology and Management 162:273-286.

Anderson, R. C., and D. E. Gardner. 1996. Preliminary evaluation of Pseudomonas solanacearum as a potential biological control agent for the alien weed kahili ginger (Hedychium gardnerianum) in Hawaiian forests. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 35:1,3-6.

Anderson, R. C., and D. E. Gardner. 1997. Biological control of the alien weed kahili ginger (Hedychium gardnerianum) in Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park. Abstracts of the 1997 Hawaii Conservation Conference, Maui. 11

Anderson, R. C., and D. E. Gardner. 1998. Investigations of koa (Acacia koa) decline in Hawaiian forests. Abstracts of the 1998 Hawaii Conservation Conference; 30-31 July; Maui. 15.

Anderson, R. C., and D. E. Gardner. 1999. An evaluation of the wilt-causing bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum as a potential biological control agent for the alien kahili ginger (Hedychium gardnerianum) in Hawaiian forests. Biological Control 15:89-96.

Anderson, R. C., and D. E. Gardner. 1999. Biological control of kahili ginger in Hawaiian forests. Abstracts of the X International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds; 4-14 July, 1999; Bozeman, Montana. P. 63.

Anderson, R. C., and D. E. Gardner. 2000. Efficacy and plant response to Ralstonia solanacearum, a potential bioherbicide for control of kahili ginger (Hedychium gardnerianum). Proceedings of the X International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds. 4 - 14 July 1999; Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana. P. 131.

Anderson, R. C., and D. E. Gardner. 2001. Koa dieback in Hawaii. Abstracts, Joint Meeting of APS, MSA, and SON, August 25 - 29, 2001, Salt Lake City, Utah. Phytopathology 91(6): S3.

Anderson, R. C., and D. E. Gardner. 2002. Recent developments in the biological control of kahili ginger with Ralstonia solanacearum in Hawaii. Proceedings of the Western International Forest Disease Work Conference; 14 - 18 August, 2000; Waikoloa, Hawaii.

Borth, W. B., D. E. Gardner, and T. L. German. 1988. Closterovirus associated with Dodonaea yellows disease. Phytopathology 78:1586.

Borth, W. B., D. E. Gardner, and T. L. German. 1990. Association of double-stranded RNA and filamentous viruslike particles with Dodonaea yellows disease. Plant Disease 74:434-437

Borth, W. B., J. S. Hu, B. C. Kirkpatrick, D. E. Gardner, and T. L. German. 1995. Occurrence of phytoplasmas in Hawaii. Plant Disease 79:1094-1097.

Borth, W. B., J. S. Hu, and D. E. Gardner. 1992. Dodonaea yellows disease in Hawaii is associated with viruslike particles and mycoplasmalike organisms. Phytopathology 82:1094.

Borth, W. B., and D. E. Gardner. 1993. New information on the cause of yellows disease of Dodonaea (a`ali`i). Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 32:43-47.

Chen, W.-Q., D. E. Gardner, and D. T. Webb. 1996. Biology and life cycle of Atelocauda koae, an unusual demicyclic rust. Mycoscience 37:91-98.

Duffy, B. K., and D. E. Gardner. 1993. Botrytis fruit rot and other disorders of Myrica faya in Hawai`i. Abstracts of the 6th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Montréal, Canada. 121

Duffy, B. K., and D. E. Gardner. 1993. Dieback of mamane (Sophora chrysophylla) and rat depredation. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 32:8-13.

Duffy, B. K., and D. E. Gardner. 1993. Phytopathogenic fungi associated with fruits of pukiawe (Styphelia tameiameiae). Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 32:6-8.

Duffy, B. K., and D. E. Gardner. 1994. Locally established Botrytis fruit rot of Myrica faya, a noxious weed in Hawaii. Plant Disease 78:919-923.

Duffy, B. K., and D. E. Gardner. 1995. Decline of invasive faya in Hawai`i. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 34:1,3-5.

Duffy, B. K., and D. E. Gardner. 1995. Spontaneous decline of weedy Myrica faya in Hawaii. Phytopathology 85:1196.

Duffy, B. K., and D. E. Gardner. 1999. Nematodes associated with the invasive weed Myrica faya in Hawaii. Nematrópica 29:95-97.

Ellshoff, Z. E., D. E. Gardner, C. Wikler, and C. W. Smith. 1995. Annotated bibliography of the genus Psidium, with emphasis on P. cattleianum (strawberry guava) and P. guajava (common guava), forest weeds in Hawai`i. Cooperative Park Studies Unit (Dept. Botany)/Univ. Hawaii. Technical Report 95. 105

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Abnormal leaves on strawberry guava (Psidium cattleianum) Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: An index of specimens deposited by Don Gardner in various collection Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Apparent virescence of sandalwood at Haleakala NP. Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Biocontrol of Forest Weeds Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Biocontrol of Koster's curse (Clidemia hirta) in American Samoa Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Black twig borer in Myrica faya Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Canker disease of Coprosma sp. Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Cercospora leaf spot on R. argutus Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Circular (or spiraling) ring spot on akala (Rubus hawaiensis) leaves Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Circular leaf spot of Xylosma in Kipuka Puaulu (Bird Park). Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Coconut tree decline at Pu`u Honua o Honaunau Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Control of alien plants with herbicides, Mississippi NPS Science Center Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Cryphonectria cubense on Eucalyptus spp. and clove tree (Eugenia aromatica). Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Dark mildews of Hawaii. Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Diseased endemic poppy (Argemone glauca) from HALE Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Diseases of ornamental plants. Mississippi NPS Science Center. Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Ecology of Dodonaea yellows: Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Fasciation of Erythrina variegata Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Fig rust (Cerotelium fici). Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Forest mushroom studies, Mississippi NPS Science Center. Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Fountain grass herbicide study. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Gorse (Ulex europeus) biocontrol Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Growth abnormality of kukui (Aleurites moluccana). Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Hazardous tree program Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Heart rot of koa and ohia caused by Phellinus kawakami Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Herbicidal control of koa haole (Luceana lucocephala). Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Herbicidal treatment of Christmasberry. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Herbicidal treatment of buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris) at Pu`u Kohola Heiau Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Infrared of "false color: photogrpahy. Mississippi NPS Science Center. Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Koa discharge. Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Koa leaf spot caused by Alternaria alternata. Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Leaf spot of molasses grass (Melinis minutiflora) in HAVO Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Microorganism degradation of adobe Indican ruins at Chaco Canyon National Monument. Mississippi NPS Science Center. Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Miscellaneous fungi associted with various forest disease. Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Myrica faya branch yellowing and distorted growth. Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: New approaches to herbicide treatment of woody aliens. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Oak blight studies. Mississippi NPS Science Center. Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Other cotton diseases - Phymatotrichum omnivorum (Phymatotrichopsis omnivora) and Verticillum wilt. USDA-ARS Western Cotton Research Lab, Phoenix, Arizona Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Other leaf and stem-infecting fungi Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Sewage treatment plant spray field. Mississippi NPS Science Center. Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Soil water repellency. Mississippi NPS Science Center. Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Stromataneurospora phoenix associated with broomsedge (Angropogon virginicus). Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Survey of Aspergillus spp. in cotton growing soils of Arizona. USDA-ARS Western Cotton Research Lab, Phoenix, Arizona Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Transmission and diagnostic studies of Dodonaea yellows Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Verticillium wilt(?) of koa. Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Virus-like symptoms on seedlings of Ochrosia and Pittosporum. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. . Unpublished: Witches' broom on pukiawe (Styphelia tameiameiae). Unpublished

Gardner, D. E. 1978. A new wilt-inducing isolate of Fusarium oxysporum from Acacia koa seedlings. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Big Island Science Conference; 6 May, 1978; Hilo, Hawaii. 15-16.

Gardner, D. E. 1978. A seedling disease of koa caused by Fusarium oxysporum. Phytopathology News 12:190-191.

Gardner, D. E. 1978. Evaluation of a new technique for herbicidal treatment of Myrica faya trees. C. W. Smith, (ed.). Proceedings of the 2nd Conference in Natural Sciences, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, 1978. Cooperative Park Studies Unit (Dept. Botany)/Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu. 114-119

Gardner, D. E. 1978. Koa rust, caused by Uromyces koae, in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. Plant Disease Reporter 62:957-961.

Gardner, D. E. 1978. Occurrence of fuchsia rust in Hawaii. Plant Disease Reporter 63:136-137.

Gardner, D. E. 1980. Acacia koa seedling wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. koae, f. sp. nov. Phytopathology 70:594-597.

Gardner, D. E. 1980. An evaluation of herbicidal methods of strawberry guava control in Kipahulu Valley. C. W. Smith, (ed.). Resources Base Inventory of Kipahulu Valley Below 2,000 Feet. The Nature Conservancy, Maui. 63-69

Gardner, D. E. 1980. Apparent pathological conditions of Vaccinium spp. and Dodonaea sp. in Hawaii Volcanoes and Haleakala National Parks. C. W. Smith, (ed.). Proceedings of the 3rd Conference in Natural Sciences, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, 1980. Cooperative Park Studies Unit (Dept. Botany)/Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu. 125-128

Gardner, D. E. 1981. Nuclear behavior and clarification of the spore stages of Uromyces koae. Canadian Journal of Botany 59:939-946.

Gardner, D. E. 1981. Rust on Commelina diffusa in Hawaii. Plant Disease 65:690-691.

Gardner, D. E. 1982. Exotic plants in Hawaii's national parks: A major challenge. Park Science 2(2):18-19.

Gardner, D. E. 1982. Septoria leaf spot on Canavalia kauensis, a native Hawaiian bean. Plant Disease 66:263-264.

Gardner, D. E. 1984. Current biocontrol investigations: Exploration for control agents in the native habitats of firetree, and evaluation of rust diseases of Rubus spp. in the southeastern U. S. C. W. Smith, (ed.). Proceedings of the 5th Conference in Natural Sciences, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, 1984. CPSU (Dept. Botany)/Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu. 53-60

Gardner, D. E. 1984. Kikuyugrass rust caused by Phakopsora apoda in Hawaii. Plant Disease 68:826.

Gardner, D. E. 1985. Etiology of red leaf disease of `ohelo. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 24:3-5.

Gardner, D. E. 1985. Lemongrass rust caused by Puccinia nakanishikii in Hawaii. Plant Disease 69:1100.

Gardner, D. E. 1985. Observations on some unusual flowering characteristics of Myrica faya. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 24:14-17.

Gardner, D. E. 1985. Red leaf disease of native Hawaiian Vaccinium species caused by Exobasidium vaccinii. Plant Disease 69:805-806.

Gardner, D. E. 1986. Alien plant control in Hawaiian National Parks: Problems and progress. National Park Service and The George Wright Society, (Spons.). Abstracts of the 4th Triennial Conference on Research in the National Parks and Equivalent Reserves. The George Wright Society, Washington, D. C. 187

Gardner, D. E. 1986. Oxalis rust in Hawaii. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 25:31-32.

Gardner, D. E. 1986. Symptomatology of some new diseases of native Hawaiian forest shrubs. Phytopathology 76:843.

Gardner, D. E. 1987. Biocontrol of fuchsia. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 26:19.

Gardner, D. E. 1987. Hawaii's endemic rust fungi. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 26:53-56

Gardner, D. E. 1987. Teliospore germination of Uromyces alyxiae, an endemic Hawaiian rust. Mycologia 79:914-917.

Gardner, D. E. 1988. Legume tree rusts. Proc., 5th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Kyoto, Japan. Abstracts.120

Gardner, D. E. 1988. Revisions to endemic Hawaiian rusts. Mycologia 80:747-749.

Gardner, D. E. 1988. Teliospore germination of Puccinia vitata, an endemic Hawaiian rust. Mycologia 80:590-593.

Gardner, D. E. 1988. The apparent yellows disease of Dodonaea spp. in Hawaii. K. Maramorosch and S. P. Raychaudhuri, (eds.). Mycoplasma diseases of crops: Basic and applied aspects. Springer-Verlag, New York. 225-231

Gardner, D. E. 1989. Maile rust has a new cousin in Australia. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 28:32-33.

Gardner, D. E. 1989. Melicope (=Pelea) rust: New discoveries on mokihana. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 28:52-54.

Gardner, D. E. 1989. Naio rust rediscovered. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 28:74-75.

Gardner, D. E. 1989. Pathogenicity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. passiflorae to banana poka and other Passiflora spp. in Hawaii. Plant Disease 73:476-478.

Gardner, D. E. 1990. New rusts on endemic Hawaiian Rutaceae. Mycologia 82:141-144.

Gardner, D. E. 1990. Plant diseases in Hawaiian parks: Prevention or preservation? Park Science 10:8-9

Gardner, D. E. 1990. Role of biological control as a management tool in national parks and other natural areas. National Park Service Natural Resource Technical Report No. 1. U. S. Government Printing Office; Washington, D. C. 1-47

Gardner, D. E. 1991. Atelocauda angustiphylloda, n. sp., a microcyclic rust on Acacia koa in Hawaii. Mycologia 83:650-653.

Gardner, D. E. 1991. Occurrence of breadfruit rust, caused by Uredo artocarpi, in Hawaii. Plant Disease 75:968.

Gardner, D. E. 1992. Biological control of nonnative plants in national parks and other native habitats of Hawaii. Abstracts of the Ecological Interactions and Biological Control Symposium; Minneapolis, Minnesota. 32.

Gardner, D. E. 1992. Hawaii's elusive akia rust. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 31:44-46.

Gardner, D. E. 1992. Plant pathogens as biocontrol agents in native Hawaiian ecosystems. C. P. Stone, C. W. Smith, and J. T. Tunison, (eds.). Alien plant invasions in native ecosystems of Hawai`i: Management and research. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu. 432-451

Gardner, D. E. 1993. Hawaii's native rust flora. Inoculum: Newsletter of the Mycological Society of America 44(2):37.

Gardner, D. E. 1994. Biocontrol of ivy gourd (Coccinia grandis) on Windward O`ahu. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 33:13,15-16.

Gardner, D. E. 1994. Hawai`i's plant pathogenic microfungi: Native residents or alien invaders? Abstracts of the 1994 Hawai`i Conservation Conference, Honolulu.

Gardner, D. E. 1994. Teliospore germination and nuclear behavior of Puccinia rutainsulara, a microcyclic Hawaiian rust. Mycologia 86:486-493.

Gardner, D. E. 1994. The native rust fungi of Hawaii. Canadian Journal of Botany 72:976-989.

Gardner, D. E. 1994. Unusual cytology of some species of rusts from Hawaii. Abstracts, 5th International Mycological Congress, Vancouver, B. C., Canada. 69.

Gardner, D. E. 1994. Witches' broom disease of mamane (Sophora chrysophylla). Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 33:97-100.

Gardner, D. E. 1996. Notes on the decline problem of koa. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 35:27-31.

Gardner, D. E. 1996. Puccinia rugispora: An unusual microcyclic rust endemic to Hawaii. Mycologia 88:

Gardner, D. E. 1996. Rust and smut fungi of Hawai'i: An annotated host index on angiosperms and ferns. Cooperative Park Studies Unit (Dept. Botany)/Univ. Hawaii. Technical Report 100.50

Gardner, D. E. 1997. Acacia koa: A review of its diseases and associated fungi. L. Ferentinos and D. O. Evans (editors); Proceedings of Koa: A Decade of Growth. Symposium of The Hawai`i Forest Industry Association, November 18-19, 1996; Honolulu, Hawai`i. Pp. 56-63 in:

Gardner, D. E. 1997. Additions to the rust fungi of Hawai`i. Pacific Science 51:174-182.

Gardner, D. E. 1997. Botryosphaeria mamane sp. nov. associated with witches'-brooms on the endemic forest tree Sophora chrysophylla in Hawaii. Mycologia 89:298-303.

Gardner, D. E. 1997. Consideration of the rust fungi Phragmidium violaceum and gymnoconia nitens for biocontrol of Rubus in Hawaii. Conference on the Biological Control of Weeds with Plant Pathogens. March 17-19, 1997; Auburn University; Auburn, Alabama. (No pagination).

Gardner, D. E. 1997. Septoria vulcani sp. nov. on endemic Rumex in Hawai`i. Mycotaxon 62:461-464.

Gardner, D. E. 1997. Tetranucleate basidiospores are characteristic of Hawaiian rust fungi. Inoculum: Newsletter of the Mycological Society of America 48(3):11.

Gardner, D. E. 1997. The genus Septoria (Fungi: Deuteromycetes) in Hawai`i. B. P. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 49:3-9.

Gardner, D. E. 1998. Eriophyid mite galls on lama and other Hawaiian plants. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 37:1, 3.

Gardner, D. E. 1999. Biocontrol of yellow Himalayan raspberry: Exploration in China. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 38:53-58.

Gardner, D. E. 1999. Septoria hodgesii sp. nov.: A potential biocontrol agent for Myrica faya in Hawai`i. Mycotaxon 70:247-253.

Gardner, D. E. 1999. Unique aspects of Hawaiian rusts. Abstracts of the IXth International Congress of Mycology, International Union of Microbiological Societies; 16-20 August, 1999; Sydney, Australia. P. 198.

Gardner, D. E. 1999. Unusual life cycles of some rusts of Hawaii. Abstracts of the III Latin American Mycological Congress; 31 August-3 September 1999; Caracas, Venezuela. Pp. 66-67.

Gardner, D. E. 2002. Efforts toward biocontrol of invasive Rubus spp. in Hawaiian forests. Proceedings of the Western International Forest Disease Work Conference; 14 - 18 August, 2000; Waikoloa, Hawaii.

Gardner, D. E., C. S. Hodges, Jr., E. Killgore, and R. C. Anderson. 1997. An evaluation of the rust fungus Gymnoconia nitens as a potential biological control agent for alien Rubus species in Hawaii. Biological Control 10:151-157.

Gardner, D. E., C. S. Hodges, R. C. Anderson, and E. M. Killgore. 1998. Consideration of Gymnoconia nitens as a potential biocontrol agent for blackberry in Hawaii. Abstracts of the 7th International Congress of Plant Pathology; 9-16 August; Edinburgh, Scotland. Abstract No. 5.2.3.

Gardner, D. E., C. W. Smith, and G. P. Markin. 1995. Biological control of alien plants in natural areas of Hawaii. E. S. Delfosse and R. R. Scott, (eds.). Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds, 2-7 February 1992, Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand. DSIR/CSIRO, Melbourne. 35-40

Gardner, D. E., E. M. Killgore, L. S. Sugiyama, and R. C. Anderson. 1996. Current biocontrol research in the Hawaii Department of Agriculture plant pathogen containment facility. V. C. Moran and J. H. Hoffmann (editors); Proceedings of the IX International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds; 19-26 January, 1996; Stellenbosch, South Africa. 229

Gardner, D. E., G. P. Markin, and C. S. Hodges, Jr. 1988. Survey for potential biological control agents for Myrica faya in the Azores and Madeira. Cooperative Park Studies Unit (Dept. Botany)/Univ. Hawaii. Technical Report 63.22 pp.

Gardner, D. E., J. L. McMeans, C. M. Brown, L. L. Parker, and R. M. Bilbrey. 1973. Studies of Aspergillus flavus infection and aflatoxins in cottonseed at Safford, Arizona. (Abstr.). P. 36 in: National Council Beltwide Cotton Production Research Conference, (Publ.). Proceedings of the 27th Cotton Defoliation-Physiology Conference, 9-10 January, 1973. Phoenix, Arizona.

Gardner, D. E., J. L. McMeans, C. M. Brown, R. M. Bilbrey, and L. L. Parker. 1974. Geographical localization and lint fluorescence in relation to aflatoxin production in Aspergillus flavus-infected cottonseed. Phytopathology 64:452-455.

Gardner, D. E., R. C. Anderson, E. M. Killgore, and L. S. Sugiyama. 1999. Host range evaluation of Septoria hodgesii as a biocontrol agent for fayatree. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 38:1, 3-4.

Gardner, D. E., T. Miller, and E. G. Kuhlman. 1979. Tuberculina and the life cycle of Uromyces koae. Mycologia 71:848-852.

Gardner, D. E., and A. P. Martinez. 1985. Occurrence of canna rust (Puccinia thaliae) in Hawaii. Plant Disease 69:1101.

Gardner, D. E., and B. J. Little. 1974. Identification and ecology of microflora in caves of the national park system. Transactions of the NPS/Southwest Regional Natural Science Conference, 1974. Santa Fe, New Mexico. 156-60

Gardner, D. E., and C. C. Daehler. 1998. Smut disease of pili grass in Hawai`i. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 37:4-5.

Gardner, D. E., and C. J. Davis. 1982. The prospects for biological control of nonnative plants in Hawaiian national parks. Cooperative Park Studies Unit (Dept. Botany)/Univ. Hawaii. Technical Report 45:58

Gardner, D. E., and C. S. Hodges, Jr. 1983. Leaf rust caused by Kuehneola uredinis on native and nonnative Rubus species in Hawaii. Plant Disease 67:962-963.

Gardner, D. E., and C. S. Hodges, Jr. 1985. Spore surface morphology of Hawaiian Acacia rust fungi. Mycologia 77:575-586.

Gardner, D. E., and C. S. Hodges, Jr. 1986. Hawaiian forest fungi. VII. A new species of Elsinoe on native Vaccinium. Mycologia 78:506-508.

Gardner, D. E., and C. S. Hodges, Jr. 1988. Hawaiian forest fungi. IX. Botryosphaeria pipturi sp. nov. and miscellaneous records. Mycologia 80:460-465.

Gardner, D. E., and C. S. Hodges, Jr. 1989. The rust fungi (Uredinales) of Hawaii. Pacific Science 43:41-55.

Gardner, D. E., and C. S. Hodges, Jr. 1990. Diseases of Myrica faya (firetree, Myricaceae) in the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands. Plant Pathology 39:326-330.

Gardner, D. E., and C. S. Hodges, Jr. 1995. Pathogens from the Azores, Madeira, and Canary Islands as biocontrol agents of Myrica faya (Myricaceae) in Hawaii. Proceedings of the 1st Symposium on Fauna & Flora of the Atlantic Islands; October 4-9, 1993; Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. Boletim do Museu Municipal do Funchal, Sup. No. 4. 319-323

Gardner, D. E., and C. S. Hodges, Jr., 1993. Biocontrol of Myrica faya in Hawaii: Investigation of pathogens from the Azores, Madeira and Canary Islands. Abstracts of the 1st Symposium on Fauna & Flora of the Atlantic Islands; October 4-9, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. P 25.

Gardner, D. E., and C. W. Smith. 1985. Plant biocontrol quarantine facility at Hawaii Volcanoes. Park Science 6(1):3-4.

Gardner, D. E., and C. W. Smith. 1992. Biocontrol recognized as a management approach to control plant aliens in protected natural areas. Park Science 12(3):31-32.

Gardner, D. E., and C. W. Smith. 1995. Applicability of biological control to the weed problem in Hawaii's native habitats. Abstracts of the 1995 Hawai`i Conservation Conference, Honolulu.

Gardner, D. E., and E. E. Trujillo. 2001. Association of Armillaria mellea with mamane decline at Pu`u La`au. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 40:33-34.

Gardner, D. E., and F. F. Hendrix, Jr. 1973. Carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations in relation to survival and saprophytic growth of Pythium irregulare and Pythium vexans in soil. Canadian Journal of Botany 51:1593-1598.

Gardner, D. E., and O. S. Cannon. 1967. Resistance to Fusarium wilt in tomato and in cabbage. Phytopathology 57:1005.

Gardner, D. E., and O. S. Cannon. 1969. The nature of resistance in tomato and in cabbage to Fusarium wilt. Proceedings of the Utah Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters 46:152-159.

Gardner, D. E., and O. S. Cannon. 1972. Curly top viruliferous and nonviruliferous leafhopper feeding effects upon tomato seedlings. Phytopathology 62:183-186.

Gardner, D. E., and O. S. Cannon. 1972. Unusual symptomatology of curly top in susceptible-resistant grafted tomato plants. Phytopathology 62:187-190.

Gardner, D. E., and R. E. Burge. 1980. Approaches to the biocontrol of certain exotic trees using vascular wilt fungi. National Park Service and American Institute of Biological Sciences, (Spons.). Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Scientific Research in the National Parks, 1979. U. S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service; Washington, D. C. 8:447-451.

Gardner, D. E., and T. Flynn. 1996. Fern rusts of Hawai`i. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 35:41,43-44.

Gardner, D. E., and T. W. Flynn. 1998. Uredo maua, sp. nov., and Uromyces tairae: Additions to the rust flora of Hawai`i. Mycoscience 39:343-346.

Gardner, D. E., and V. A. D. Kageler. 1982. Herbicidal control of firetree in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park: A new approach. Ecological Services Bulletin 7. National Park Service; Washington, D. C. 13

Gardner, D. E., and V. A. D. Kageler. 1983. Glyphosate in the control of kikuyugrass, and its effects on associated native and nonnative plants in Hawaiian national parks. Cooperative Park Studies Unit (Dept. Botany)/Univ. Hawaii. Technical Report 49:20

Gardner, D. E., and V. A. D. Kageler. 1984. The apparent yellows disease of Dodonaea: Symptomatology and considerations of the etiology. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 23:7-16.

Gardner, D. E., and W. W. McCall. 1982. Response of broomsedge to soil fertility and lime. C. W. Smith, (ed.). Proceedings of the 4th Conference in Natural Sciences, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, 1982. CPSU (Dept. Botany)/Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu. 76-79

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Markin, G. P., D. E. Gardner, H. M. Norambuena, and R. G. Galdames. 1993. Evaluation of the rust fungus Phragmidium violaceum in Chile for the biocontrol of prickly Florida blackberry (Rubus argutus) in Hawai`i. Newsletter of the Hawaiian Botanical Society 32:62-65.

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Smathers, G. A., and D. E. Gardner. 1978. Stand analysis of an invading firetree (Myrica faya) population, Hawai`i. C. W. Smith, (ed.). Proceedings of the 2nd Conference in Natural Sciences, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, 1978. Cooperative Park Studies Unit (Dept. Botany)/Univ. Hawaii, Honolulu. 274-288

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Whiteaker, L. D., and D. E. Gardner. 1992. Firetree (Myrica faya) distribution in Hawai`i. C. P. Stone, C. W. Smith, and J. T. Tunison, (eds.). Alien plant invasions in native ecosystems of Hawai`i: Management and research. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu. 225-240

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