Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR)

Hoike o Haleakala
Hoike o Haleakala
Maui Environmental Education Curriculum

Hoike Home

Activity Search Tool

Teacher Discussion List

Alpine Aeolian Module

Rain Forest Module

Coastal Module

Marine Module

Hoike o Haleakala is a multi-disciplinary, science-based environmental education curriculum designed to help sustain the native Hawaiian landscape and culture by helping students establish and deepen connections to the land and the culture it supports. The Hoike curriculum supports State of Hawaii high school educational standards, particularly in the science disciplines. Each activity is correlated to state science standards, offering educators a way to fulfill educational requirements using local ecosystems and issues as a context. These materials help bring science home for students while fostering a strong science background and critical-thinking skills.

The Hoike o Haleakala curriculum is divided into four modules, each of which covers a discrete ecosystem on Haleakala (on the island of Maui, Hawaii).


Wolf spider
Alpine Aeolian Module
download page

Rain Forest Module
download page

Sea turtle
Coastal Module
download page

Trigger fish
Marine Module
download page

Hard copies of Hoike o Haleakala are available at Maui County public libraries... and high school libraries. At present, additional hard copies are not available. You can download the entire curriculum (11 mb), or visit the download page for each module to choose individual units and activities. To find out more about Hoike o Haleakala, or to schedule a school visit by a Hoike representative, contact hoike-info@lists.hawaii.edu.

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Supported in part by: the Strong Foundation, the Cooke Foundation, the Alexander & Baldwin Foundation, the Fred Baldwin Memorial Foundation, the Atherton Family Foundation, the Maui Invasive Species Committee, and the Hawaii Invasive Species Council.

Comments?  Questions?  Send e-mail to: webmaster@hear.org

This page was created on 23 June 2003 by PT, and was last updated on 20 October 2010 by by PN.
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