Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR) HEAR bibliography
Anas laysanensis

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Bibliographic citations for Anas laysanensis are provided by the Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR) (www.hear.org). For further information, contact webmaster@hear.org.

Additional information about Anas laysanensis may be available on HEAR's species information page for this species.

Breeden, J.H./Vekasy, M.S./Tweed, E./Reynolds, M.H. 2006. Nocturnal and Crepuscular Habitat Use and Home Ranges of Laysan Teal (Anas laysanensis) on Laysan Island. Hawaii Conservation Conference, Honolulu HI, July 2006.

Reynolds, M.H./Kozar, K. 2000. History and current status of the Laysan Duck (Anas laysanensis) in captivity. 'Elepaio 60(7): 59-65.

Reynolds, M.H./Kozar, K. 2000. Laysan duck (Anas laysanensis) Population Status and Translocation Feasibility Report. Unpublished technical report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Ecological Services), Honolulu Hawaii, Feb. 2000 (U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, Pacific Island Ecosystems Research Center, Honolulu, HI). 85 pp.

Reynolds, M.H./Vekasy, M./Flint, E. 2004. Population estimates and breeding success of Laysan Island's endangered duck (Anas laysanensis). Northwestern Hawaiian Islands 3rd Scientific Symposium, Honolulu HI, November 2004.

Reynolds, M.H./Kozar, K./Ritchotte, G.L./Woodworth, R./Vekasy, M./Walters, J.R. 2003. Habitat use and home range of the Laysan Teal (Anas laysanensis). Hawaii Conservation Conference, Honolulu HI, July 2003.

Klavitter, J./Reynolds, M./Vekasy, M./Laniawe, L./Bodeen, H. Freifeld T./Johnson, M. 2005. Translocation Planning and Habitat Restoration at Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge for Laysan Teal (Anas laysanensis) Recovery. Hawaii Conservation Conference, Honolulu HI, July 2005.

The Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk (HEAR) project is currently funded by the Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN) of the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) through PIERC (USGS) with support from HCSU (UH-Hilo). More details are available online. Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN)National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII)

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