Western Australia Department of Agriculture (AgWest) Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR) Global Compendium of Weeds (GCW) Global Compendium of Weeds
Typha domingensis (Typhaceae)

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Presented here is summary information about the species Typha domingensis from the Global Compendium of Weeds, and citations of references to this species as a weed. Definitions of terms are available in the GCW introduction View info about Adobe Acrobat PDF format. For further information--or to report corrections or concerns--contact webmaster@hear.org.

Synonyms/other Latin names:see GRIN ]

Status(es) (compiled for below "Data sources"): agricultural weed, environmental weed, naturalised, noxious weed, weed [for definitions, see the GCW introduction View info about Adobe Acrobat PDF format.]

Origin (native to where): [no info]

Data sources:

Acuna, G.J. (1974). Plantas Indeseables en Los Cultivos Cubanos. Academia de Ciencias, Insitituto de Investigaciones de Cuba, Havana. (agricultural weed)

Arasi Lawrence Company TM. Weeds of Egypt. (weed)

Auld, B.A. and Medd, R.W. (1992) WEEDS, An illustrated botanical guide to the weeds of Australia. Inkata Press, Melbourne. (weed)

CALFLORA DATABASE Summaries of geographic distribution, habitat, and lifeform data for the approximately 8400 vascular plant taxa known to be native or naturalized in California, based on published literature as well as specific documented observations. (weed)

Chris Buddenhagen and Melanie Newfield (pers comm. 2001) A list of potential and actual environmental weeds for New Zealand. Department of Conservation. (environmental weed)

Darrow, R.A. Erickson, L.C. Holstrum, J.T.Jnr., Miller, J.F., Scudder, W.F. and Williams, J.L. Jnr. (1966) Report of the Terminology Committee, Standardized Names of Weeds. WSSA (14), 346-386. Weed Science Society of America. (weed)

Groves, R.H., Shepherd, R.C.H. & Richardson, R.G. (1995) The Biology of Australian Weeds Vol 1. R.G. and F.J. Richardson, Melbourne. (agricultural weed, environmental weed)

Hussey, B.M.J., Keighery, G.J., Cousens, R.D., Dodd, J. and Lloyd. S.G. (1997). Western Weeds, a guide to the weeds of Western Australia. Plant Protection Society of Western Australia, Inc Western Australia. [list of images held in slide collection from original publication] (naturalised)

Inger Wallentinus (19??). Introduced Marine Algae and Vascular Plants in European Aquatic Enviroments. Department of Marine Botany, Göteborg University, Göteborg, Sweden. Appendix 1. Introduced vascular plants in aquatic environments in the different European areas, incuding also occasional species. (naturalised)

Kissman, K.G. (1991). Plantas Infestantes e Nocivas. Vol 1 - 2nd Ed. BASF. (weed)

Lindemann, H.V. (2006). La flora interactiva de las malezas de México. Colegio de Postgraduados en Ciencias Agrícolas. For comments please write to: malezasdemexico@yahoo.com.mx or heike@colpos.mx. (Dec, 2006) (weed)

MAF. New Zealand Unwanted Organisms List.

Marzocca, A. (1994). Guia Descriptiva De Malezas Del Cono Sur. Instituto Nacional De Tecnologia Agropecuaria. (weed)

ley and Sons NewYork, USA (weed)

Introduced (Naturalised) Flora of Ecuador: Catalogs on Web site of owners: http://www.ambiente.gov.ec/AMBIENTE/i3n2000 I3N.htm (If this link is broken, try www.ambiente.gov.ec, then access the data by clicking on "Ecuador Megadiverso" link at the top, then on "Biodiversidad del Ecuador" on the right, then on ""I3N"" on the left.) (naturalised) [ online info ]

Introduced (Naturalised) Species to the United States [USDA, NRCS 1999. The PLANTS database. National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70874-4490 USA. ] (naturalised)

Li Yanghan (1998). Weeds of China. Beijing: Agriculture Press. 1617 pages + 8 plates. This book describes 106 families, 591 genera, 1380 species, 11 subspecies, 60 varied species. In Chinese with Latin name, English name and Chinese name index. (weed)

Lorenzi, H. (2000). Plantas daninhas do Brasil. Terrestres, Aquaticas, Parasitas e Toxicas. 3rd Edition. Instituto Plantarum De Estudos Da Flora Ltda (weed)

en thoroughly scrutinized and do, in fact, represent an essentially complete checklist for the Hawaiian Islands. Other groups, however, are NOT complete, and only represent an unverified listing of what happens to be in the Bishop Museum specimen collection database. (naturalised)

Seja Bem Vindo ao Site Plantas Daninhas Aqui você encontrará diversas informaçoes, que estao sendo constantemente atualizadas. (MarcWilliams, G.H. (1982). Elseviers's Dictionary of Weeds of Western Europe. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company Amsterdam, Holland. (weed)

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The Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk (HEAR) project is currently funded by the Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN) of the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) through PIERC (USGS) with support from HCSU (UH-Hilo). More details are available online. Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN)National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII)

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Comments?  Questions?  Send e-mail to: webmaster@hear.org

This page was created on 13 September 2007 by PT, and was last updated on 04 October 2007 by PT based on data from Rod Randall's Global Compendium of Weeds database dated 24 January 2007. Valid HTML 4.01!