Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR) HEAR weed lists (& links to weed lists)

We actively solicit your input so we can include the highest-quality, most relevant sites for this index. Don't be surprised if your own (or other favorite) site is not referenced here; tell us about it so we can review it for possible inclusion.

USDA PLANTS database: invasive plants: the most comprehensive, up-to-date information on U.S. federal & state noxious weeds

See also:

U.S. federal noxious weed list

U.S. state lists of noxious weeds

For now, these links will go straight to the (official, if known/possible) noxious weed list for the listed state. Eventually, it is planned to have a page for each state with additional links (e.g. including text of the state laws, etc. if available).

There is also a more comprehensive listing of this type of info available on the USDA/ARS/GRIN website. Additionally, the USDA list of noxious weeds is searchable by state/etc. online. (The webmaster is currently trying to figure out the relationship, if any, between these two sites. Please contact the webmaster [webmaster@hear.org] if you can shed light on this issue.)

 new  Also, there is a publication entitled Halting the Invasion: State Tools for Invasive Species Management (produced by the Environmental Law Institute [ELI])) detailing (with analyses) state-by-state invasive species laws. Further information about this document is available online.

Alabama (AL)
Alaska (AK)
Arizona (AZ)
Arkansas (AR)
California (CA)
Colorado (CO)
Connecticut (CT)
Delaware (DE)
Florida (FL)
Georgia (GA)
Hawaii (HI) new
Idaho (ID)
Illinois (IL)
Indiana (IN)
Iowa (IA)
Kansas (KS)
Kentucky (KY)
Louisiana (LA)
Maine (ME)
Maryland (MD)
Massachusetts (MA)
Michigan (MI)
Minnesota (MN)
Mississippi (MS)
Missouri (MO)
Montana (MT)
Nebraska (NE)
Nevada (NV)
New Hampshire (NH)
New Jersey (NJ)
New Mexico (NM)
New York (NY)
North Carolina (NC)
North Dakota (ND)
Ohio (OH)
Oklahoma (OK)
Oregon (OR)
Pennsylvania (PA)
Rhode Island (RI)
South Carolina (SC)
South Dakota (SD)
Tennessee (TN)
Texas (TX)
Utah (UT)
Vermont (VT)
Virginia (VA)
Washington (WA)
Washington, DC (DC)
West Virginia (WV)
Wisconsin (WI)
Wyoming (WY)

USDA weed/seed publications

The USDA weed/seed publications site lists publications of the USDA Livestock and Seed Program Seed Regulatory and Testing Branch, including current state noxious weed seed requirements, text of the Federal Seed Act (FSA) & regulations, information about recordkeeping, requirements under the FSA for labelling treated seed, facts about labelling varieties of seed, and a variety names list. (link added 990421/pt)

Non-U.S. country/regional lists of noxious weeds

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This document was created on 16 April 1999 by PT, and was last updated on 31 May 2006 by PT. Thanks to all who have contributed information to this "Weed Lists" page! Valid HTML 4.01!