Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR) Lantana camara (Verbenaceae)
herbarium voucher specimen from Tahiti Island
(Society Islands/French Polynesia/Pacific region)

Presented here is information about a herbarium specimen (voucher) of Lantana camara (Verbenaceae) from Tahiti Island (Society Islands/French Polynesia/Pacific region). For further information, contact webmaster@hear.org.

Voucher number: BISH0000493171
Herbarium (or collector): Bishop Museum
Taxon name on voucher: Lantana camara L.
Represents which PIER taxon: Lantana camara (Verbenaceae)
Local name: n/a
Info current as of: 01 October 2003
PIER comments: n/a
Local name language: n/a
Deteriminer: n/a
Determination date: n/a
Determination institution: Bishop Museum (BISH)
Region: East Polynesia
Country: French Polynesia
Island group: n/a
Island: Tahiti
State/province: Society Islands
Town/city: n/a
Locality: Pirae. Quartier Grand, Propriété Maury.
PIER location: Tahiti Island (Society Islands/French Polynesia/Pacific region)
Habitat: Une forme ornementale, non épineuse, de L. camara, rare.
Elevation (lo/hi): 35 m
Coordinates: n/a
LAT/LON method: n/a
PLDesc: Arbrisseau 1,5 m. Feuilles vert franc, fleurs jaune d'or.
Collector: Florence, J.
Collection team: n/a
CollNumber: 2792
Collection date(s): 5.iv.1982
Voucher comment: n/a

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Comments?  Questions?  Send e-mail to: webmaster@hear.org

"n/a" (above) means "not applicable" or "not available," as appropriate. The template for this page was created on 26 September 2006 by PT; the page contents were last regenerated on 26 September 2006 by PT. W3C validity checker