Pathogens of plants of Hawaii
A product of USGS-PIERC

Hosts Pathogens Publications Images Database
Hosts Pathogens Publications Images Database

The USGS-PIERC Pathogens of plants of Hawaii website contains pathogen-host relationships, publications, images, and notes related to pathogens of plants of Hawaii.

This website was initially created based data in the USGS-PIERC Don Gardner Legacy Database, a compendium of information based on the work of Donald E. Gardner (University of Hawaii-Manoa): his publications, images, database of pathogens/hosts, and unpublished notes.

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Comments? Questions? e-mail  This page was created based on a 28 May 2004 design by Starr, and was last updated on 27 August 2005<--META tags edited 20061124/; trivial edit 20061114/> by PT.