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Heliotropium foertherianum
Diane & Hilger, Boraginaceae
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Present on Pacific Islands?  yes

Primarily a threat at high elevations?  no

Risk assessment results:  Evaluate; score: 4 (Hawaii-Pacific Weed Risk Assessment for Tournefortia argentea)

Other Latin names:  Argusia argentea (L. f.) Heine; Messerschmidia argentea (L. f.) I.M. Johnst.; Tournefortia argentea Linnaeus filius

Common name(s): [more details]

English: East Indian velvetleaf, beach heliotrope, tahinu, tree heliotrope, tree-heliotrope

Hawaiian: tahinu

Niuean: toihune t&amacron;ne

Samoan: la'au pepe, moegāpepe, tausuni, tausunu (probable misspelling of tausuni)

Tongan: touhuni

Unknown: tausuni, te ren, touhuni

Various: tausuni

Habit:  shrub/tree

Description:  Tournefortia (genus): "Shrubs, sometimes vines or treelets. Lvs usu alternate (rarely opposite). Infl terminal, coiled racemes (or panicles) of cymes; bracts absent. Flws bisexual; sep 5, free or basally joined; cor salver- or funnel-shaped, limb 5-lobed, back of lobes often keeled; stam 5, included in cor tube; style terminal, entire, or absent, stigma conical or shield-shaped. Frt a drupe, entire or 4-lobed, usu separating into 2 or 4 sections. Seed 1 or 2 per section." A Tropical Garden Flora, p. 199)

As Tournefourtia argentea Linnaeus filius: "Evergreen treelet usu to 15(-35)' tall; crown domed, trunk curved or gnarled, bark corky. Lvs crowded at bran ends, appearing whorled, sessile or nearly so; blades oblanceolate to obovate, 4-8" &mult; 1.3-3.5" , brittle-fleshy, both sides silky-hairy, base gradually tapering. Infl a panicle of coiled cymes, stalk to 6" long. Flws sessile, <0.2" long, crowded, 2-ranked; cor white, limb 5-lobed. Frt white, ±fleshy, ca 0.25" ⌀, glabrous. Seeds usu 2." (A Tropical Garden Flora, p. 199)

As Messerschmidia argentea: "Widely branching shrub or small tree up to 4 m. or more tall, young growth brittle and densely whitish--or buff--pubescent. Leaves alternate, clustered near ends of branches, obovate to spatulate, obtuse or acute, base wedge-shaped, entire, up to 20 cm. long and 8 cm. wide, densely silvery hairy. Flowers small, very numerous, white, sessile, in large, branching, long-pedunculate, scorpioid-cymose clusters; fruit round, four-parted, about 7 mm. in diameter." (Plants of Tonga, pp. 229-230)

Habitat/ecology:  "Tree heliotrope [PIER ed.: Heliotropium foertherianum as Tournefortia argentea L. f.] is native to all tropical seashores of the Indian and Pacific Oceans and sometimes occurs in inland saline habitats on sandy or limestome soils. . . . It is adapted to saline, nutrient-poor sand or limestone soils, salt spray and strong prevailing winds, and exposure to intense sunlight with high reflection from the ground and ocean surfaces." (A Tropical Garden Flora, p. 199) (note: but NOT native to Hawaii [GRIN])

Of "Messershmidia argentea (L.f.) Johnst." on Niue: "Its frequency and habitat are almost the same [PIER ed.: as Heliotropium anomalum], for it grows just above the Pemphis acidula band." (Sykes, 1970, p. 52)

Of Tournefortia argentea L. f. on Ta'u (American Samoa): "Occasional on the seaward edge of littoral forest." (Botanical Inventory of Ta'u Unit, p. 44)

In Tonga: "seaward margin of coastal forest fringe"; "along outer margin of seaside thicket"; "in thicket just above upper tidal limit along beach"; "[r]ather frequent near shore throughout Tonga." (Plants of Tonga, p. 230)

In Vanuatu: "Seashore." (Remarkable plants of Vanuatu. p. 48.)

Propagation:  "Generally propagated from seed, the tree is fast-growing, easy to care for, and pest free." (A Tropical Garden Flora, p. 199)

Native range:  "Native to tropical Asia, Madagascar, tropical Australia, and Polynesia . . . . (Manual of Flowering Plants of Hawaii, Wagner et al. 1999)." (Midway Atoll Vascular Plant Checklist, p. 36)

"Eastern Africa; Southeast Asia through Malesia and eastern Polynesia; to Marshall Islands and Kiribati in Micronesia" (Agroforestry Guides for Pacific Islands, p. 58)

Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, Madagascar, China, Japan, Taiwan, India, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea, Australia, Pacific Islands (Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Northern Mariana Islands, Cook Islands, French Polynesia, Fiji, New Caledonia, Niue, Samoa, Tonga) (GRIN)

Of "Messershmidia argentea (L.f.) Johnst.": "A widespread coastal plant in tropical Asia, Australia, and the Pacific islands east to Henderson Island." (Sykes, 1970, p. 52)

Of Tournefortia argentea L. f.: "ranging from Mauritius to southeastern Polynesia" (Botanical Inventory of Ta'u Unit, p. 44)

Impacts and invaded habitats:  "Dr. William Hillebrand reported tree heliotrope [PIER ed.: Heliotropium foertherianum as Tournefortia argentea L. f.] in cultivation in the [PIER ed.: Hawaiian] Islands during his residency (ca. 1851-1871).635 In 1917, J. F. Rock knew of single trees in Honolulu and Hale'iwa, O'ahu, and a few trees at Kahului, Maui. 1248 Since then it has become naturalized on beaches throughout the archipelago." (A Tropical Garden Flora, p. 199)


Country/Terr./St. &
Island group
Location Cited status &
Cited as invasive &
Cited as cultivated &
Cited as aboriginal introduction?
Reference &
American Samoa
American Samoa Islands
American Samoa Islands   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
American Samoa
Manu‘a Islands
Ofu Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
American Samoa
Manu‘a Islands
Ta‘u Island native
Whistler, W. A. (1992) (p. 44)
Vouchers cited: Garber 639; Whistler 3214, 7768
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (US)
Northern Mariana Islands
Maug Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (US)
Northern Mariana Islands
Northern Mariana Islands   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Cook Islands
Cook Islands
Cook Islands   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Cook Islands
Northern Cook Islands
Nassau Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Cook Islands
Northern Cook Islands
Penrhyn (Tongareva) Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Cook Islands
Southern Cook Islands
Mangaia Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Federated States of Micronesia
Chuuk Islands
Chuuk Islands   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Federated States of Micronesia
Federated States of Micronesia
Carim Islet   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Federated States of Micronesia
Federated States of Micronesia
Fassarai Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Federated States of Micronesia
Kosrae Island
Kosrae Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Federated States of Micronesia
Mortlock Group
Moch Islet   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Federated States of Micronesia
Mortlock Group
Saponoch Islet   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Federated States of Micronesia
Pohnpei Islands
Pohnpei Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Federated States of Micronesia
Woleai Atoll
Falalap   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Federated States of Micronesia
Yap Islands
Ifalik (Ifaluk) Atoll   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Fiji Islands
Fiji Islands   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Fiji Islands
Viti Levu Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
French Polynesia
Bora Bora
Motu Tevairoa   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
French Polynesia
French Polynesia Islands
French Polynesia Islands   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
French Polynesia
Tuamotu Archipelago
Ana‘a Atoll   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
French Polynesia
Tuamotu Archipelago
Raro‘ia Atoll   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
French Polynesia
Tuamotu Archipelago
Vanavana (Vana Vana) Atoll   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Guam Island
Guam Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
State of Hawaii
Hawaiian Islands
Hawai‘i (Big) Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
State of Hawaii
Hawaiian Islands
Kaua‘i Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
State of Hawaii
Hawaiian Islands
Maui Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
State of Hawaii
Hawaiian Islands
Moloka‘i Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
State of Hawaii
Hawaiian Islands
O‘ahu Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Kiribati (Republic of)   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Tungaru (Gilbert) Islands
Tarawa Atoll   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Marshall Islands
Marshall Islands
Airukiraru Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Marshall Islands
Marshall Islands
Bikajle Islet (Bigatyelang Island)   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Marshall Islands
Marshall Islands
Enewetak Atoll   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Marshall Islands
Marshall Islands
Marshall Islands   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Marshall Islands
Marshall Islands
Namdrik Atoll   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
New Caledonia
New Caledonia Archipelago
New Caledonia (island)   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Niue Island Sykes, W. R. (1970) (p. 52)
reference didn't state explicitly whether this taxon was considered native; dVouchers cited: CHR 169741, CHR 169742, CHR 169743
Niue Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Oceania   Ramon, Laurence/Sam, Chanel (2015) (p. 48)
Polynesia   Yuncker, T. G. (1959) (p. 230)
"Tournefortia argentea L. f. in Hemsley's list."
Polynesia (U.S.-administered islands)   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Hatohobei Group
Helen Reef   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Hatohobei Group
Tobi Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Ngaiangas   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Palau (Belau ) (main island group)
Babeldaob Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Palau (Belau ) (main island group)
Koror (Oreor) Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Palau (Belau ) (main island group)
Palau Islands (main island group)   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Palau (Belau ) (main island group)
Urukthapel (Gaiangas) Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Rock Islands (Chelbacheb)
Ngkesiil Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Sonsorol Group
Sonsorol Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea (eastern New Guinea Island)
Papua New Guinea (eastern New Guinea Island)   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Pitcairn Islands
Pitcairn Islands
Pitcairn Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Pitcairn Islands
Pitcairn Islands
Pitcairn Islands   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Samoa   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Western Samoa Islands
Western Samoa Islands   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands
Guadalcanal Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands
Nendo Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands
New Georgia Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Ha‘apai Group
Lifuka Island   Yuncker, T. G. (1959) (p. 230)
Voucher cited: Yuncker 15712; "Tournefortia argentea L. f. in Hemsley's list."
Tonga Islands
Hakautu'utu'u Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Tonga Islands
Tonga Islands   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Tonga Islands
Tonga Outliers   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Tongatapu Group
‘Eua Island   Yuncker, T. G. (1959) (p. 230)
Voucher cited: Yuncker 15538; "Tournefortia argentea L. f. in Hemsley's list."
Tongatapu Group
‘Eua Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Tongatapu Group
Tongatapu Island   Yuncker, T. G. (1959) (p. 230)
Voucher cited: Yuncker 15130; "Tournefortia argentea L. f. in Hemsley's list."
Tongatapu Group
Tongatapu Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Vava‘u Group
Vava‘u Island   Yuncker, T. G. (1959) (p. 230)
Source: Crosby; "Tournefortia argentea L. f. in Hemsley's list."
Tuvalu (Ellis) Islands
Tuvalu Islands   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
United States (other Pacific offshore islands)
Palmyra Atoll
Cooper Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
New Hebrides Islands
Aniwa Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
New Hebrides Islands
Êfaté (Efete) Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
New Hebrides Islands
Erromango Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
New Hebrides Islands
Espirito Santo Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
New Hebrides Islands
Hiou   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
New Hebrides Islands
Malakula (Malekula) Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
New Hebrides Islands
Mota Lava (Saddle) Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
New Hebrides Islands
Pentecôte (Pentacost) Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
New Hebrides Islands
Vanua Lava Island   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
New Hebrides Islands
Vanuatu (Republic of)   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
New Hebrides Islands
Vanuatu (Republic of)   Ramon, Laurence/Sam, Chanel (2015) (p. 48)
Wallis and Futuna
Wallis and Futuna (Horne) Islands
Wallis and Futuna Islands   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Pacific Rim
Country/Terr./St. &
Island group
Location Cited status &
Cited as invasive &
Cited as cultivated &
Cited as aboriginal introduction?
Reference &
Asia (southern)   Ramon, Laurence/Sam, Chanel (2015) (p. 48)
Asia (tropical)   Yuncker, T. G. (1959) (p. 230)
"Tournefortia argentea L. f. in Hemsley's list."
Australia (continental)
Australia (continental)   Yuncker, T. G. (1959) (p. 230)
"Tournefortia argentea L. f. in Hemsley's list."
Malaysia (country of)   Yuncker, T. G. (1959) (p. 230)
"Tournefortia argentea L. f. in Hemsley's list."
Indian Ocean
Country/Terr./St. &
Island group
Location Cited status &
Cited as invasive &
Cited as cultivated &
Cited as aboriginal introduction?
Reference &
Indian Ocean islands
Indian Ocean islands
Indian Ocean islands   Ramon, Laurence/Sam, Chanel (2015) (p. 48)
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)
Also reported from
Country/Terr./St. &
Island group
Location Cited status &
Cited as invasive &
Cited as cultivated &
Cited as aboriginal introduction?
Reference &
Caribbean Islands
Caribbean Islands
Puerto Rico   Consortium of Pacific Herbaria (2018)

Comments:  Present in Hawaii (Alien plant invasions in native ecosystems in Hawaii, p. 200; p. 212); ". . . in Hawai'i naturalized and common in coastal areas of Kure, Midway, and Pearl and Hermes atolls, Lisianski, Laysan, French Frigate Shoals, and all of the main islands except Kaho'olawe (Manual of Flowering Plants of Hawaii, Wagner et al. 1999)." (Midway Atoll Vascular Plant Checklist, p. 36)

Used/recommended for various purposes in the Pacific Islands (Agroforestry Guides for Pacific Islands, pp. 49, 90, 163)

Native to certain Pacific Islands (Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Northern Mariana Islands, Cook Islands, French Polynesia, Fiji, New Caledonia, Niue, Samoa, Tonga) (GRIN)

Control:  If you know of control methods for Heliotropium foertherianum, please let us know.

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This page was created on 12 SEP 2017 and was last updated on 21 MAY 2018.