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Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum
Hort., Begoniaceae
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Present on Pacific Islands?  yes

Primarily a threat at high elevations?  no

Common name(s): [more details]

English: bedding begonia, perpetual begonia, wax begonia

French: bégonia semperflorens

Spanish: begonia perpetua

Habit:  herb

Description:  "Fibrous-rooted, bushy herbs to c. 30 cm high; stems succulent and much-branched.  Leaves with large scarious stipules; petiole reddish, to c. 3 cm long; lamina to c. 8 x 6 cm (larger in cultivation), broadly ovate, usually partly folded lengthways, semi-succulent, glossy above, glabrous except for the sparsely ciliate, reddish, undulate margin; base almost symmetric to somewhat oblique.  Flowers in small axillary clusters toward stem apices.  Male flowers:  sepals 2, 1.5 - c. 2.5 cm diameter, almost orbicular, white, pink or rose; petals 2, c. 1.0 x 0.5 cm, narrowly elliptic-obovate, coloured similarly.  Female flowers smaller; sepals 3; petals 2.  Ovary with 3, broad, pink to red wings.  Stigmas spirally twisted"  (Webb et al., 1988; p. 354).

Habitat/ecology:  In Fiji, "cultivated in Fiji at low elevations and also an occasional weed in shade houses and along roadsides."  In Samoa, "uncommon to locally common in disturbed mountain forests of central Upolu" (Whistler, 1988; p. 7). In New Zealand, "warmer coastal areas in N. Auckland and Auckland. Roadside banks or steep slopes in and near settlements, either in open sites or in partial shade, an occasional escape from cultivation" (Webb et al., 1988; p. 354).

Propagation:  Seed

Native range:  Only cultivated (GRIN).


Country/Terr./St. &
Island group
Location Cited status &
Cited as invasive &
Cited as cultivated &
Cited as aboriginal introduction?
Reference &
American Samoa
Tutuila Islands
Tutuila Island   Anon. (1988) (p. 1)
Ecuador (Galápagos Islands)
Floreana Group
Floreana Island introduced
Charles Darwin Foundation (2008)
Ecuador (Galápagos Islands)
San Cristóbal Group
San Cristóbal Island introduced
Charles Darwin Foundation (2008)
Ecuador (Galápagos Islands)
Santa Cruz Group
Santa Cruz Island introduced
Charles Darwin Foundation (2008)
Fiji Islands
Viti Levu Island introduced
Smith, Albert C. (1981) (p. 691)
Vouchers cited: DA 9573, DA 16746, DA 16749
Guam Island
Guam Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1979) (p. 192)
Begonia spp. hybrids
Marshall Islands
Ralik Chain
Kwajalein (Kuwajleen) Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1979) (p. 192)
Begonia spp. hybrids
New Caledonia
New Caledonia Archipelago
Île Grande Terre introduced
MacKee, H. S. (1994) (p. 21)
Voucher cited: MacKee 25712
Niue Island introduced
Space, James C./Waterhouse, Barbara M./Newfield, Melanie/Bull, Cate (2004) (p. 39)
Persisting from cultivation.
Palau (Belau ) (main island group)
Koror (Oreor) Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1979) (p. 192)
Begonia spp. hybrids
Palau (Belau ) (main island group)
Koror (Oreor) Island introduced
Space, James C./Waterhouse, Barbara/Miles, Joel E./Tiobech, Joseph/Rengulbai, Kashgar (2003) (p. 96)
Western Samoa Islands
Upolu Island   Whistler, W. A. (1988) (p. 7)
Pacific Rim
Country/Terr./St. &
Island group
Location Cited status &
Cited as invasive &
Cited as cultivated &
Cited as aboriginal introduction?
Reference &
New Zealand
New Zealand
New Zealand (country) introduced
Webb, C. J./Sykes, W. R./Garnock-Jones, P. J. (1988) (p. 354)
"Roadside banks or steep slopes in and near settlements, either in open sites or in partial shade, an occasional escape from cultivation".
Indian Ocean
Country/Terr./St. &
Island group
Location Cited status &
Cited as invasive &
Cited as cultivated &
Cited as aboriginal introduction?
Reference &
Australia (Indian Ocean offshore islands)
Christmas Island Group
Christmas Island introduced
Swarbrick, J. T. (1997) (p. 106)
Begonia spp. hybrids

Comments:  Other naturalizing begonias in Hawai‘i (Wagner et al., 1999; pp. 383-384):
Begonia foliosa
Kunth: "cultivated and apparently sparingly naturalized".
Begonia hirtella
Link: "naturalized, and sometimes locally common, in disturbed, wet, shaded sites, especially moist banks, 450-940m".
Begonia reniformis
Dryander: "naturalized in usually dry, open or shaded, disturbed sites".

Control:  If you know of control methods for Begonia x semperflorens-cultorum, please let us know.

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This page was created on 10 AUG 2002 and was last updated on 2 MAR 2013.