L., Fabaceae |
Present on Pacific Islands? yes
Primarily a threat at high elevations? no
Common name(s): [more details]
Chinese: bai hua yang ti jia |
English: dwarf white bauhinia, snowy orchid tree, white orchid tree |
Habit: shrub
Description: "Cultivated shrub to 3 m tall; young stems, petioles and inflorescence axes with sparse curled pubescence. Stipules lance-linear, 5-12 mm long, acuminate, curled puberulent, caducous; largest colleter swollen, divergent, 1.5-2.1 mm long. Leaves with petioles 1.5-4 cm long; blades ovate, broadly ovate or suborbicular, 5.4-11.3 (20) x 3.7-11.3 cm, divided about 1/3 their length, membranous, glabrous adaxially, densely puberulent abaxially, base cordate to rounded, apex of lobes acute. Inflorescences axillary racemes, 2.5-5.8 cm long; peduncles negligible; bracts and bracteoles lance-linear, 3-9 mm long, puberulent, especially on margins, caducous. Flowers with pedicel 6-12 mm long; hypanthium 5-9 mm long; calyx limb spathaceous, 28-37 mm long, with few scattered hairs abaxially, apex of 5 spidery lobes 1.7-4.1 mm long; petals not clawed, elliptic to oblanceolate, 39-49 (60) x 20-25 (30) mm, glabrous, white; fertile stamens 10, filaments strigose at base; ovary stipitate, strigose on sutures, stigma peltate, bilobed. Legumes linear, 7.5-15 x 1.7-1.8 cm, glabrous, brown; seeds suborbicular, ca. 10 mm in diameter" (Howard, 1988; pp. 380, 382).
Habitat/ecology: Full sun to partial shade, average water needs, soil pH 5.6-6.5 (mildly acidic to acidic) (Dave's Garden).
Propagation: Seed
Native range: Southeast Asia, possibly Indonesia, Malaysia or the Philippines; exact native range obscure. Cultivated and naturalized in tropical Asia (GRIN). "A native of SE Asia and perhaps also wild in parts of Malesia, widely cultivated throughout the tropics" (Verdcourt, 1979; p. 114).
Pacific | |||
Country/Terr./St. & Island group |
Location |
Cited status &
Cited as invasive & Cited as cultivated & Cited as aboriginal introduction? |
Reference &
Comments |
Federated States of Micronesia
Pohnpei Islands |
Pohnpei Island |
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1979) (p. 95) |
Federated States of Micronesia
Pohnpei Islands |
Pohnpei Island |
cultivated |
Herrera, Katherine/Lorence, David H./Flynn, Timothy/Balick, Michael J. (2010) (p. 88)
Voucher cited: S.F. Glassman 2838 (BISH) |
Federated States of Micronesia
Pohnpei Islands |
Pohnpei Island |
Bishop Museum (Honolulu) (1949) (voucher ID: BISH 153088)
Taxon name on voucher: Bauhinia acuminata L. |
French Polynesia
Marquesas Islands |
Fatu Hiva Island |
cultivated |
Lorence, David H./Wagner, Warren L. (2013) |
Palau (Belau ) (main island group) |
Koror (Oreor) Island |
cultivated |
Space, James C./Waterhouse, Barbara/Miles, Joel E./Tiobech, Joseph/Rengulbai, Kashgar (2003) (p. 79) |
Papua New Guinea
Bismarck Archipelago |
Bismarck Archipelago |
Peekel, P. G. [translated by E. E. Henty] (1984) (p. 216) |
Philippine Islands |
Philippine Islands |
possibly native
U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (2013) |
Philippine Islands |
Philippine Islands |
probably introduced
invasive |
Merrill, Elmer D. (1923) (p. 258)
In dry thickets at low and medium altitudes, probably introduced. |
Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands |
Solomon Islands |
cultivated |
Hancock, I. R./Henderson, C. P. (1988) (p. 50) |
Pacific Rim | |||
Country/Terr./St. & Island group |
Location |
Cited status &
Cited as invasive & Cited as cultivated & Cited as aboriginal introduction? |
Reference &
Comments |
Australia (continental) |
Queensland |
Waterhouse, Barbara (year unknown) |
China |
China (People's Republic of) |
Zhengyi, Wu/Raven, Peter H./Deyuan, Hong (2013) |
China |
Hong Kong |
cultivated |
Wu, Te-lin (2001) (p. 133)
Ornamental. |
Indonesia |
Indonesia (Republic of) |
possibly native
U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (2013) |
Ryukyu Islands |
Ryukyu Islands |
ILDIS Co-ordinating Centre (2013) |
Malaysia |
Malaysia (country of) |
invasive |
U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (2013)
Possibly native Borneo Naturalized |
Singapore |
Singapore (Republic of) |
cultivated |
Chong, Kwek Yan/Tan, Hugh T. W./Corlett, Richard T. (2009) (p. 18)
Cultivated only |
Taiwan Island |
Taiwan Island |
ILDIS Co-ordinating Centre (2013) |
Indian Ocean | |||
Country/Terr./St. & Island group |
Location |
Cited status &
Cited as invasive & Cited as cultivated & Cited as aboriginal introduction? |
Reference &
Comments |
Mautitius Islands (Mauritius and Rodrigues) |
Mauritius Island |
ILDIS Co-ordinating Centre (2013) |
Comments: Naturalizing on the Cape York Peninsula, Australia (Barbara Waterhouse, pers. com.).
Control: If you know of control methods for Bauhinia acuminata, please let us know.