This table lists all species profiled on PIER with the genus beginning with the letter J. An alphabetical index to all PIER species is also available. Also, the complete alphabetical of all PIER species is available, but it is a large list and may take a while to load on systems with slower internet connections. It includes those of environmental concern (including those that are probably of threat only to islands with high elevations) as well as agricultural and ruderal weeds. Each species is linked by its scientific name to an individual write-up containing relevant information.
Species are listed in alphabetic order. You can browse this list or use the "find" function on your web browser to search by scientific name.
Can't find it here? Check the list of synonyms for other names (the more common synonyms are included below) or search other lists and databases available on the Internet.
Stumped by botanical terms? Here are links to a brief glossary and a search engine for botanical terms.
Scientific name (+Family) | Often-used other Latin names | Habit |
Present on
Pacific Islands? |
Primarily a threat
at high elevations? |
Jacaranda mimosifolia (Bignoniaceae) | Jacaranda chelonia Griseb.; Jacaranda ovalifolia R. Br. | tree | Yes | No |
Jasminum dichotomum (Oleaceae) | shrub | Yes | No | |
Jasminum fluminense (Oleaceae) | vine | Yes | No | |
Jasminum polyanthum (Oleaceae) | vine | Yes | No | |
Jasminum sambac (Oleaceae) | Nyctanthes sambac L.; Nyctanthes undulata L. | vine | Yes | No |
Jatropha curcas (Euphorbiaceae) | shrub | Yes | No | |
Jatropha gossypiifolia (Euphorbiaceae) | Jatropha staphysagrifolia Mill. | shrub | Yes | No |
Jatropha multifida (Euphorbiaceae) | shrub | Yes | No | |
Juglans neotropica (Juglandaceae) | Juglans columbiensis Dode; Juglans honorei Dode | tree | Yes | No |
Juncus acutus (Juncaceae) | rush | No | No | |
Juncus bufonius (Juncaceae) | rush | Yes | Yes | |
Juncus effusus (Juncaceae) | rush | Yes | Yes | |
Juncus tenuis (Juncaceae) | rush | Yes | No | |
Juniperus bermudiana (Cupressaceae) | tree | Yes | No | |
Justicia aurea (Acanthaceae) | Justicia umbrosa Benth. | herb | Yes | No |
Justicia betonica (Acanthaceae) | Nicoteba betonica (L.) Lindau | herb | Yes | No |
Justicia carnea (Acanthaceae) | Jacobinia carnea (Lindl.) G. Nicholson; Jacobinia magnifica (Nees) Voss; Jacobinia velutina (Nees) Voss; Justicia magnifica Pohl ex Nees, nom. inval. | shrub | Yes | No |
Justicia gendarussa (Acanthaceae) | Gendarussa vulgaris Nees | herb | Yes | No |
Justicia pectoralis (Acanthaceae) | herb | No | No | |
Justicia procumbens (Acanthaceae) | herb | Yes | No | |
Justicia spicigera (Acanthaceae) | shrub | Yes | No |