This table lists all species profiled on PIER with the genus beginning with the letter G. An alphabetical index to all PIER species is also available. Also, the complete alphabetical of all PIER species is available, but it is a large list and may take a while to load on systems with slower internet connections. It includes those of environmental concern (including those that are probably of threat only to islands with high elevations) as well as agricultural and ruderal weeds. Each species is linked by its scientific name to an individual write-up containing relevant information.
Species are listed in alphabetic order. You can browse this list or use the "find" function on your web browser to search by scientific name.
Can't find it here? Check the list of synonyms for other names (the more common synonyms are included below) or search other lists and databases available on the Internet.
Stumped by botanical terms? Here are links to a brief glossary and a search engine for botanical terms.
Scientific name (+Family) | Often-used other Latin names | Habit |
Present on
Pacific Islands? |
Primarily a threat
at high elevations? |
Gaillardia pulchella (Asteraceae) | herb | Yes | No | |
Galactia tenuiflora (Fabaceae) | Glycine tenuiflora Klein ex Willd. | vine | Yes | No |
Galega officinalis (Fabaceae) | Galega bicolor Boiss. & Hausskn. ex Regel; Galega patula Steven | herb | Yes | No |
Galinsoga parviflora (Asteraceae) | herb | Yes | No | |
Galinsoga quadriradiata (Asteraceae) | Galinsoga ciliata (Raf.) S. F. Blake | herb | Yes | No |
Galium aparine (Rubiaceae) | herb | Yes | No | |
Gamochaeta americana (Asteraceae) | Gnaphalium americanum Mill. | herb | Yes | No |
Gamochaeta pensylvanica (Asteraceae) | Gnaphalium pensylvanicum Willd. | herb | Yes | No |
Gamochaeta purpurea (Asteraceae) | Gnaphalium purpureum L. | herb | Yes | No |
Gamochaeta stachydifolia (Asteraceae) | Gnaphalium stachydifolium Lam. | herb | Yes | No |
Garcinia xanthochymus (Clusiaceae) | Garcinia tinctoria (DC.) W. Wight, orth. var. | tree | Yes | No |
Gastridium phleoides (Poaceae) | Lachnagrostis phleoides Nees & Meyen | grass | Yes | Yes |
Gazania rigens var. leucolaena (Asteraceae) | Gazania leucolaena DC. | herb | Yes | No |
Genista monspessulana (Fabaceae) | Cytisus monspessulanus L.; Teline monspessulana (L.) K. Koch | shrub | Yes | No |
Geonoma interrupta (Arecaceae) | Geonoma binervia Oerst.; Geonoma euspatha Burret; Geonoma martinicensis Mart.; Geonoma oxycarpa Mart. | tree | No | No |
Geranium pusillum (Geraniaceae) | herb | Yes | No | |
Gliricidia sepium (Fabaceae) | Gliricidia maculata (Kunth) Kunth ex Walp. | tree | Yes | No |
Gloriosa superba (Colchicaceae) | Gloriosa abyssinica A. Rich.; Gloriosa simplex auct.; Gloriosa speciosa (Hochst.) Engl.; Gloriosa virescens Lindl. | herb | Yes | No |
Glycine tabacina (Fabaceae) | Glycine koidzumii Ohwi | herb | Yes | No |
Gmelina arborea (Verbenaceae) | tree | Yes | No | |
Gmelina asiatica (Verbenaceae) | shrub | No | No | |
Gmelina elliptica (Verbenaceae) | shrub | Yes | No | |
Gnaphalium aldunateoides (Asteraceae) | Gnaphalium insulare Phil. | herb | Yes | Yes |
Gnaphalium cheiranthifolium (Asteraceae) | herb | Yes | No | |
Gomphocarpus fruticosus (Apocynaceae) | Asclepias decipiens N. E. Br.; Asclepias flavida N. E. Br.; Asclepias fruticosa L.; Asclepias rostrata N. E. Br.; Asclepias setosus Forssk. | shrub | Yes | No |
Gomphocarpus physocarpus (Apocynaceae) | Asclepias brasiliensis (E. Fourn.) Schltr.; Asclepias physocarpa (E. Mey.) Schlechter; Gomphocarpus brasiliensis E. Fourn. | shrub | Yes | No |
Gomphrena celosioides (Amaranthaceae) | Gomphrena alba Peter | herb | Yes | No |
Gomphrena globosa (Amaranthaceae) | herb | Yes | No | |
Gomphrena serrata (Amaranthaceae) | Gomphrena decumbens Jacq. | herb | Yes | No |
Gossypium barbadense (Malvaceae) | Gossypium brasiliense Macfad.; Gossypium peruvianum Cav. | shrub | Yes | No |
Gossypium hirsutum (Malvaceae) | Gossypium punctatum Schumach.; Gossypium religiosum L.; Gossypium taitense Parl. | shrub | Yes | No |
Gouania polygama (Rhamnaceae) | Gouania tomentosa Jacq.; Rhamnus polygama Jacq. | herb | Yes | No |
Grevillea banksii (Proteaceae) | tree | Yes | No | |
Grevillea robusta (Proteaceae) | tree | Yes | No | |
Grevillea rosmarinifolia (Proteaceae) | shrub | No | No | |
Grewia asiatica (Malvaceae) | Grewia subinaequalis DC.; Microcos lateriflora L. | tree | Yes | No |
Grewia micrantha (Malvaceae) | shrub/tree | Yes | No | |
Grewia truncata (Malvaceae) | Grewia retusa Chiov. | shrub/tree | Yes | No |
Guadua angustifolia (Poaceae) | Bambusa guadua Bonpl.; Guadua aculeata Rupr. ex E. Fourn. | grass | Yes | No |
Guaiacum sanctum (Zygophyllaceae) | Guaiacum guatemalense Planch. ex Rydb. | shrub/tree | Yes | No |
Gutierrezia sarothrae (Asteraceae) | Gutierrezia diversifolia Greene; Solidago sarothrae Pursh; Xanthocephalum sarothrae (Pursh) Shinners | herb | No | No |
Guzmania lindenii (Bromeliaceae) | Massangea lindenii André | bromeliad | No | No |
Gymnocoronis spilanthoides (Asteraceae) | Alomia spilanthoides D. Don ex Hook. & Arn.; Gymnocoronis attenuata DC. | herb | No | No |
Gymnosporia emarginata (Celastraceae) | Celastrus emarginata Willd.; Maytenus emarginata (Willd.) Ding Hou | shrub | Yes | No |
Gynandropsis gynandra (Cleomaceae) | Cleome gynandra L.; Cleome pentaphylla L.; Gynandropsis pentaphylla (L.) DC. | herb | Yes | No |