Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER)

Report on invasive plant species in Palau (2008 survey)

Appendix 7.  Presence of other invasive species within Palau

Table 1. Other species present elsewhere in Palau but not on Koror, Ngerkebesang or Malakal

Table 2. Other species present elsewhere in Palau but not on Babeldaob

Table 3. Other species present elsewhere in Palau but not on Angaur

Table 4. Other species present elsewhere in Palau but not on Kayangel

Table 5. Other species present elsewhere in Palau but not on Peleliu

Table 6. Other species present elsewhere in Palau but not on Ngercheu

Table 7. Other species present elsewhere in Palau but not on the Rock Islands

Table 8. Other species present elsewhere in Palau but not in Sonsorol State

Table 9. Other species present elsewhere in Palau but not in Hatohobei State


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