Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk (PIER)

Report on invasive plant species in Palau (2008 survey)

Appendix 1.  Invasive plant species of Palau

Table 1. Species that are subjects of eradication programs
Table 2. Major species that are invasive or potentially invasive in Palau
Table 3. Other species of concern that are known to be weedy or invasive elsewhere and are common, weedy or cultivated in Palau
Table 4. Other invasive plant species seen or reported to be present in Palau, mostly of low risk or agricultural concern
Table 5. Native species (or Micronesian introductions) that can exhibit aggressive behavior

Table 1. Species that are subjects of eradication programs

Scientific Name

Common Names



Imperata cylindrica English: blady grass, cogon grass, satintail; Palauan: kasoring Poaceae grass
**Indigofera hirsuta English: hairy indigo, rough hairy indigo Fabaceae shrub
**Ipomoea hederifolia English: ivy-leaf morning glory, star ipomoea, trompillo Convolvulaceae vine
Mikania micrantha English: mile-a-minute weed, Chinese creeper, American rope, bittervine; Palauan: teb el yas Asteraceae vine
**Praxelis clematidea English: praxelis Asteraceae herb
**Schefflera actinophylla English: octopus tree, umbrella tree, ivy palm Araliaceae tree
*Spathodea campanulata English: African tulip tree, fireball, fountain tree; Palauan: orsachel kui Bignoniaceae tree


Table 2. Major species that are invasive or potentially invasive in Palau

Scientific Name

Common Names



*Acacia farnesiana English: Ellington curse, klu, sweet acacia Fabaceae shrub
Adenanthera pavonina English: coral bean tree, red sandalwood tree, red bead tree; Palauan: telengtúngd, telentundalel Fabaceae tree
Allamanda cathartica English: yellow trumpet vine, golden trumpet, golden allamanda, golden cup Apocynaceae vine
Alternanthera brasiliana English: Brazilian joyweed, Joseph’s coat Amaranthaceae herb
Antigonon leptopus English: Mexican creeper, hearts on a chain, coral vine; Palauan: dilngau Polygonaceae vine
Arundo donax English: giant reed, Spanish reed, wild cane Poaceae grass
*Asparagus densiflorus English: asparagus fern, sprengeri fern, smilax, regal fern Liliaceae herb
Calamus spp. English: rattan; Palauan: bangerenguis ra ngebard Arecaceae vine
Chromolaena odorata English: chromolaena; Palauan: kesengesil, ngesngesil Asteraceae shrub
†† Cinnamomum verum English: cinnamon tree; Palauan: ochod ra ngebard Lauraceae tree
Clerodendrum quadriloculare English: bronze-leaved clerodendrum; Palauan: kleuang Lamiaceae shrub
Clidemia hirta English: Koster’s curse, soap bush; Palauan: kúi, kui Melastomataceae shrub
*Cyperus involucratus English: umbrella sedge, umbrella plant, dwarf papyrus grass; Palauan: deus Cyperaceae sedge
*Datura metel English: datura, downy thorn-apple, Hindu datura, hoary thorn-apple, jimson-weed Solanaceae herb
Dieffenbachia seguine English: dieffenbachia, dumb cane Araceae herb
Dissotis rotundifolia English: dissotis, Spanish shawl, pink lady Melastomataceae herb
*Eichhornia crassipes English: water hyacinth; Palauan: bung el ralm Pontederiaceae aquatic herb
††Elaeocarpus angustifolius English: blue fig, blue marble tree, quandong (Australia) Elaeocarpaceae tree
Epipremnum pinnatum cv. 'Aureum' English: pothos, money plant Araceae vine
*¤Eugenia uniflora English: Surinam cherry, red Brazil cherry Myrtaceae shrub/ tree
Falcataria moluccana English: Molucca albizia; Palauan: ukall ra ngebard Fabaceae tree
*Flemingia macrophylla Fabaceae tree
Hedychium coronarium English: white ginger, butterfly lily, ginger lily, garland flower Zingiberaceae herb
*#Hevea brasiliensis English: hevea, Brazilian rubber tree, Para rubber tree Euphorbiaceae tree
Hyptis pectinata English: comb hyptis, comb bushmint, mint weed, purple top Lamiaceae herb
Ipomoea quamoclit English: Cupid's flower, cypress vine, cypressvine morning-glory, star of Bethlehem, star-glory, sweet-willy; Palauan: asangao Convolvulaceae vine
Lantana camara English: lantana Verbenaceae shrub
Leucaena leucocephala English: leucaena, wild tamarind, lead tree; Palauan: telengtungd, telentund Fabaceae tree
Melaleuca quinquenervia English: melaleuca, cajeput, paper bark tree, punk tree Myrtaceae tree
Melia azedarach English: Chinaberry, pride-of-India, indian lilac, Persian lilac, margosa tree, tira Meliaceae tree
Melinis minutiflora English: melinis, molasses grass Poaceae grass
Mimosa diplotricha English: giant sensitive plant, nila grass; Palauan: mechiuaiu Fabaceae shrub
Mimosa pudica English: sensitive grass, sensitive plant, shameplant, sleeping grass, touch-me-not; Palauan: mechiuaiu Fabaceae herb
Panicum maximum English: Guinea grass, green panic, buffalograss Poaceae grass
Pennisetum polystachion English: mission grass, feathery pennisetum; Palauan: desum Poaceae grass
*Pennisetum setaceum English: fountain grass Poaceae grass
*Pereskia aculeata English: Barbados gooseberry, leafy cactus, lemon vine, pereskia creeper, primitive cactus, Spanish gooseberry Cactaceae shrub
*Pistia stratiotes English: water lettuce, tropical duckweed Araceae aquatic herb
Pithecellobium dulce English: Madras thorn, Manila tamarind, sweet inga; Palauan: kamatsíri, kamatsiri Fabaceae tree
Pluchea carolinensis English: sour bush Asteraceae shrub
†Psidium cattleianum English: strawberry guava, cherry guava, Cattley guava, Chinese guava Myrtaceae tree
Psidium guajava English: guava; Palauan: guabang, kuabang Myrtaceae tree
Solanum torvum English: prickly solanum, devil's fig, turkeyberry, terongan Solanaceae shrub
Sphagneticola trilobata English: wedelia, trailing daisy, Singapore daisy, creeping ox-eye; Palauan: ngesil ra ngebard Asteraceae herb
Syngonium angustatum English: arrowhead plant, goosefoot plant Araceae vine
*†Syzygium cumini English: Java plum; jambolan plum; Palauan: mesegerak, mesekerrák, mesekerrak, mesigerak Myrtaceae tree
Tecoma stans English: yellow bells, yellow-elder, yellow trumpetbush Bignoniaceae small tree
Tephrosia candida English: white tephrosia, white hoary-pea Fabaceae shrub
Thunbergia grandiflora English: Bengal trumpet, blue trumpet vine, clock vine, skyvine, large-flowerd thunbergia; Palauan: bung el etiu Acanthaceae vine
Timonius timon English: liberal (Palau) Rubiaceae tree
Tradescantia spathacea English: oyster plant, boat plant, boat lily, moses in a boat; Palauan: kobesos Commelinaceae herb
Tradescantia zebrina English:  wandering zebrina, wandering jew, inchplant Commelinaceae herb
*Turnera subulata English: white alder Turneraceae shrub
Turnera ulmifolia English: yellow alder, sage rose, West Indian holly, ramgoat dashalong Turneraceae shrub
Vitex parviflora English: small-leaved vitex, smallflower chastetree Verbenaceae shrub/ tree

†Reported present by Fosberg et al. (1979)
††Reported present by Fosberg et al. (1979), no location given
#Voucher specimen at Bishop Museum Herbarium
¤Reported present by Miles (pers. com.)

Table 3. Other species of concern that are known to be weedy or invasive elsewhere and are common, weedy or cultivated in Palau

Scientific Name

Common Names



Abelmoschus moschatus English: fautia, musk mallow, musk okra; Palauan: gongul Malvaceae herb
+Abrus precatorius English: bead vine, coral bead plant, precatory, precatory bean, red beadvine, rosary pea Fabaceae vine
Acacia auriculiformis English: Papuan wattle, earleaf acacia, northern black wattle, ear-pod wattle Fabaceae tree
*Acacia confusa English: Formosa koa, Formosa acacia; Palauan: ianángi, yanangi Fabaceae tree
Acacia mangium English: mangium, brown salwood, black wattle, hickory wattle Fabaceae tree
Aeschynomene americana English: American joint vetch, joint vetch, shyleaf Fabaceae herb
*Agave sp. English: American aloe, century plant Agavaceae succulent
Agave sisalana English: sisal, sisal hemp Agavaceae succulent
*Albizia lebbeck English: siris-tree, rain tree, East Indian walnut; Palauan: ukall ra ngebard Fabaceae tree
Alocasia cucullata English: Chinese ape, Chinese taro Araceae herb
Alpinia purpurata English: red ginger Zingiberaceae herb
Amaranthus dubius English: amaranth, spleen amaranth Amaranthaceae herb
Amaranthus spinosus English: edlebur, needle burr, spiny amaranth, thorny pigweed Amaranthaceae herb
Angelonia angustifolia English: angelonia, narrowleaf angelon Scrophulariaceae herb
Argemone mexicana English: Mexican prickly-poppy, Mexican poppy, yellow thistle Papaveraceae herb
*Asystasia gangetica subsp. gangetica English: Chinese violet, Philippine violet, coromandel Acanthaceae herb
Axonopus compressus English: blanket grass, carpetgrass Poaceae grass
Bacopa procumbens Scrophulariaceae herb
*Barleria cristata English: crested Philippine violet, Philippine violet Acanthaceae shrub
Barleria lupulina English: hophead, Philippine violet Acanthaceae shrub
*Bauhinia acuminata English: dwarf white bauhinia Fabaceae tree
*Bauhinia monandra English: orchid-tree, St. Thomas-tree, Napoleon's plume Fabaceae tree
*Bauhinia purpurea English: purple orchid tree; purple butterfly tree Fabaceae tree
*Bauhinia variegata English: orchid tree; mountain ebony Fabaceae tree
Bothriochloa bladhii English: plains bluegrass, Australian bluestem, Caucasian bluestem; Palaluan: desum Poaceae grass
*Bryophyllum delagoense English: chandelier plant Crassulaceae succulent
Bryophyllum pinnatum English: life plant, air plant, resurrection plant, Canterbury bells, cathedral bells, Mexican love plant Crassulaceae succulent
Calopogonium mucunoides English: calopo Fabaceae vine
*Calotropis gigantea English: calotrope, crown flower, madar Ascelepiadaceae shrub
Canna indica English: canna, canna lily, Indian shot Cannaceae herb
Canna x generalis English: canna lily, common garden canna Cannaceae herb
Caryota mitis English: Burmese fishtail palm, clustered fishtail palm, tufted fishtail palm Arecaceae tree
*Ceiba pentandra English: kapok tree, silk-cotton tree, pacae; Palauan: kalngebárd, kalngebard, kerrekar ngebard Bombacaceae tree
Cenchrus brownii English: burgrass, burr grass, sand-bur, slimbristle sandbur Poaceae grass
Cenchrus echinatus English: burgrass, sand-bur, southern sandbur, Mossman River grass (Australia) Poaceae grass
Centrosema pubescens English: centro, butterfly-pea Fabaceae vine
Chamaecrista mimosoides English: Japanese tea; Palauan: ukellela chedip Fabaceae herb
Chamaecrista nictitans English: partridge pea, Japanese tea senna Fabaceae shrub
Chloris barbata English: swollen fingergrass Poaceae grass
Chloris radiata English: plush-grass, radiate fingergrass Poaceae grass
Chloris virgata English: feather finger grass, feathered chloris, feathertop Rhodes grass, feathery Rhodes grass, oldland grass, sweet grass Poaceae grass
Clerodendrum buchananii var. fallax English: red clerodendrum, pagoda-flower; Palauan: but a cherechar, butcherechár, butecherechar Lamiaceae shrub
Clerodendrum paniculatum English: pagoda plant, pagoda flower; Palauan: butcherechár, butecherechar Lamiaceae shrub
Clitoria ternatea English: butterfly pea, Asian pigeonwings; Palauan: kles Fabaceae vine
*Costus woodsonii English: Indian-head ginger, red cane; Hawaiian: ‘awapuhi ‘inikini po‘o Costaceae herb
Crinum asiaticum English: Asiatic poisonbulb, crinum, false spider lily, giant crinum lily, grand crinum, poisonbulb, spider lily; Palauan: bisecherad ra ngebard Liliaceae herb
Crotalaria micans English: crotalaria Fabaceae shrub
*Crotalaria retusa English: devil-bean, wedge-leaf crotalaria, wedge-leaf rattlepod Fabaceae herb
Crotalaria spectabilis English: rattlebox, showy crotalaria, showy rattlebox, showy rattlepod; Palauan: kuroteraria Fabaceae herb
Crotalaria trichotoma English: curara-pea Fabaceae herb
*Cryptostegia madagascariensis English: Madagascar rubbervine Ascelepiadaceae vine
Cynodon dactylon English: Bermuda grass, giant Bermuda grass, bahama grass, devil's grass, couch grass, Indian doab, grama, devilgrass, couchgrass, balama grass Poaceae grass
Cyperus compressus English: flat sedge Cyperaceae sedge
Cyperus difformis English: dirty-Dora, one-arm sedge, rice sedge, small-flower umbrella-plant, variable flat sedge Cyperaceae sedge
Cyperus distans English: slender cyperus Cyperaceae sedge
Cyperus rotundus English: nut grass, nutsedge, purple nutsedge, cocograss; Palauan tamanengi Cyperaceae sedge
Dactyloctenium aegyptium English: beach wiregrass, button grass, coast button grass, comb fringe grass, crowfoot grass, duck grass, finger comb grass Poaceae grass
Dentella repens English: dentella Rubiaceae herb
Derris elliptica English: derris; Palauan: deris, dub Fabaceae vine
Desmanthus pernambucanus English: pigeon bundleflower Fabaceae herb
#+Desmanthus virgatus English: slender mimosa, virgate mimosa Fabaceae shrub
Desmodium tortuosum English: Florida beggarweed, Spanish clover, dixie ticktrefoil Fabaceae herb
Digitaria ciliaris English: Henry's crabgrass, smooth crabgrass, tropical crab grass, large crab grass, southern crabgrass, fingergrass, summer grass Poaceae grass
#Digitaria violascens English: smooth crabgrass, violet crabgrass; Palauan: sau Poaceae grass
*Duranta erecta English: duranta, golden dewdrop, pigeon-berry, sky-flower Verbenaceae shrub
Echinochloa colona English: awnless barnyard grass (Australia), corn panic grass, Deccan grass, jungle ricegrass, jungle rice, millet-rice, shama millet; Palauan: uaum Poaceae grass
Echinochloa crus-galli English: barnyard grass, cockspur grass Poaceae grass
Elaeis guineensis English: African oil palm Arecaceae tree
Eleusine indica English: goosegrass, wiregrass, goose foot, crow's foot, bullgrass; Palauan: deskim, kelelamalk, keteketarmalk Poaceae grass
*Episcia reptans Gesneriaceae herb
Eragrostis atrovirens English: thalia love grass, wiry lovegrass; Palauan: ouemoket Poaceae grass
Eragrostis ciliaris English: gophertail grass, gophertail lovegrass, lovegrass, woolly love grass; Palauan: ouemoket Poaceae grass
†+Eragrostis pilosa English: hairy love grass, Indian love grass, soft lovegrass Poaceae grass
Erigeron bellioides English: bellorita, fleabane daisy Asteraceae herb
Eustachys petraea English: pinewoods fingergrass Poaceae grass
*Ficus benjamina English: weeping fig, baka, Java fig, weeping fig, Benjamin tree Moraceae tree
Flemingia strobilifera English: luck plant, wild hops; Palauan: besungelaiei, pesungel a iei Fabaceae shrub
*Gliricidia sepium English: mother of cacao, quickstick, Mexican lilac; Palauanr: rechesengel Fabaceae tree
#Gmelina asiatica English: badhara bush, Asiatic beechberry, oval-leafed gmelina; Palauan: kalngebang? Lamiaceae shrub
*Hamelia patens English: redhead, scarletbush Rubiaceae herb
Hemigraphis alternata English: metal leaf; red ivy, cemetery plant (Fiji) Acanthaceae herb
Hyptis capitata English: knobweed Lamiaceae herb
Imperata conferta English: plume grass Poaceae grass
Inga edulis English: ice cream bean Fabaceae tree
Ipomoea aquatica English: aquatic morning glory, swamp cabbage, water spinach, ung-choi, kang kong; Palauan: kangkum, kangum, kankum Convolvulaceae aquatic herb
*Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa English: bush morning glory, tree ipomoea Convolvulaceae shrub
Ipomoea triloba English: Aiea morning-glory, little bell; Palauan: orech, torech Convolvulaceae vine
*Jatropha curcas English: physic nut, purging nut, Barbados nut Euphorbiaceae shrub
Jatropha gossypiifolia English: bellyache bush, cotton-leaved physic nut Euphorbiaceae shrub
Kyllinga brevifolia English: green kyllinga, green water sedge; Palauan: deus, esechesiding Cyperaceae sedge
Leonurus japonicus English: lion’s tail, Chinese motherwort Lamiaceae herb
*Livistonia chinensis English: Chinese fan palm, Chinese fountain palm, fountain palm Arecaceae tree
Macroptilium atropurpureum English: siratro, purple bushbean Fabaceae vine
Macroptilium lathyroides English: cow pea, phasey bean, wild bean Fabaceae herb
Merremia hederacea English: ivy woodrose Convolvulaceae vine
Muntingia calabura English: jam tree, strawberry tree, Jamaican cherry, Singapore cherry, Panama cherry, Panama berry, ornamental cherry, calabura, sirsen; Palauan: budo Tiliaceae tree
*Murraya paniculata English: orange jessamine, satin-wood, Chinese box, Hawaiian mock orange Rutaceae shrub/ tree
*Nymphaea spp. English: water lily Nymphaeaceae aquatic herb
*Ocimum gratissimum English: wild basil, clove basil, tree basil Lamiaceae herb
Panicum repens English: torpedo grass, couch panicum, creeping panic Poaceae grass
Paspalum conjugatum English: T grass, ti grass, sour grass; sour palpalum, buffalo grass, carabao grass, Hilo grass (Hawai'i); Palauan: udel ra ngebel Poaceae grass
Paspalum paniculatum English: Russell river grass, galmarra grass Poaceae grass
Paspalum scrobiculatum English: rice grass; creeping paspalum, ditch millet, Indian paspalum, kodo millet, water couch; Palauan: desum Poaceae grass
Passiflora foetida English: love-in-a-mist, wild passion fruit, passionflower, stinking passionflower; Palauan: kudamono Passifloraceae vine
Passiflora suberosa English: wild passionfruit, devil's pumpkin, indigo berry, corky passionflower, corkstem passionflower Passifloraceae vine
Pennisetum purpureum English: elephant grass, napier grass, merker grass; Palauan: bokso Poaceae grass
Pilea microphylla English: artillery plant, gunpowder plant, pistol plant, rockweed Urticaceae herb
Pseuderanthemum carruthersii English: false eranthemum Acanthaceae shrub
*Quisqualis indica English: Rangoon creeper Combretaceae vine
Ricinus communis English: castor bean, castor-oil plant; Palauan: gelug, uluchula skoki Euphorbiaceae shrub
*Samanea saman English: monkeypod, rain tree, saman Fabaceae tree
Sambucus mexicana English: elderberry, Mexican elder Caprifoliaceae small tree
*Sanchezia parvibracteata English: sanchezia Acanthaceae shrub
Sansevieria trifasciata English: bowstring hemp, mother-in-law’s tongue; Palauan: kitelel Agavaceae herb
*Schefflera arboricola English: dwarf brassia, dwarf schefflera, Hawaiian elf schefflera Araliaceae shrub
Senna alata English: candle bush; candelabra bush, Roman candle tree, emperor's candlesticks, alcapulco; Palauan: kerula besokel, yult Fabaceae shrub
Senna obtusifolia English: habucha, coffeeweed, sicklepod Fabaceae herb
Senna occidentalis English: antbush, coffee senna; Palauan: korriu, kurriu Fabaceae shrub
Senna siamea English: cassod tree, kassod tree, Siamese cassia, pheasantwood, Thailand shower Fabaceae tree
*Senna surattensis English: scrambled eggs Fabaceae tree
*Sesbania grandiflora English: sesbania, hummingbird tree, sesban, scarlet wisteria tree, corkwood tree; Palauan: katurai Fabaceae small tree
Setaria sphacelata English: African bristle grass, golden timothy Poaceae grass
Sorghum bicolor English: Sudan grass Poaceae grass
Sorghum halepense English: Johnson grass, Aleppo grass, Aleppo milletgrass Poaceae grass
Sporobolus diander English: Indian dropseed, tussock dropseed Poaceae grass
Stachytarpheta cayennensis English: blue rat's tail, dark-blue snakeweed, false verbena, nettleleaf velvetberry; Palauan: louch beluu Verbenaceae herb
Stenotaphrum secundatum English: buffalo grass, St. Augustine grass Poaceae grass
Striga asiatica English: witchweed Scrophulariaceae herb
Stylosanthes guianensis English: stylo, Brazilian lucerne, tropical lucerne, Nigerian stylo Fabaceae herb
*Thevetia peruviana English: yellow oleander, be-still tree, lucky nut Apocynaceae small tree
*Tithonia diversifolia English: tree marigold, shrub sunflower, Mexican sunflower, Japanese sunflower Asteraceae shrub
Triumfetta rhomboidea English: Chinese burr, paroquet burr, burr bush Tiliaceae shrub
Urochloa mutica English: California grass, para grass, buffalo grass, Mauritius grass, signal grass Poaceae grass
Urochloa reptans English: creeping panic grass, running grass Poaceae grass
Urochloa subquadripara English: brachiaria, green summer grass, tropical signalgrass, cori grass Poaceae grass
Xanthosoma sagittifolium English: new cocoyam, tania, yautia; Palauan: bisech ra ruk, eball Araceae herb
Xenostegia tridentata English: African morningvine; Palauan: kebeas Convolvulaceae herb
Youngia japonica English: oriental hawksbeard Asteraceae herb

†Reported present by Fosberg et al. (1979)
‡Reported present by Raulerson et al. (1996)
#Voucher specimen at Bishop Museum Herbarium
+Voucher specimen at Beleu National Museum Herbarium

Table 4. Other invasive plant species seen or reported to be present in Palau, mostly of low risk or agricultural concern

Scientific Name

Common Names



Acalypha indica English: copperleaf, Indian-nettle, ricinela Euphorbiaceae herb
Acalypha lanceolata Euphorbiaceae herb
Ageratum conyzoides English: chick weed, goatweed, whiteweed; Palauan: ngmak Asteraceae herb
Alocasia macrorrhizos English: ape, cunjevoi, elephant's ear, giant alocasia, giant taro, pai Araceae herb
Alysicarpus bupleurifolius English: sweet alys Fabaceae herb
Alysicarpus vaginalis English: alyce-clover, buffalo-clover, one-leaf-clover Fabaceae herb
Amaranthus viridis English: green amaranth, pigweed, slender amaranth Amaranthaceae herb
Ammannia baccifera English: amania, monarch redstem Lythraceae herb
Aniseia martinicensis English: whitejacket Convolvulaceae vine
*Annona glabra English: pond apple, alligator apple, bullock's heart, cherimoyer Annonaceae tree
*Annona muricata English: soursop, prickly custard apple; Palauan: sausab Annonaceae tree
Annona reticulata English: bullock's-heart, custard-apple; Palauan: ngel ra ngebard Annonaceae tree
+Annona squamosa English: custard apple, sugar apple, sweetsop; Palauan: ngel ra ngebard Annonaceae tree
Asclepias curassavica English: bloodflower milkweed, butterfly weed, milkweed Asclepiadaceae herb
Averrhoa bilimbi English: bilimbi, cucumber tree, tree sorrel; Palauan: imekure, imekurs, oterebekii Oxalidaceae tree
Bambusa spp. English: bamboo; Palauan: bambuu, esel Poaceae tree
*Basella alba English: Ceylon spinach, Indian spinach, Malabar nightshade Basellaceae herb
Begonia × semperflorens-cultorum English: bedding begonia, perpetual begonia, wax begonia Begoniaceae herb
Bidens alba English: beggar’s tick, Spanish needle, cobbler's pegs, romerillo Asteraceae herb
Bidens pilosa English: beggar’s tick, Spanish needle, cobbler's pegs Asteraceae herb
*Bixa orellana English: anatto, lipstick tree; Palauan: búrek, burk Bixaceae shrub
Blechum pyramidatum English: green shrimp plant, Browne’s blechum Acanthaceae herb
*Breynia disticha English: snowbush, sweetpea bush, foliage-flower Euphorbiaceae shrub
Brucea javanica English: Java brucea, Macassar kerneltree Simaroubaceae shrub/tree
Buchnera americana English: American bluehearts, bupleurum Orobanchaceae herb
Caesalpinia pulcherrima English: Barbados flower-fence, dwarf poinciana, pride of Barbados Fabaceae shrub
Caladium bicolor English: caladium, elephant's-ear, heart-of-Jesus Araceae herb
*Calathea majestica Marantaceae herb
*Calliandra calothyrsus English: powderpuff red calliandra Fabaceae shrub
*Calliandra haematocephala English: red powder puff Fabaceae shrub
*Calliandra surinamensis English: Surinamese stickpea Fabaceae tree
*Callisia fragrans English: fragrant inch plant, basketplant, spironema Commelinaceae herb
*Cananga odorata English: perfume tree; Palauan: chiráng, ilang-ilang, irang Annonaceae tree
Capsicum frutescens English: bird pepper, bird's-eye chili, bird's-eye pepper, hot pepper, red chili, spur pepper, Tabasco pepper; Palauan: meringel Solanaceae herb
*Catharanthus roseus English: Cape periwinkle, old-maid, rose periwinkle Apocynaceae herb
Celosia argentea English: cockscomb; Palauan: chesechil a malk, esechila malk Amaranthaceae herb
*Centratherum punctatum English: Brazilian button flower, centratherum, lark daisy Asteraceae herb
Chamaesyce hirta English: asthma plant, garden spurge, pill-bearing spurge, hairy spurge; Palauan: udall Euphorbiaceae herb
Chamaesyce hypericifolia English: beach spurge, graceful spurge; Palauan: karkar, kerkar Euphorbiaceae herb
Chamaesyce prostrata English: creeping splurge, prostrate spurge, red caustic creeper Euphorbiaceae herb
Chamaesyce thymifolia English: red caustic creeper, thyme-leafed spurge Euphorbiaceae herb
Citrus aurantiifolia English: Key lime, lime, Mexican lime, sour lime, West Indian lime; Palauan: malchianged Rutaceae tree
Cleome gynandra English: African spider-flower, bastard-mustard, cat's-whiskers, spider wisp, wild spider flower Capparaceae herb
Cleome viscosa English: tickweed, spider flower Capparaceae herb
*Coffea arabica English: coffee; Palauan: kohi Rubiaceae tree
*Coffea liberica English: Liberian coffee Rubiaceae tree
Coix lacryma-jobi English: adlay, adlay millet, Job's-tears; Palauan: demairuuch, tauiir Poaceae grass
Commelina diffusa English: commelina, dayflower, wandering Jew, spiderwort Commelinaceae herb
Conyza bonariensis English: flax-leaf fleabane, hairy fleabane, hairy horseweed, wavy-leaf fleabane Asteraceae herb
Conyza canadensis English: butterweed, Canadian horseweed, Canadian fleabane, hogweed, horseweed Asteraceae herb
Corchorus aestuans Tiliaceae herb
Coreopsis lanceolata English: garden coreopsis, lanceleaf tickseed, tickseed Asteraceae herb
Cosmos sp. English: cosmos Asteraceae herb
Crassocephalum crepidioides English: thickhead, fireweed, redflower ragleaf Asteraceae herb
Crotalaria incana English: fuzzy rattlepod, woolly rattlepod; Palauan: kuroteraria Fabaceae shrub
Crotalaria pallida English: salts rattlebox, smooth crotalaria, smooth rattlebox, smooth rattlepod, streaked rattlepod, striped crotalaria Fabaceae shrub
*Delonix regia English: flame tree, flamboyant, poinciana; Palauan: nangiosákura, nangyo Fabaceae tree
Desmodium gangeticum Fabaceae herb
Desmodium heterophyllum English: hetero, Spanish clover Fabaceae herb
Desmodium incanum English: kaimi clover, Spanish clover Fabaceae shrub
Desmodium triflorum English: creeping tick trefoil, three-flower beggarweed, tropical trefoil; Palauan: olmud, olumúd, olumud Fabaceae herb
+Dichanthium annulatum English: Angleton grass, bluestem, Diaz bluestem, Hindi grass, Kleberg bluestem, marvel grass, sheda grass Poaceae grass
Digitaria bicornis English: southern crabgrass Poaceae grass
Dioscorea bulbifera English: aerial yam, air-potato, bitter yam, potato yam; Palauan: belloi Dioscoreaceae vine
Eclipta prostrata English: eclipta, false daisy, swamp daisy, white eclipta; Palauan: deberebelela tengadidik Asteraceae herb
Eleocharis dulcis English: Chinese water-chestnut, ground-chestnut, waternut; Palauan: kerdikes Cyperaceae sedge
Elephantopus mollis English: elephantopus, elephant’s foot, false tobacco, tobacco weed Asteraceae herb
Emilia sonchifolia English: Cupid's shaving-brush, emilia, Flora's paint brush, purple sow thistle, sow thistle Asteraceae herb
Episcia cupreata English: episcia, flame violet Gesneriaceae herb
Erechtites hieraciifolius English: American burnweed, American fireweed, burnweed, fireweed, Malayan groundsel, pilewort Asteraceae herb
Euphorbia cyathophora English: dwarf poinsettia, fire-on-the-mountain, Mexican fire plant, painted spurge, wild poinsettia Euphorbiaceae herb
Euphorbia graminea English: grassleaf spurge Euphorbiaceae herb
Euphorbia pulcherrima English: Christmas flower, Mexican flameleaf, painted leaf, poinsettia; Palauan: becheselrak Euphorbiaceae herb
*Ficus elastica English: India rubber tree, rubber plant; Palauan: komunokí, komunoki Moraceae tree
Gomphrena globosa English: bachelor's-button, globe amaranth, pearly everlasting; Palauan: botang Amaranthaceae herb
Gossypium barbadense English: cotton, sea island cotton Malvaceae shrub
*Heliconia spp. English: heliconia, parrot's-flower, parrot's-plantain, crab claw, lobster claw Heliconiaceae herb
Heliotropium procumbens English: heliotrope, prostrate heliotrope, slender heliotrope Boraginaceae herb
Hippobroma longiflora English: star of Bethlehem, fetia, Palauan: udel ra badrei Campanulaceae herb
*Impatiens balsamina English: impatiens, balsam, garden balsam, rose balsam, spotted snapweed, touch-me-not; Palauan: hosengka Balsaminaceae herb
*Impatiens walleriana English: garden impatiens, balsam, busy lizzy, bizzy-lizzie, patient lucy; sultan’s flower Balsaminaceae herb
+Ipomoea batatas English: sweet potato; Palauan: emutii Convolvulaceae vine
Ixora coccinea English: flame of the forest, jungle geranium, red ixora Rubiaceae shrub
*Jacaranda mimosifolia English: jacaranda Bignoniaceae tree
Jasminum sambac English: Arabian jasmine Oleaceae vine
Lepidium virginicum English: peppergrass, Virginia pepperweed, wild peppercress Brassicaceae herb
Leucas lavandulifolia Lamiaceae herb
††Luffa aegyptiaca English: dishrag gourd, loofah, rag gourd, smooth loofah, sponge gourd, vegetable sponge Cucurbitaceae vine
Lycopersicon esculentum English: tomato, wild tomato Solanaceae herb
§Malva parviflora English: cheeseweed, Egyptian mallow, small-flower mallow Malvaceae herb
*Malvaviscus penduliflorus English: Turk's cap Malvaceae shrub
Melampodium divaricatum English: blackfoot, golden button Asteraceae herb
+Merremia umbellata English: yellow wood rose Convolvulaceae vine
Mirabilis jalapa English: beauty of the night, false jalap, four o'clock, marvel of Peru Nyctaginaceae herb
Mitracarpus hirtus English: tropical girdlepod Rubiaceae herb
Momordica charantia English: balsam-apple, bitter-melon, bitter gourd, balsam pear, squirting cucumber, cerasee, peria; Palauan: markoso Cucurbitaceae vine
*Moringa oleifera English: horseradish tree, drumstick tree, ben nut, morango; Palauan: malungkai Moringaceae tree
Nerium oleander English: mountain rose, oleander Apocynaceae shrub
Nicotiana tabacum English: tobacco; Palauan: dekool, dekoul, derool, tobaco Solanaceae herb
*#Ochroma pyramidale English: balsa, corkwood, down tree Bombacaceae tree
Oldenlandia corymbosa English: Old World diamondflower Rubiaceae herb
*Opuntia spp. English: drooping tree pear, prickly pear Cactaceae cactus
*Orthosiphon aristatus English: cat’s whiskers; Palauan: emadecharebub Lamiaceae herb
Oxalis barrelieri Oxalidaceae herb
*Pangium edule English: football fruit, raual; Palauan: ariaml, riamel Flacourtiaceae tree
*Passiflora edulis English: passion fruit, yellow passion fruit, purple passion fruit, qarandila, purple granadilla; Palauan: kudamono Passifloraceae vine
Passiflora quadrangularis English: granadilla, giant granadilla; Palauan: kudamono Passifloraceae vine
Peperomia pellucida English: peperomia, pepper elder, silverbush; Palauan: rtertiil Piperaceae herb
*Persea americana English: avocado, alligator pear; Palauan: bata Lauraceae tree
*‡Phaseolus lunatus English: lima bean, butter bean, Burma bean, haricot bean, Madagascar bean, sieva bean, sugar bean Fabaceae herb
Phyla nodiflora English: fogfruit, lippia, phyla Verbenaceae herb
Phyllanthus amarus English: six o'clock, sleeping plant; Palauan: ukalla ruchel Euphorbiaceae herb
Phyllanthus debilis Euphorbiaceae herb
Physalis angulata English: annual ground cherry; Palauan: bubeubedul Solanaceae herb
Physalis minima English: sunberry Solanaceae herb
+Physalis peruviana English: Cape gooseberry, goldenberry, gooseberry-tomato, Peruvian ground-cherry, Peruvian-cherry Solanaceae shrub
Pilea nummulariifolia English: creeping Charlie Urticaceae herb
Piriqueta racemosa English: ridgid stripeseed Turneraceae herb
Pityrogramma calomelanos English: Dixie silverback fern, gold fern (var. austroamericana), gold-dust fern (var. austroamericana), silver fern Pteridaceae fern
*Plectranthus amboinicus English: Mexican mint, Spanish thyme, Cuban oregano Lamiaceae herb
Pluchea indica English: Indian fleabane, Indian pluchea, Indian camphorweed Asteraceae shrub
Polygala paniculata English: island snake-root; Palauan: keskus ra mekesong Polygalaceae herb
Polypremum procumbens English: juniper leaf Loganiaceae herb
Portulaca oleracea English: pigweed, purslane; Palauan: bungaruau ra sers Portulacaceae herb
Pteris vittata English: Chinese brake, Chinese ladder brake, ladder brake Pteridaceae fern
*‡Pueraria phaseoloides English: tropical kudzu, puero Fabaceae vine
*‡§Ravenala madagascariensis English: traveler’s palm, traveler’s tree, ravenale Strelitziaceae tree
Ruellia tuberosa English: large bell-flower (Samoa) Acanthaceae herb
Russelia equisetiformis English: coralplant, fountainplant Scrophulariaceae shrub
Scoparia dulcis English: scoparia, sweet broom Scrophulariaceae herb
Sesbania cannabina English: canicha, dhaincha, dhunchi, sesbania pea Fabaceae shrub
Setaria parviflora English: knotroot bristle grass, knotroot foxtail, perennial foxtail, slender pigeon grass, yellow foxtail Poaceae grass
Sida acuta English: broom weed, Paddy’s lucerne, southern sida, spiny-head sida, spiny sida; Palauan: keak Malvaceae herb
Sida rhombifolia English: arrow-leaf sida, Cuban jute, Paddy's lucerne, Queensland-hemp, teaweed; Palauan: keak Malvaceae shrub
Sida spinosa English: prickly sida, spiny sida Malvaceae herb
Sigesbeckia orientalis English: Indian weed, small yellow crown-beard, yellow crown-head Asteraceae herb
Solanum americanum English: American nightshade, black nightshade, glossy nightshade Solanaceae herb
Solanum nigrum English: black-berry night shade (Australia), black nightshade, poisonberry Solanaceae herb
*Solenostemon scutellarioides English: coleus Lamiaceae herb
Spermacoce exilis English: Mauritius false buttonweed Rubiaceae herb
Spermacoce latifolia English: buttonweed, oval leaf false buttonweed Rubiaceae herb
Spermacoce ocymoides English: purple-leaved button weed Rubiaceae herb
Spermacoce ovalifolia English: broadleaf false buttonweed Rubiaceae herb
Spermacoce remota English: buttonweed; Palauan: okula beluu Rubiaceae herb
Stachytarpheta jamaicensis English: bastard vervain, blue porterweed, Brazilian tea, Jamaica vervain, joee, light blue snakeweed; Palauan: louch beluu Verbenaceae herb
*Stapelia gigantea English: carrion flower, starfish flower, zulu-giant, giant toad plant Asclepiadaceae succulent
Swietenia macrophylla English: Honduras mahogany, large-leaved mahogany, mahogany Meliaceae tree
Synedrella nodiflora English: Cinderella weed (Australia), porter bush, synedrella Asteraceae herb
*Syzygium jambos English: malabar plum, rose apple, Malay apple Myrtaceae tree
Syzygium malaccense English: Malay-apple, mountain-apple, Otaheite-apple, pomerac, rose-apple; Palauan: kidel Myrtaceae tree
Tabebuia heterophylla English: pink tecoma, pink trumpet tree, white cedar Bignoniaceae tree
+Tabebuia pallida English: Cuban pink trumpet tree, white cedar, whitewood Bignoniaceae tree
Tagetes erecta English: African marigold, Aztec marigold, big marigold, French marigold, marigold, saffron marigold Asteraceae herb
Tridax procumbens English: coat buttons, tridax daisy Asteraceae herb
Uraria lagopodioides Fabaceae herb
Zornia gibbosa Fabaceae herb

†Reported present by Fosberg et al. (1979)
††Reported present by Fosberg et al. (1979), no location given
‡Reported present by Raulerson et al. (1996)
§Reported by Lorence & Flynn (1998)
#Voucher specimen at Bishop Museum Herbarium
+Voucher specimen at Beleu National Museum Herbarium

Table 5. Native species (or Micronesian introductions) that can exhibit aggressive behavior

Scientific Name

Common Names



Casuarina equisetifolia English: casuarina, ironwood, Australian pine, she-oak, horsetail tree, beefwood; Palauan: nas, ngas, ngasu Casuarinaceae tree
Chrysopogon aciculatus English: Mackie's pest, lovegrass, golden beardgrass; Palauan: iul Poaceae grass
Gmelina elliptica Palauan: a kulb ne par reth, kalngebard ra belau Lamiaceae shrub
+Ipomoea violacea English: moon flower, Hawaiian moonflorwer Convolvulaceae vine
Ischaemum polystachyum English: paddle grass Poaceae grass
Ischaemum rugosum English: muraina grass, wrinkle duck-beak, saramatta grass Poaceae grass
Ischaemum timorense English: centipede grass, stalkleaf murainagrass, lucuntu grass Poaceae grass
Kyllinga nemoralis English: white kyllinga, whitehead spikesedge, whitewater sedge Cyperaceae sedge
Lygodium microphyllum English: climbing maidenhair fern, Old World climbing fern, small-leaf climbing fern; Palauan: osuchedechui Schizaeaceae fern
Merremia peltata English: merremia; Palauan: kebeas Convolvulaceae vine
Operculina turpethum Palauan: ongucheta rekung vine
Saccharum spontaneum English: wild cane, false sugarcane; Palauan: banga ruchel Poaceae grass
Sacciolepis indica English: glenwood grass Poaceae grass
Setaria pumila English: foxtail, garden bristle grass, hairy-tail grass, yellow bristlegrass Poaceae grass
Sporobolus indicus English: smutgrass, wiregrass, Indian dropseed Poaceae grass
Urena lobata English: hibiscus burr, caesarweed, pink Chinese burr, urena burr, bur mallow; Palauan: chosuched e kui, osuched a rechui Malvaceae shrub

†Reported present by Fosberg et al. (1979)
‡Reported present by Raulerson et al. (1996)
+Voucher specimen at Beleu National Museum Herbarium

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