This page lists common names of species profiled on PIER by common name in the Nangu language.
Browse this list or use the "find" function on your web browser to search by common name, then use the link provided to access the species information via its scientific name. If we have omitted or misspelled a common name, please contact us at
Common name(s) | Scientific name (+Family) | Often-used other Latin names | Habit |
Primarily a threat
at high elevations? |
aluko | Alpinia purpurata (Zingiberaceae) | Guillainia purpurata Vieill. | herb | No |
lawa | Heliconia spp. (Heliconiaceae) | herb | No | |
male | Calamus spp. (Arecaceae) | vine | No | |
ngadaenango | Trema orientalis (Cannabaceae) | Trema cannabina Lour.; Trema cannabinum Lour.; Trema orientale (L.) Blume; Trema tomentosum (Roxb.) H. Hara | tree | No |
tebeangkombwapul | Cheilocostus speciosus (Costaceae) | Banksea speciosa J. Koenig; Costus sericeus Blume; Costus speciosus (J. Koenig) Sm.; Costus speciosus var. sericeus (Blume) K. Schum. | herb | No |