Thespesia populnea: common name details from PIER

Common name - Language - Location
Language - Location - Common name
Location - Language - Common name
Language - Common name - Location

Common name/Language/Location

Common name Language Location PIER bibliographic reference Comments
'amae Unknown Society Islands Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
bendytree English ? U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
corktree English ? U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
Indian tuliptree English ? U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
keleuand Pohnpeian ? National Tropical Botanical Garden (0) accessed 20171211; specimen cited: [Lengsi 156]
milo English ? U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
milo English ? National Tropical Botanical Garden (0) accessed 20171211
milo English Pacific islands Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
milo Hawaiian Hawaiian Islands Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
milo Niuean Niue Island Sykes, W. R. (1970) (p. 117) Vouchers cited: CHR 170315, CHR 170316, CHR 170317
milo Samoan Samoa Whistler, W. A. (1984) (p. 477) "...also known as milo in the rest of western Polynesia, and miro in most of eastern Polynesia."
milo Samoan Ta‘u Island Whistler, W. A. (1992) (p. 53)  
milo Unknown Polynesia (Western) Whistler, W. A. (1984) (p. 477) "...also known as milo in the rest of western Polynesia, and miro in most of eastern Polynesia."
milo Unknown Samoa Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
milo Unknown Tonga Islands Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
mi'o Unknown Marquesas Islands Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
miro Unknown Polynesia (Eastern) Whistler, W. A. (1984) (p. 477) "...also known as milo in the rest of western Polynesia, and miro in most of eastern Polynesia."
miro Unknown Society Islands Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
mulomulo Fijian Fiji Islands Smith, Albert C. (1981) (p. 426) "I consider records of the use of wiriwiri dubious, since this name is the standard one for Gyrocarpus americanus ." (Flora Vitiensis nova, vol 2, p. 426)
mulomulo Unknown Fiji Islands Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Pacific rosewood English ? U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
Pacific rosewood English Pacific islands Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Pacific rosewood English Vanuatu (Republic of) Ramon, Laurence/Sam, Chanel (2015) (p. 80)  
pone Pohnpeian ? National Tropical Botanical Garden (0) accessed 20171211; specimen cited: [Eperiam 146]
porlia-tree English ? U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
portia tree English ? National Tropical Botanical Garden (0) accessed 20171211
portia-tree English ? U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
portia tree English North America Kaufman, Sylvan Ramsey/Kaufman, Wallace (2007) (p. 75)  
seaside mahoe English ? U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
seaside mahoe English North America Kaufman, Sylvan Ramsey/Kaufman, Wallace (2007) (p. 75)  
Seychelles rosewood English ? U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
tuliptree English ? U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
umbrella-tree English ? U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030

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Language/Location/Common name

Language Location Common name PIER bibliographic reference Comments
English ? bendytree U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
English ? corktree U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
English ? Indian tuliptree U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
English ? milo U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
English ? milo National Tropical Botanical Garden (0) accessed 20171211
English ? Pacific rosewood U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
English ? porlia-tree U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
English ? portia tree National Tropical Botanical Garden (0) accessed 20171211
English ? portia-tree U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
English ? seaside mahoe U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
English ? Seychelles rosewood U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
English ? tuliptree U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
English ? umbrella-tree U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
English North America portia tree Kaufman, Sylvan Ramsey/Kaufman, Wallace (2007) (p. 75)  
English North America seaside mahoe Kaufman, Sylvan Ramsey/Kaufman, Wallace (2007) (p. 75)  
English Pacific islands milo Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
English Pacific islands Pacific rosewood Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
English Vanuatu (Republic of) Pacific rosewood Ramon, Laurence/Sam, Chanel (2015) (p. 80)  
Fijian Fiji Islands mulomulo Smith, Albert C. (1981) (p. 426) "I consider records of the use of wiriwiri dubious, since this name is the standard one for Gyrocarpus americanus ." (Flora Vitiensis nova, vol 2, p. 426)
Hawaiian Hawaiian Islands milo Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Niuean Niue Island milo Sykes, W. R. (1970) (p. 117) Vouchers cited: CHR 170315, CHR 170316, CHR 170317
Pohnpeian ? keleuand National Tropical Botanical Garden (0) accessed 20171211; specimen cited: [Lengsi 156]
Pohnpeian ? pone National Tropical Botanical Garden (0) accessed 20171211; specimen cited: [Eperiam 146]
Samoan Samoa milo Whistler, W. A. (1984) (p. 477) "...also known as milo in the rest of western Polynesia, and miro in most of eastern Polynesia."
Samoan Ta‘u Island milo Whistler, W. A. (1992) (p. 53)  
Unknown Fiji Islands mulomulo Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Unknown Marquesas Islands mi'o Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Unknown Polynesia (Eastern) miro Whistler, W. A. (1984) (p. 477) "...also known as milo in the rest of western Polynesia, and miro in most of eastern Polynesia."
Unknown Polynesia (Western) milo Whistler, W. A. (1984) (p. 477) "...also known as milo in the rest of western Polynesia, and miro in most of eastern Polynesia."
Unknown Samoa milo Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Unknown Society Islands 'amae Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Unknown Society Islands miro Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Unknown Tonga Islands milo Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  

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Location/Language/Common name

Location Language Common name PIER bibliographic reference Comments
? English bendytree U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
? English corktree U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
? English Indian tuliptree U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
? English milo U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
? English milo National Tropical Botanical Garden (0) accessed 20171211
? English Pacific rosewood U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
? English porlia-tree U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
? English portia tree National Tropical Botanical Garden (0) accessed 20171211
? English portia-tree U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
? English seaside mahoe U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
? English Seychelles rosewood U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
? English tuliptree U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
? English umbrella-tree U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
? Pohnpeian keleuand National Tropical Botanical Garden (0) accessed 20171211; specimen cited: [Lengsi 156]
? Pohnpeian pone National Tropical Botanical Garden (0) accessed 20171211; specimen cited: [Eperiam 146]
Fiji Islands Fijian mulomulo Smith, Albert C. (1981) (p. 426) "I consider records of the use of wiriwiri dubious, since this name is the standard one for Gyrocarpus americanus ." (Flora Vitiensis nova, vol 2, p. 426)
Fiji Islands Unknown mulomulo Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Hawaiian Islands Hawaiian milo Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Marquesas Islands Unknown mi'o Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Niue Island Niuean milo Sykes, W. R. (1970) (p. 117) Vouchers cited: CHR 170315, CHR 170316, CHR 170317
North America English portia tree Kaufman, Sylvan Ramsey/Kaufman, Wallace (2007) (p. 75)  
North America English seaside mahoe Kaufman, Sylvan Ramsey/Kaufman, Wallace (2007) (p. 75)  
Pacific islands English milo Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Pacific islands English Pacific rosewood Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Polynesia (Eastern) Unknown miro Whistler, W. A. (1984) (p. 477) "...also known as milo in the rest of western Polynesia, and miro in most of eastern Polynesia."
Polynesia (Western) Unknown milo Whistler, W. A. (1984) (p. 477) "...also known as milo in the rest of western Polynesia, and miro in most of eastern Polynesia."
Samoa Samoan milo Whistler, W. A. (1984) (p. 477) "...also known as milo in the rest of western Polynesia, and miro in most of eastern Polynesia."
Samoa Unknown milo Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Society Islands Unknown 'amae Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Society Islands Unknown miro Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Ta‘u Island Samoan milo Whistler, W. A. (1992) (p. 53)  
Tonga Islands Unknown milo Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Vanuatu (Republic of) English Pacific rosewood Ramon, Laurence/Sam, Chanel (2015) (p. 80)  

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Language/Common name/Location

Language Common name Location PIER bibliographic reference Comments
English bendytree ? U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
English corktree ? U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
English Indian tuliptree ? U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
English milo ? U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
English milo ? National Tropical Botanical Garden (0) accessed 20171211
English milo Pacific islands Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
English Pacific rosewood ? U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
English Pacific rosewood Pacific islands Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
English Pacific rosewood Vanuatu (Republic of) Ramon, Laurence/Sam, Chanel (2015) (p. 80)  
English porlia-tree ? U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
English portia tree ? National Tropical Botanical Garden (0) accessed 20171211
English portia-tree ? U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
English portia tree North America Kaufman, Sylvan Ramsey/Kaufman, Wallace (2007) (p. 75)  
English seaside mahoe ? U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
English seaside mahoe North America Kaufman, Sylvan Ramsey/Kaufman, Wallace (2007) (p. 75)  
English Seychelles rosewood ? U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
English tuliptree ? U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
English umbrella-tree ? U.S. National Plant Germplasm System (0) accessed 20171030
Fijian mulomulo Fiji Islands Smith, Albert C. (1981) (p. 426) "I consider records of the use of wiriwiri dubious, since this name is the standard one for Gyrocarpus americanus ." (Flora Vitiensis nova, vol 2, p. 426)
Hawaiian milo Hawaiian Islands Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Niuean milo Niue Island Sykes, W. R. (1970) (p. 117) Vouchers cited: CHR 170315, CHR 170316, CHR 170317
Pohnpeian keleuand ? National Tropical Botanical Garden (0) accessed 20171211; specimen cited: [Lengsi 156]
Pohnpeian pone ? National Tropical Botanical Garden (0) accessed 20171211; specimen cited: [Eperiam 146]
Samoan milo Samoa Whistler, W. A. (1984) (p. 477) "...also known as milo in the rest of western Polynesia, and miro in most of eastern Polynesia."
Samoan milo Ta‘u Island Whistler, W. A. (1992) (p. 53)  
Unknown 'amae Society Islands Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Unknown milo Polynesia (Western) Whistler, W. A. (1984) (p. 477) "...also known as milo in the rest of western Polynesia, and miro in most of eastern Polynesia."
Unknown milo Samoa Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Unknown milo Tonga Islands Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Unknown mi'o Marquesas Islands Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Unknown miro Polynesia (Eastern) Whistler, W. A. (1984) (p. 477) "...also known as milo in the rest of western Polynesia, and miro in most of eastern Polynesia."
Unknown miro Society Islands Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  
Unknown mulomulo Fiji Islands Permanent Agriculture Resources (2000) (p. 58)  

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