Oahu Early Detection project:
protocol documents

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These documents outline methodologies used by the Oahu Early Detection Project for early detection of invasive plant species on Oahu, including building a target species list, roadside survey types, and deciding which species to control.

To provide feedback: Please download the appropriate document (listed below) and use the "track changes" tool. Then save your edited document and e-mail it as an attachment to Alex Lau and Danielle Frohlich at oed@bishopmuseum.org.

  1. Target list building Microsoft Word document icon: This is an outline of two ways to build a target list for early detection. (We used the second method.)

  2. High-risk site protocol Microsoft Word document icon: As part of building a target species list, we conducted surveys of high risk sites (i.e. nurseries, botanical gardens, agricultural experiment stations...) This document presents our logic and methodology for performing the surveys.

  3. Prioritizing for control Microsoft Word document icon: This guides decisions on controlling target species observed on roadside surveys.

  4. Appendix A (Initial assessment) Microsoft Word document icon: An initial filter for any species to be considered for further survey or control. We use this for any species located on high risk site surveys, species reported to us, or species located on road surveys. Our methodology for the appendix is outlined in the Prioritizing for control document.

  5. Roadside survey strategy Microsoft Word document icon: We identified these types of road surveys and are trying out several of them to evaluate their effectiveness.

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This page was created on 27 March 2007 by LF, and was last updated on 08 May 2008 by PN. Valid HTML 4.01!