Natural Areas of Hawaii

Lanai Offshore Islets
Nanahoa sea stacks off Lanai

Lanai Offshore Islets

The Lanai Offshore Islets are a series of seastacks off the south and west shores of Lanai.   These islets are a lone refuge for many native seabirds, plants, and insects.   Because of their ecological importance, the islets are part of the Hawaii State Seabird Sanctuary system.   The information presented here is the result of a botanical survey done in 2006 by Forest Starr, Kim Starr, and Ken Wood for the Hawaii State Department of Land and Natural Resources and the Offshore Islet Restoration Committee.



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This page was created on 24 April 2006 by Starr, and was last updated on 13 January 2008 by Starr.
HEAR - USGS - Starr