Hawaiian Natural Resources Monitoring Database Documentation

[New!] You may now download the current draft of the Monitoring Database documentation as a PDF file* (Adobe Acrobat format)!

You may also download the current draft of the Monitoring Database documentation as a PKZIP'd WordPerfect 5.1 file. (Details RE: how to extract this file are provided below.)

Instructions for extracting WordPefect 5.1 version of Monitoring Database documentation from PKZIP'd file

If you have specific questions, contact the Monitoring Database Project Coordinator via e­mail at webmaster@hear.org.

Thank you for your interest in the Hawaiian Natural Resources Monitoring Database!

[Monitoring Database home]    [HEAR home]

*This document is in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. If your computer is not already set up to read these files, you can download the FREE Adobe Acrobat reader. You can set up most web browsers to automatically invoke this reader (as a "helper application" or "add-in") upon encountering documents of this type (refer to your browser's documentation for how to do this).  [Download Acrobat reader]
This website was prepared by the Hawaii Ecosystems at Risk (HEAR) Project, CPSU, University of Hawaii Botany Department, copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii. This page was last updated 04 August 1997 by PT.