Hawaii's Most Invasive Horticultural Plants

Chinese banyan
Ficus microcarpa

(Photo credit: Gerald D. Carr)


(Photo credit: Gerald D. Carr)

Other names:Malayan banyan, Ficus retusa, Ficus nitida
Description: Broad-spreading tree up to 70' tall, often epiphytic, with numerous aerial and pillar roots from branches, 2-3" dark green leaves, and 1/2" reddish-brown fruits.
Risk areas: Dry to moist forests, open areas, cliffs up to 3000 ft. elevation.
WARNING:Several species of Ficus are spreading in Hawaii because their specialized wasp pollinators were introduced and the trees are now capable of producing viable seed. Additional species of Ficus to be avoided in Hawaii include Ficus macrophylla and Ficus nota.

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