Hawaii's Most Invasive Horticultural Plants

pagoda flower
Clerodendrum buchanani

(Photo credit: copyright © 2001 by Shirley Denton, from Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants; used with permission)


(Photo credit: copyright © 2001 by Shirley Denton, from Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants; used with permission)

Other names:lau'awa, Clerodendrum fallax, C. speciosissimum
Description: Shrub 5-12' tall, with opposite 12" downy leaves, bright red-orange flowers in erect pagoda-shaped masses, and fleshy 4-lobed blue-black fruits.
Risk areas: Dry to moist disturbed areas at low elevations.
WARNING:This Clerodendrum is capable of spreading both from its bird-dispersed fruits and from root suckers.

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