Western Australia Department of Agriculture (AgWest) Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR) Global Compendium of Weeds (GCW) Global Compendium of Weeds
Solanum linnaeanum (Solanaceae)

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Presented here is summary information about the species Solanum linnaeanum from the Global Compendium of Weeds, and citations of references to this species as a weed. Definitions of terms are available in the GCW introduction View info about Adobe Acrobat PDF format. For further information--or to report corrections or concerns--contact webmaster@hear.org.

Synonyms/other Latin names:see GRIN ]

Status(es) (compiled for below "Data sources"): agricultural weed, casual alien, environmental weed, naturalised, noxious weed, weed [for definitions, see the GCW introduction View info about Adobe Acrobat PDF format.]

Origin (native to where): [no info]

Data sources:

A list of weed species from various New Zealand references to "weeds" compiled by P.A.Williams, Landcare Research, New Zealand. (naturalised, weed)

Alien Species. On March 10, the Japanese Cabinet submitted the bill dealing with invasive alien species to the Diet. The Diet passed the bill without amendments and the Invasive Alien Species Act was promulgated as of June 2, 2004. List of alien species recognized to be established in Japan or found in the Japanese wild (as of October 27, 2004) [PDF] (naturalised)

Barker, W.R., R.M.Barker, J.P. Jessop & H.P. Vonow (Eds.) (2005). Census of South Australian Vascular Plants. 5th Edition. J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. Supplement 1. (Botanic Gardens of Adelaide & State Herbarium: Adelaide). (naturalised)

Carr, G.W., Yugovic, J.V. and Robinson, K.E. (1992). Environmental Weed Invasions in Victoria. Department of Conservation and Environment. Melbourne (environmental weed)

Chris Buddenhagen and Melanie Newfield (pers comm. 2001) A list of potential and actual environmental weeds for New Zealand. Department of Conservation. (environmental weed)

Clement, E.J. and Foster, M.C. (1994) Alien plants of the British Isles. Botanical Society of the British Isles, London. (casual alien)

Declared (Noxious) Plants Listing For Western Australia. Agriculture and Related Resources Protection Act 1976 (ARRPA) (for Dec 2004). (noxious weed)

Environmental Weed List Victoria. Supplied by Weedmanager.Net (Source not cited but possibly drawn from Carr et al. Environmental Weeds of Victoria) (environmental weed)

Environmental Weed List. VEGETATION OF NOOSA SHIRE EDITION 2. This document comprises a list of environmental weeds drawn from Vegetation of Noosa Shire Edition 2. The list is updated from time to time, as new information becomes available. (agricultural weed, environmental weed)

Germplasm Resources Information Network G.R.I.N. GRIN (naturalised, weed)

Green, P. (1994) NORFOLK ISLAND SPECIES LIST. In Flora of Australia, Vol.49, AGPS. Australian Biological Resources Study (Peter Green) (naturalised)

Hussey, B.M.J., Keighery, G.J., Cousens, R.D., Dodd, J. and Lloyd. S.G. (1997). Western Weeds, a guide to the weeds of Western Australia. Plant Protection Society of Western Australia, Inc Western Australia. [list of images held in slide collection from original publication] (naturalised)

John Hosking, NSW Department of Agriculture, Weed Database 30 April 2003 (agricultural weed, naturalised)

Keighery, G. and Longman, V. (2004). The naturalized vascular plants of Western Australia 1: Checklist, environmental weeds and Distribution in IBRA Regions. Plant Protection Quarterly Vol.19 (1). pp:12-32. (environmental weed, naturalised)

Landcare Research New Zealand (2001) Plant Names Database. (naturalised)

List of Mediterranean Weeds compiled by Sarah Brunel as part of the Medit Weeds Workshop June 2005. Chargée de mission "Plantes envahissantes" Conservatoire Botanique National Méditerranéen de Porquerolles 34 090 MONTPELLIER FRANCE

Motooka, P., Castro, l., Nelson, D., Nagai, G. and Ching, L. (2003) Weeds of Hawai'I's Pastures and Natural Areas. An Identification and Management Guide. College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawai'I at Manoa. (agricultural weed, environmental weed)

Muller, S. (coord.) (2004). Plamtes invasives en France. Muséum national d'historire naturelle, Paris. 108 p.

Owen, S.J. (1996). Weeds of concern on conservation lands in New Zealand. Ecological weeds on conservation land in New Zealand: A database. 118p. Department of Conservation, Wellington. (environmental weed, weed)

Parsons, W.T. and Cuthbertson, E.G. (1992). Noxious Weeds of Australia. Inkata Press, Melbourne & Sydney. (noxious weed)

Pat Enwright (2003) Adventive species of the Wellington Conservancy ecological district. Project initiated by John Sawyer of D.O.C and further refined and updated by Colin Ogle of Wanganui before Ewen Cameron and Mei Nee Lee of the Auckland Museum herbarium very kindly provided lists of adventive species by ecological district for the Wellington Conservancy from the AK database. I must also thank Ewen Cameron and Rhys Gardner for identification of a number of specimens included in this list, Phillipa Crisp from W.R.C. also supplied information on species recorded by or on behalf of W.R.C and not already included in the database. Pat Enwright pers. comm. [Pat.Enright@nz.towerlimited.com] (naturalised)

Plants Naturalised in Hawai'i. Bishop Musem, Oahu. DISCLAIMER: Be it known to all who use this web resource, that this is NOT intended to represent a complete, definitive, or authoritative checklist of the flora and fauna of the Hawaiian Islands. This is a Beta-Test site that makes available online a copy of the taxonomic database currently used by the Bishop Museum Botany collection for its collections databases. Some groups in this list have been thoroughly scrutinized and do, in fact, represent an essentially complete checklist for the Hawaiian Islands. Other groups, however, are NOT complete, and only represent an unverified listing of what happens to be in the Bishop Museum specimen collection database. (naturalised)

Wildlife Atlas CAPS plant taxa - Census of Plants in New South Wales National Parks? New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service. (weed)

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The Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk (HEAR) project is currently funded by the Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN) of the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) through PIERC (USGS) with support from HCSU (UH-Hilo). More details are available online. Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN)National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII)

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This page was created on 13 September 2007 by PT, and was last updated on 04 October 2007 by PT based on data from Rod Randall's Global Compendium of Weeds database dated 24 January 2007. Valid HTML 4.01!