Global Compendium of Weeds
Ficus benjamina (Moraceae)
Presented here is summary information about the species Ficus benjamina from the Global Compendium of Weeds, and citations of references to this species as a weed. Definitions of terms are available in the GCW introduction . For further information--or to report corrections or concerns--contact
Synonyms/other Latin names: [ see GRIN ]
Status(es) (compiled for below "Data sources"): environmental weed, naturalised, weed [for definitions, see the GCW introduction .]
Origin (native to where): [no info]
Data sources:
Actual and Prospective Weeds. Pacific Islands Ecosystems at Risk Project; (weed) [ online info ]
Faith T. Campbell; American Lands Alliance; "Worst" Invasive Plant Species in the conterminous United States: weed (environmental weed)
Introduced (Naturalised) Species to the United States [USDA, NRCS 1999. The PLANTS database. National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70874-4490 USA. ] (naturalised)
Introduced plants in Galapagos. Introduced Species Registered in the Charles Darwin Research Station Herbarium as present in Galapagos (616 species, not including questionably native species), November 2004. (naturalised)
John Hosking, NSW Department of Agriculture, Weed Database 30 April 2003
Keighery, G. and Longman, V. (2004). The naturalized vascular plants of Western Australia 1: Checklist, environmental weeds and Distribution in IBRA Regions. Plant Protection Quarterly Vol.19 (1). pp:12-32. (naturalised)
List of Florida's Most Invasive Species - Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council. (weed)
Mulvaney, M.J. (1991). Far from the Garden Path: An Identikit Picture of Woody Ornamanetal Plants Invading South-Eastern Australian Bushland. PhD Thesis. Dept. Biogeography and Geomorphology, Research School of Pacific Studies. Australian National University (weed)
Plant Threats to Pacific Ecosystems. A product of the Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk project (PIER). This table lists all species that are profiled on PIER. It includes those of environmental concern (including those that are probably of threat only to islands with high elevations) as well as agricultural and ruderal weeds. Jim Space, PEIR Co-ordinator. (environmental weed)
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This page was created on 13 September 2007 by PT, and was last updated on
04 October 2007
by PT based on data from Rod Randall's Global Compendium of Weeds database dated 24 January 2007.