Western Australia Department of Agriculture (AgWest) Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR) Global Compendium of Weeds (GCW) Global Compendium of Weeds
Clematis tangutica (Ranunculaceae)

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Presented here is summary information about the species Clematis tangutica from the Global Compendium of Weeds, and citations of references to this species as a weed. Definitions of terms are available in the GCW introduction View info about Adobe Acrobat PDF format. For further information--or to report corrections or concerns--contact webmaster@hear.org.

Synonyms/other Latin names:see GRIN ]

Status(es) (compiled for below "Data sources"): casual alien, cultivation escape, garden thug, naturalised, sleeper weed, weed [for definitions, see the GCW introduction View info about Adobe Acrobat PDF format.]

Origin (native to where): [no info]

Data sources:

A list of weed species from various New Zealand references to "weeds" compiled by P.A.Williams, Landcare Research, New Zealand.

Alanen, A., Bongard, T., Einarsson, E., Hansen, H., Hedlund, L., Jansson, K., Josefsson, M., Philipp, M., Sandlund, O.T., Svart, A.E., Svart, H.E. and Weidema, I. (2004?). Introduced Species in the Nordic Countries (Denmark) under Nordic Council of Ministers (NMR), subgroup Natur-og Friluftslivsgruppen.

Check-list of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly - 1994 C.N. French and R.J. Murphy. University of Exeter

Clement, E.J. and Foster, M.C. (1994) Alien plants of the British Isles. Botanical Society of the British Isles, London. (garden thug)

Essl, F. & Rabitsch, W. (eds.) (2002). Neobiota in Österreich. Umweltbundesamt GmbH, Wien.

Fowler, A.L., Caton, B.P. Fieselmann, D., Fowler, G. and Parker, C. (2003). Creation of a Prioritization Model to Identify Weeds of Global Significance. Weed Science Society of America, Jacksonville, Florida. [The following lists indicate (Table 1) the 15 species (not in cultivation in USA) selected under Phase I and (Table 2) the further 25 highest-ranking species selected under Phase II. Full fact sheets of the new 25 species are appended (Appendix 1). Appendix 2 includes the further 126 species not in cultivation which have been fully scored. Corresponding lists of species already in cultivation in USA appear as Tables 3 and 4. The latter table includes all those species, in cultivation, which have been at least partially scored (though this process is far from complete)]

Germplasm Resources Information Network G.R.I.N. GRIN

Hill, M., Baker, R., Broad, G., Chandler, P.J., Copp, G.H., Ellis, J., Jones, D., Hoyland, C., Laing, I., Longshaw, M., Moore, N., Parrott, D., Pearman, D., Preston, C., Smith, R.M. and Waters, R.(2005). Audit of non-native species in England. English Nature Research Reports N° 662, English Nature.

Inger Wallentinus (19??). Introduced Marine Algae and Vascular Plants in European Aquatic Enviroments. Department of Marine Botany, Göteborg University, Göteborg, Sweden. Appendix 1. Introduced vascular plants in aquatic environments in the different European areas, incuding also occasional species.

Landcare Research New Zealand (2001) Plant Names Database.

MAF BIOSECURITY AUTHORITY STANDARD. 155.02.05. Importation of Seed for Sowing. 1.5.1 QUARANTINE IMPURITIES. No seed lot will be released for sowing in New Zealand if it contains: * unidentified seed * regulated pests * in excess of 0.1% by weight of soil particles * seed of any of the quarantine weed species listed in the schedule below. 1.5.2 SCHEDULE OF REGULATED (QUARANTINE) WEED SEEDS

Preston, C.D., Pearman, D.A. and Dines, T.D. (2002) New Atlas of the British & Irish Flora. An Atlas of the Vascular Plants of Britain, Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. Oxford University Press.

Pysek, P., Sadlo, J. and Mandak (2002) Catalogue of Alien Plants of the Czech Republic. Preslia, Praha. 74:97-186.

References: This Excel database comprises all species listed in five New Zealand Journal of Botany (NZJBot) supplements to the adventive plants listed in Flora of NZ Vol. 4 (Webb et al. 1988), namely Heenan et al. (1998, 1999, 2002, 2004) and Webb et al. (1995). In the following database, Webb et al. (1988) is cited as ""FNZ4"" followed by a page number. To reduce space, the four NZJBot papers are identified simply by the volume number, followed by the page number in which the reference occurs. - Heenan, P.B.; Breitweiser, I.; Glenny, D.S.; de Lange, P.J.; Brownsey, P.J. 1998: Checklist of dicotyledons, and pteridophytes naturalised or casual in New Zealand: additional records 1994-1996. NZJBot.36: 155-162.; Heenan, P.B.; de Lange, P.J.; Cameron, E.K.; Champion, P.D. 2002: Checklist of dicotyledons, gymnosperms, and pteridophytes naturalised or casual in New Zealand: additional records 1999-2000. NZJBot.40: 155-174.; Heenan, P.B.; de Lange, P.J.; Cameron, E.K.; Ogle, C.C.; Champion, P.D. 2004: Checklist of dicotyledons, gymnosperms, and pteridophytes naturalised or casual in New Zealand: additional records 2001-2003. NZJBot.42: 797-814.; Heenan, P.B.; de Lange, P.J.; Glenny, D.S.; Breitweiser, I.; Brownsey, P.J.; Ogle, C.C. 1999: Checklist of dicotyledons and pteridophytes naturalised or casual in New Zealand: additional records 1997-1998. NZJBot.37: 629-642.; Webb, C.J.; Sykes, W.R.; Garnock-Jones, P.J.;1988: Flora of New Zealand Volume IV - Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons. Botany Division, D.S.I.R., Christchurch, New Zealand. 1365p.; Webb, C.J.; Sykes, W.R.; Garnock-Jones, P.J.; Brownsey, P.J. 1995: Checklist of dicotyledons, gymnosperms, and pteridophytes naturalised or casual in New Zealand: additional records 1988-1993. NZJBot.33: 151-182.

These taxa where indicated as neophytes to the Swiss Flora. (Red list of the endangered fern and flowering plants of Switzerland 2002.)

Weeds Recognized as Potential Problems in New Zealand from Owen, S.J. (1996). Ecological weeds on conservation land in New Zealand: a database. 118p. Department of Conservation, Wellington.

Western Australian Quarantine Inspection Service (WAQIS) Quarantine Weed

Zhang, Z.P. & Hirota, S. (Eds) (2000). Chinese Colored Weed Illustrated Book. Institute for the Control of Agrochemicals, Ministry of Agriculture, P.R.China, and the Japan Association For Advancement of Phyto-Regulators.

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The Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk (HEAR) project is currently funded by the Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN) of the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) through PIERC (USGS) with support from HCSU (UH-Hilo). More details are available online. Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN)National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII)

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This page was created on 13 September 2007 by PT, and was last updated on 04 October 2007 by PT based on data from Rod Randall's Global Compendium of Weeds database dated 24 January 2007. Valid HTML 4.01!