Western Australia Department of Agriculture (AgWest) Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR) Global Compendium of Weeds (GCW) Global Compendium of Weeds
Chloris barbata (Poaceae)

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Presented here is summary information about the species Chloris barbata from the Global Compendium of Weeds, and citations of references to this species as a weed. Definitions of terms are available in the GCW introduction View info about Adobe Acrobat PDF format. For further information--or to report corrections or concerns--contact webmaster@hear.org.

Synonyms/other Latin names:see GRIN ]

Status(es) (compiled for below "Data sources"): agricultural weed, environmental weed, naturalised, weed [for definitions, see the GCW introduction View info about Adobe Acrobat PDF format.]

Origin (native to where): [no info]

Data sources:

Actual and Prospective Weeds. Pacific Islands Ecosystems at Risk Project; http://www.hear.org/pier/ [ online info ]

Important Weed Species in Crops and Countries. Data stored from 59 developing countries and regularly updated. (Information gathered from various FAO reports) Information kindly provided by Mrs Sermsiri Kongsaengdao Botany & Weed Science Division DOA Thailand. FAO Weed Management, Ricardo Labrada.

Importation of Fresh Bananas from the Philippines Technical Information Paper May 2002. BIOSECURITY AUSTRALIA. (Tables 16 & 17 (Weeds))

Alien Species. On March 10, the Japanese Cabinet submitted the bill dealing with invasive alien species to the Diet. The Diet passed the bill without amendments and the Invasive Alien Species Act was promulgated as of June 2, 2004. List of alien species recognized to be established in Japan or found in the Japanese wild (as of October 27, 2004) [PDF]

Avinoam Danin, (2000). Species "new to" the Flora Palaestina area. Flora Mediterranea, 10: 109-172. 2. (The Nomenclature News of Flora Palaestina. Department of Evolution, Systematics, and Ecology, The A. Silberman Institute for Life Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel 91904)

Flora of the Marquesas islands. Botany Department of Systematic Biology. Smithsonian Institute.

G.R.I.N. TAXON Database http://www.ars-grin.gov/npgs/tax/index.html GRIN synonyms [ online info ]

Harada, J., Shibayama, H. and Morita, H. (1996). Weeds in the Tropics. Association for International Cooperation of Agriculture and Forestry, Japan.

Holm, L. G., Pancho, J. V., Herberger, J. P. and Plucknett, D. L. (1979). A Geographical Atlas of World Weeds. John Wiley and Sons NewYork, USA

Hussey, B.M.J., Keighery, G.J., Cousens, R.D., Dodd, J. and Lloyd. S.G. (1997). Western Weeds, a guide to the weeds of Western Australia. Plant Protection Society of Western Australia, Inc Western Australia. [list of images held in slide collection from original publication]

Häfliger, E. and Scholz, H. (1981). Grassweeds 2. Ciba-Geigy Ltd., Basel, Switzerland.

I3N-Paraguay Datasets. Naturalised Flora.

ISSUES PAPER: Import Risk Analysis (IRA) for the Importation of Fresh Pineapple Fruit. August 2001. Plant Biosecurity, Biosecurity Australia. (not concerned)

Introduced (Naturalised) Flora of Ecuador: Catalogs on Web site of owners: http://www.ambiente.gov.ec/AMBIENTE/i3n2000 I3N.htm (If this link is broken, try www.ambiente.gov.ec, then access the data by clicking on "Ecuador Megadiverso" link at the top, then on "Biodiversidad del Ecuador" on the right, then on ""I3N"" on the left.) [ online info ]

John Hosking, NSW Department of Agriculture, Weed Database 30 April 2003

Keighery, G. and Longman, V. (2004). The naturalized vascular plants of Western Australia 1: Checklist, environmental weeds and Distribution in IBRA Regions. Plant Protection Quarterly Vol.19 (1). pp:12-32.

Koo, S.K., Chin, Y.W., Kwon, Y.W., Cung, H.A. (2000) Common Weeds in Vietnam. Agriculture Publsihing House, Vietnam.

Lonsdale, W.M. (1994) Inviting Trouble: Introduced pastures species in northern Australia. Australian Journal of Ecology. 19, 345-354.

Lorenzi, H. (2000). Plantas daninhas do Brasil. Terrestres, Aquaticas, Parasitas e Toxicas. 3rd Edition. Instituto Plantarum De Estudos Da Flora Ltda

Major Weeds of Thailand. Botany and Weed Science Division of the Thai Department of Agriculture.

Matachacheep, S. (1995) Weeds of Thailand. Ratchamongkol Tech. Ins. Thailand. (Dr. Surachai Matachacheep).

Matchacheep, S. (1995) Weeds of Thailand, Thai Publication. [Author Ass. Prof. Dr. Surachai Matchacheep of the Ratchamongkul Technology Institute, Thailand. List supplied by Ricky Ward, Enviroweeds)]

National Parks Board, Singapore. Species Lists.

anon. (2002). The Common Weeds of Central Thailand. Weed Science Society of Thailand.

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The Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk (HEAR) project is currently funded by the Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN) of the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) through PIERC (USGS) with support from HCSU (UH-Hilo). More details are available online. Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN)National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII)

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Comments?  Questions?  Send e-mail to: webmaster@hear.org

This page was created on 13 September 2007 by PT, and was last updated on 04 October 2007 by PT based on data from Rod Randall's Global Compendium of Weeds database dated 24 January 2007. Valid HTML 4.01!