Global Compendium of Weeds
Catharanthus roseus (Apocynaceae)
Presented here is summary information about the species Catharanthus roseus from the Global Compendium of Weeds, and citations of references to this species as a weed. Definitions of terms are available in the GCW introduction . For further information--or to report corrections or concerns--contact
Synonyms/other Latin names: [ see GRIN ]
Status(es) (compiled for below "Data sources"): agricultural weed, cultivation escape, environmental weed, garden thug, naturalised, sleeper weed, weed [for definitions, see the GCW introduction .]
Origin (native to where): [no info]
Data sources:
Actual and Prospective Weeds. Pacific Islands Ecosystems at Risk Project; (weed) [ online info ]
Alien Species. On March 10, the Japanese Cabinet submitted the bill dealing with invasive alien species to the Diet. The Diet passed the bill without amendments and the Invasive Alien Species Act was promulgated as of June 2, 2004. List of alien species recognized to be established in Japan or found in the Japanese wild (as of October 27, 2004) [PDF] (naturalised)
Alien plants of Fuerteventura, Canary Islands. Plantas extranjeras de Fuerteventura, Islas Canarias - korrigierte Fassung vom 23.01.2002 - Prof. Dr. Dietmar Brandes, Dipl.-Biol. Katrin Fritzsch. Arbeitsgruppe für Vegetationsökologie und experimentelle Pflanzensoziologie Botanisches Institut und Botanischer Garten der TU Braunschweig D-38023 Braunschweig. Abstract: The nowadays flora of Fuerteventura contains some 780 species. At least 119 species are aliens, some 150 further species of mediterranean and/or North African origin are probably introduced too. The estimated percentage of aliens therefore reaches 35 %. (naturalised)
An analysis of 233 species of important and potentially important invasive plants in South Africa (i.e. the reason for importation). The species were extracted from the book Henderson, L. 2001. Alien weeds and invasive plants. Plant Protection Research Institute Handbook No. 12. (L. Henderson pers. comm.)
Barker, W.R., R.M.Barker, J.P. Jessop & H.P. Vonow (Eds.) (2005). Census of South Australian Vascular Plants. 5th Edition. J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. Supplement 1. (Botanic Gardens of Adelaide & State Herbarium: Adelaide). (naturalised)
Batianoff, G.N. and Butler, D.W. (2002). Assessment of Invasive naturalized plants in south-east Queensland. Appendix. 1 Plant Protection Quarterly 17, 27-34. (cultivation escape, environmental weed, naturalised)
Biological Diversity of the Guianas (BDG) Guyana; Surinam; French Guiana. The Checklist of the Plants of the Guianas; 2nd Edition (edited by J. Boggan; V. Funk; C. Kelloff; M. Hoff; G. Cremers; & C. Feuillet; 1997) was produced as a cooperative project between the Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program (Smithsonian Institution; Washington; DC USA) and the ORSTOM Herbarium (Cayenne; French Guiana); under the auspices of the Centre for the Study of Biological Diversity (University of Guyana; Georgetown; Guyana). weed? (weed) [ online info ]
Csurhes, S. and Edwards, R. (1998) Potential Environmental Weeds in Australia, Candidate Species For Preventative Control. Biodiversity Group, Environment Australia, Canberra, ACT. (environmental weed)
Cultivated and/or Exotic Plants in Central Africa (R.D.Congo - Rwanda - Burundi). (list provisional)13-03-2005 This list gives an extremely incomplete image of the horticulture in central Africa (R.D. Congo, Rwanda, Burundi). (weed)
Faith T. Campbell; American Landss Alliance; draft lists of exotic plant species invasive in continental United States mentioned as invasive by someone but lacking sufficient source to include on main list; most but not all exotic in origin: weed (environmental weed)
Flora List for Pohnpei from Christopher Dahl (File creation date 15 Nov 1997) College of Micronesia-FSM Botany 250 (naturalised)
Flora of the Marquesas islands. Botany Department of Systematic Biology. Smithsonian Institute. (naturalised)
Staples, George W., Derral Herbst & Clyde T. Imada (2000). Survey of Invasive or Potentially Invasive Cultivated Plants in Hawaii. A Special Publication of the Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 1999. Honolulu, Hawaii. (cultivation escape, environmental weed)
Henderson, L. (2001) Alien Weeds and Invasive Plants. Plant Protection Research Institute & Agricultural Research Council, South Africa. (garden thug)
Holm, L. G., Pancho, J. V., Herberger, J. P. and Plucknett, D. L. (1979). A Geographical Atlas of World Weeds. John Wiley and Sons NewYork, USA (weed)
INTRODUCED FLORA OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY. Generation Date: September 17, 2004 4:23 PM. Ian Cowie. (naturalised)
Introduced (Alien) Species Checklist: Biodiversity & Environmental Resource Data System of Belize. [This list may be incomplete as all known data has not yet been entered into the system. Note: This is a species checklist for the entire country. It may or may not display actual specimens within the BERDS database. [ i ] icon links to Species Profiles. X's in green under the districts section link to specimen data for that district. Click the [map] link in the Table header to view a map of the districts. This checklist is automatically revised as new specimen data are added to BERDS.] (naturalised)
Introduced (Naturalised) Flora of Ecuador: Catalogs on Web site of owners: I3N.htm (If this link is broken, try, then access the data by clicking on "Ecuador Megadiverso" link at the top, then on "Biodiversidad del Ecuador" on the right, then on ""I3N"" on the left.) (naturalised) [ online info ]
Introduced (Naturalised) Species to the United States [USDA, NRCS 1999. The PLANTS database. National Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70874-4490 USA. ] (naturalised)
Introduced plants in Galapagos. Introduced Species Registered in the Charles Darwin Research Station Herbarium as present in Galapagos (616 species, not including questionably native species), November 2004. (naturalised)
John Hosking, NSW Department of Agriculture, Weed Database 30 April 2003 (agricultural weed, naturalised)
Keighery, G. and Longman, V. (2004). The naturalized vascular plants of Western Australia 1: Checklist, environmental weeds and Distribution in IBRA Regions. Plant Protection Quarterly Vol.19 (1). pp:12-32. (environmental weed, naturalised)
Landcare Research New Zealand (2001) Plant Names Database. (naturalised)
List of Pteridophtyes and Spermatophytes for the Canary Islands (Lista de Pterido y Spermatoe Indice) Presence or Absence is denoted on an island by island basis and introduced (naturalised) taxa are also denoted. 2002. Viceconsejería de Medio Ambiente. Gobierno de Canarias. (naturalised)
List of exotic plants that have naturalised within the Wet Tropics Bioregion from Werren, G. (2001) 'Environmental Weeds of the Wet Tropics Bioregion: Risk Assessment & Priority Ranking'. A report prepared for the Wet Tropics Management Authority, Cairns [Source of data: Queensland Herbarium records (HERBRECS) to November 2000; emended by concatenating conspecific subspecies/varieties, and inserting additional species otherwise known to have naturalised within the region] (environmental weed, garden thug)
National Parks Board, Singapore. Species Lists. (naturalised)
Non-native Flora of Belize. This list is definitely a tentative one, and help on improving this list will be much appreciated. There are a few links to more iformation. Many of the plants listed here are ornamentals or commercial crops, some have become naturalized or have the potential to do so. Others don't seem to survive well without human care. In other words; not all of these are "invasive". Copyright - 2002 and Belize Explorer Group Design Concepts Last modified: September 26, 2003
Plant Threats to Pacific Ecosystems. A product of the Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk project (PIER). This table lists all species that are profiled on PIER. It includes those of environmental concern (including those that are probably of threat only to islands with high elevations) as well as agricultural and ruderal weeds. Jim Space, PEIR Co-ordinator. (weed)
Plants Naturalised in Hawai'i. Bishop Musem, Oahu. DISCLAIMER: Be it known to all who use this web resource, that this is NOT intended to represent a complete, definitive, or authoritative checklist of the flora and fauna of the Hawaiian Islands. This is a Beta-Test site that makes available online a copy of the taxonomic database currently used by the Bishop Museum Botany collection for its collections databases. Some groups in this list have been thoroughly scrutinized and do, in fact, represent an essentially complete checklist for the Hawaiian Islands. Other groups, however, are NOT complete, and only represent an unverified listing of what happens to be in the Bishop Museum specimen collection database. (naturalised)
arten der TU Braunschweig D-38023 Braunschweig. Abstract: The nowadays flora of Fuerteventura contains some 780 species. At least 119 species are aliens, some 150 further species of mediterranean and/or North African origin are probably introduced too. The estimated percentage of aliens therefore reaches 35 %. (naturalised)
An analysis of 233 species of important and potentially important invasive plants in South Africa (i.e. the reason for importation). The species were extracted from the book Henderson, L. 2001. Alien weeds and invasive plants. Plant Protection Research Institute Handbook No. 12. (L. Henderson pers. comm.)
Barker, W.R., R.M.Barker, J.P. Jessop & H.P. Vonow (Eds.) (2005). Census of South Australian Vascular Plants. 5th Edition. J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. Supplement 1. (Botanic Gardens of Adelaide & State Herbarium: Adelaide). (naturalised)
Batianoff, G.N. and Butler, D.W. (2002). Assessment of Invasive naturalized plants in south-east Queensland. Appendix. 1 Plant Protection Quarterly 17, 27-34. (cultivation escape, environmental weed, naturalised)
Biological Diversity of the Guianas (BDG) Guyana; Surinam; French Guiana. The Checklist of the Plants of the Guianas; 2nd Edition (edited by J. Boggan; V. Funk; C. Kelloff; M. Hoff; G. Cremers; & C. Feuillet; 1997) was produced as a cooperative project between the Biological Diversity of the Guianas Program (Smithsonian Institution; Washington; DC USA) and the ORSTOM Herbarium (Cayenne; French Guiana); under the auspices of the Centre for the Study of Biological Diversity (University of Guyana; Georgetown; Guyana). weed? (weed) [ online info ]
Csurhes, S. and Edwards, R. (1998) Potential Environmental Weeds in Australia, Candidate Species For Preventative Control. Biodiversity Group, Environment Australia, Canberra, ACT. (environmental weed)
Cultivated and/or Exotic Plants in Central Africa (R.D.Congo - Rwanda - Burundi). (list provisional)13-03-2005 This list gives an extremely incomplete image of the horticulture in central Africa (R.D. Congo, Rwanda, Burundi). (weed)
Faith T. Campbell; American Landss Alliance; draft lists of exotic plant species invasive in continental United States mentioned as invasive by someone but lacking sufficient source to include on main list; most but not all exotic in origin: weed (environmental weed)
Flora List for Pohnpei from Christopher Dahl (File creation date 15 Nov 1997) College of Micronesia-FSM Botany 250 (naturalised)
Flora of the Marquesas islands. Botany Department of Systematic Biology. Smithsonian Institute. (naturalised)
Staples, George W., Derral Herbst & Clyde T. Imada (2000). Survey of Invasive or Potentially Invasive Cultivated Plants in Hawaii. A Special Publication of the Records of the Hawaii Biological Survey for 1999. Honolulu, Hawaii. (cultivation escape, environmental weed)
Henderson, L. (2001) Alien Weeds and Invasive Plants. Plant Protection Research Institute & AgriWildlife Atlas CAPS plant taxa - Census of Plants in New South Wales National Parks? New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service. (weed)
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This page was created on 13 September 2007 by PT, and was last updated on
04 October 2007
by PT based on data from Rod Randall's Global Compendium of Weeds database dated 24 January 2007.