Western Australia Department of Agriculture (AgWest) Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR) Global Compendium of Weeds (GCW) Global Compendium of Weeds
Aster lanceolatus (Asteraceae)

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Presented here is summary information about the species Aster lanceolatus from the Global Compendium of Weeds, and citations of references to this species as a weed. Definitions of terms are available in the GCW introduction View info about Adobe Acrobat PDF format. For further information--or to report corrections or concerns--contact webmaster@hear.org.

Synonyms/other Latin names:see GRIN ]

Status(es) (compiled for below "Data sources"): agricultural weed, casual alien, cultivation escape, environmental weed, garden thug, naturalised, weed [for definitions, see the GCW introduction View info about Adobe Acrobat PDF format.]

Origin (native to where): Eastern N America, "N-Am.,", Eastern N America, N. America, North America, North America

Data sources:

CHECKLIST OF THE VASCULAR PLANTS OF FINLAND, based on Kurtto, A. & Lahti, T. 1987: Suomen putkilokasvien luettelo (Checklist of the vascular plants of Finland). - Pamphl. Bot. Mus. Univ. Helsinki 11: I.-VI + 1-163. The list includes all the vascular plants found in Finland up to 1987, excluding those only in cultivation (i.e. taxa found during the past few years - mainly casual plants or plants escaping from cultivation are missing, and erroneous records of the 1987 list have not been corrected)

ANEXO 1 - Espécies introduzidas em Portugal continental - (I) Invasoras. Legislaçao Nacional Decreto-Lei no. 565/99 de 21-12-1999 (Versao 1 Originária) Decreto-Lei565/9921-12-1999 Ministério do Ambiente Regula a introduçao na natureza de espécies nao indígenas da flora e fauna. Espécies nao indígenas da flora e da fauna 21-12-1999295 fauna, flora, animais domésticos, espécies de fauna ameaçadas, protecçao dos animais, vegetaçao Direito do Ambiente 1999-12-21 S

Alien species recorded in Poland. Alien Species Polich Database.Wojciech Solarz, Institute of Nature Conservation, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków Poland. (Database was prepared for the Polish Ministry of Environment)

Anon, (----). Species introduced in Continental Portugal [Espécies introduzidas em Portugal Continenta]. ICN - Instituto da Conservacao da Natureza.

Balogh L, Dancza István, Királi G (2005) Actual list of neophytes in Hungary and their classification according to their success. In: Mihály B, Botta-Dukát Z (eds.), Biological invasions in Hungary, invasive plants, 61-92. Természet BUVAR Alapítvány Kiadó, Budapest.

Botond, M. & Zoltán, B.D.(eds.) (2004) Biological Invasions in Hungary. Invasive Plants. TermészetBUVAR Alapítvány Kiadó.

Brundu, G., Brock, J., Camarda, I., Child, L. and Wade, M. (2001) Plant Invasions: Species Ecology and Ecosystem Management. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, Netherlands.

Check-list of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly - 1994 C.N. French and R.J. Murphy. University of Exeter

Clement, E.J. and Foster, M.C. (1994) Alien plants of the British Isles. Botanical Society of the British Isles, London.

Colin C. Ogle (last revision May 2003). Adventive plants collected in the Wanganui Conservancy of the New Zealand Department of Conservation, 1988-present. (Unpublished working list).  Author's address: 22 Forres St, Wanganui, New Zealand.  Email: robcol.ogle@xtra.co.nz

Darbyshire, S.J. (2003). Inventory of Canadian Agricultural Weeds. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. Ottawa, Ontario. (agricultural weed)

Essl, F. & Rabitsch, W. (eds.) (2002). Neobiota in Österreich. Umweltbundesamt GmbH, Wien.

Hill, M., Baker, R., Broad, G., Chandler, P.J., Copp, G.H., Ellis, J., Jones, D., Hoyland, C., Laing, I., Longshaw, M., Moore, N., Parrott, D., Pearman, D., Preston, C., Smith, R.M. and Waters, R.(2005). Audit of non-native species in England. English Nature Research Reports N° 662, English Nature.

Inger Wallentinus (19??). Introduced Marine Algae and Vascular Plants in European Aquatic Enviroments. Department of Marine Botany, Göteborg University, Göteborg, Sweden. Appendix 1. Introduced vascular plants in aquatic environments in the different European areas, incuding also occasional species.

Landcare Research New Zealand (2001) Plant Names Database.

List of Slovenian plant IAS (submeditrranean In red): Plant Invaders in sub-mediterranean part of Slovenia. Nejc Jogan, Dept of biology BF, University of Ljubijana, Slovenia. Poster presented at the First International Workshop on Mediterranean Weeds at Mèze, France, 25-27 May 2005. (Nejc.jogan@bf.uni-lj.si)

Muller, S. (2002) Les invasions biologiques causées par les plantes exotiques sur le territoire français métropolitain - Etat des connaissances et propositions d'actions. Synthesis, Ministère de l'Aménagement du Territoire et de l'Environnement, Direction de la Nature et des Paysages, Paris, 187 p.

Muller, S. (coord.) (2004). Plamtes invasives en France. Muséum national d'historire naturelle, Paris. 108 p.

PLANT INVADERS IN SPAIN [CHECK-LIST] `The Unwanted Citizens' Dana, E.D., Sanz-Elorza, M. & Sobrino, E. (1) Sanz-Elorza, M., Dana, E.D. & Sobrino, E. 2001. Aproximaci en al listado de plantas al_ctonas invasoras reales y potenciales en Espana. Lazaroa 22: 121-131. [English abstract] (2) Dana, E.D. Cerrillo, M.I., Sanz-Elorza, M., Sobrino, E. & Mota, J.F. 2001. Contribucion al conocimiento de las xen_fitas en Espana: cat_logo provisional de la flora al_ctona de Almer_a. Acta Botanica Malacitana 26 264-276. [English abstract] We have included also some unpublished recent data within this list. The species have been arranged first by their invasive character (from higher to lower). Within the most aggressive, species have been presented by their morphology (herbaceous, woody, and so on). Within species are alphabetically listed. Consideration of `Invasiveness' follows the recent proposal by Richardson, D., Pysek, P., Rejmanek, M., Barbour, M.G., Panetta, F.D. & West, C.J. 2000. Naturalization and invasion of alien plants: concepts and definitions. Diversity and Distributions 6: 93-107.

Pat Enwright (2003) Adventive species of the Wellington Conservancy ecological district. Project initiated by John Sawyer of D.O.C and further refined and updated by Colin Ogle of Wanganui before Ewen Cameron and Mei Nee Lee of the Auckland Museum herbarium very kindly provided lists of adventive species by ecological district for the Wellington Conservancy from the AK database. I must also thank Ewen Cameron and Rhys Gardner for identification of a number of specimens included in this list, Phillipa Crisp from W.R.C. also supplied information on species recorded by or on behalf of W.R.C and not already included in the database. Pat Enwright pers. comm. [Pat.Enright@nz.towerlimited.com]

Preston, C.D., Pearman, D.A. and Dines, T.D. (2002) New Atlas of the British & Irish Flora. An Atlas of the Vascular Plants of Britain, Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. Oxford University Press.

Pysek, P., Sadlo, J. and Mandak (2002) Catalogue of Alien Plants of the Czech Republic. Preslia, Praha. 74:97-186.

Pysek, P., Sádlo, J. and Mandák, B. (2003). Alien flora of the Czech Republic, its composition,structure and history. Plant Invasions: Ecological Threats and Management Solutions, Edited by L.E. Child, J.H. Brock, G. Brundu, K. Prach, P. Pyäek, P.M. Wade and M. Williamson pp. 113-130.

Wittenberg R (ed.) (2005) An inventory of alien species and their threat to biodiversity and economy in Switzerland. CABI Bioscience Switzerland Centre report to the Swiss Agency for Environment, Forests and Landscape. [Table 10.8: Invasive plant species in Europe.]

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The Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk (HEAR) project is currently funded by the Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN) of the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) through PIERC (USGS) with support from HCSU (UH-Hilo). More details are available online. Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN)National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII)

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This page was created on 13 September 2007 by PT, and was last updated on 04 October 2007 by PT based on data from Rod Randall's Global Compendium of Weeds database dated 24 January 2007. Valid HTML 4.01!