Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR) HEAR bibliography
Mammals in Hawaii, second edition
Tomich, P. Quentin. (1986)

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Tomich, P. Quentin. 1986. Mammals in Hawaii, second edition. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publication 76. Honolulu: Bishop Museum Press. 375 pp. ISBN: 0-93087-10-2.

Taxa covered in this document    
Axis axis all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Balaena glacialis all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Balaenoptera acutorostrata all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Balaenoptera edeni all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Balaenoptera musculus all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Balaenoptera physalus all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Canis familiaris subsp. familiaris all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Capra hircus subsp. hircus all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Cavia porcellus all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Equus asinus x Equus caballus all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Equus caballus subsp. caballus all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Felis catus all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Herpestes javanicus all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Lasiurus cinereus subsp. semotus all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Megaptera novaeangliae all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Mirounga angustirostris all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Monachus schauinslandi all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Mus domesticus all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Odocoileus hemionus all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Oryctolagus cuniculus subsp. cuniculus all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Ovis aries all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Ovis musimon all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Ovis musimon x Ovis aries all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Petrogale penicillata all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Pipistrellus javanicus subsp. abramus all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Rattus exulans subsp. hawaiiensis all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Rattus norvegicus subsp. norvegicus all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Rattus rattus subsp. rattus all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Steno bredanensis all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Sus scrofa subsp. scrofa all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Tadarida brasiliensis subsp. mexicana all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]
Ziphius cavirostris all HEARBIB references ] online species info ]

The Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk (HEAR) project is currently funded by the Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN) of the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) through PIERC (USGS) with support from HCSU (UH-Hilo). More details are available online. Pacific Basin Information Node (PBIN)National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII)

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