ABSENT: at least one literature reference was cited (and/or at least one knowledgeable person has reported information) to indicate that no feral or "wild" breeding population of this species has ever been known to exist on this island
EXTIRPATED: at least one literature reference was cited (and/or at least one knowledgeable person has reported information) to indicate that this species historically occurred on this island, but the most recent information available to HEAR indicates that there is evidence that there is no longer a feral or "wild" breeding population of this species on this island (NOTE: if it is questionable whether the species has been extirpated, the species-island distribution will indicate "PRESENT" [see also])
NO INFO: no information was available, or at least one literature reference was cited (and/or at least one knowledgeable person has reported information) to indicate that insufficient information exists, to make a definitive statement about whether or not a feral or "wild" breeding population of this species has ever been known to exist on this island
This map is based on information collected by the Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR). For further details, contact the Hawaii Ecosystems at Risk project (webmaster@hear.org).
NOTE: This map is based on the best information available to us as of the publication date. We realize that it may not be complete; we rely on YOU to send us updated information! If you have additional information regarding the distribution of this taxon (including islands on which the species is PRESENT *or* KNOWN TO BE ABSENT), please obtain a blank all-islands map , indicate the additional info on the map, and send it to: Hawaii Ecosystems at Risk, c/o Research, P.O. Box 369, Makawao, Hawaii 96768 USA. (Remember to label the map with the SPECIES you're providing information about, AND your name and contact information.) Alternatively, you may fax information to (808) 5724498 (Attention: Philip Thomas), or send email to webmaster@hear.org.
ArcView shapefiles and metadata--including information source and data collection methods--are available from the Hawaii Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR). (It is planned that this information will eventually be posted to this site.)
Also, digital photos of this species (or slides, which we can convert and return to you) are solicited for publication on this site.
Again, please remember: this map is a part of a set of WORKING MAPS which will be UPDATED as we receive better information. As much as we may like them to, they may not represent "the definitive distribution maps" for any species or island. Rather, we hope that they will stimulate your input based on your own field observations!
Map and website prepared by the Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project (HEAR).