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Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri
Raym.-Hamet & H. Perrier, Crassulaceae
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Present on Pacific Islands?  yes

Primarily a threat at high elevations?  no

Other Latin names:  Bryophyllum gastonis-bonnieri (Raym.-Hamet & H. Perrier) Lauz.-March.

Common name(s): [more details]

English: donkey ears, palm beachbells

Spanish: dulcamara

Habit:  shrub

Description:  "Shrub 50-60 cm high, stem robust, 12 mm diameter below, 7 mm diameter toward the apex, internodes 2-11.5 cm long; leaves decussate, broadly amplexicaul and passing into the blade and there entire, this part 3.5-6 cm long, 17 mm wide, the leaf-blade ovate-lanceolate, 13.5-16.5 cm long, 47-55 mm wide, rounded above, leaf margins coarsely roundish-crenate, surface whitish to mealy pruinose; inflorescence terminal, producing a corymb 28 cm high, 15 cm broad, pedicels glabrous, 10 mm long, calyx glabrous, campanulate, 13-15 mm long, lobes triangular, corolla-tube longer than the calyx, pale pink" (Jacobsen, 1960; p. 648).

Habitat/ecology:  Light shade to full sun.  Hardiness: above 4.5ø C (40ø F) (Dave's garden).

Propagation:  Seed. Plant is viviparous (Dave's garden).

Native range:  Madagascar(?) (Jacobsen, 1960; p. 648).


Country/Terr./St. &
Island group
Location Cited status &
Cited as invasive &
Cited as cultivated &
Cited as aboriginal introduction?
Reference &
Ecuador (Galápagos Islands)
Isabela Group
Isabela Island introduced
Charles Darwin Foundation (2008)
Ecuador (Galápagos Islands)
Isabela Group
Volcán Sierra Negra, Isabela Island introduced
Charles Darwin Foundation (2008)
Ecuador (Galápagos Islands)
San Cristóbal Group
San Cristóbal Island introduced
Charles Darwin Foundation (2008)
Ecuador (Galápagos Islands)
Santa Cruz Group
Santa Cruz Island introduced
Charles Darwin Foundation (2008)
Marshall Islands
Ratak Chain
Majuro (Mãjro) Atoll introduced
Vander Velde, Nancy (2003) (p. 86)

Comments:  Other Kalanchoes are invasive.

Control:  If you know of control methods for Kalanchoe gastonis-bonnieri, please let us know.

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This page was created on 20 OCT 2004 and was last updated on 26 MAR 2012.