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Alocasia macrorrhizos
(L.) G. Don, Araceae
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Present on Pacific Islands?  yes

Primarily a threat at high elevations?  no

Other Latin names:  Alocasia indica (Lour.) Spach; Alocasia plumbea Van Houtte; Arum indicum Lour.; Arum macrorrhizon L.; Colocasia indica (Lour.) Kunth

Common name(s): [more details]

Chamorro: papao-apaka, papao-atulong, piga

Chinese: re ya hai yu

Chuukese: fine, kä, ka, kká, oht, oot, puna, pween, pwerik

English: Egyptian lily, ape, cunjevoi, elephant's ear, giant alocasia, giant taro, pai, taro, western yam, wild taro

Fijian: via, via nganga, viadidi, viamila, viandini, viandranu, viasori

French: alocasie

Hawaiian: ‘ape

I-Kiribati: te kabe

Kosraean: unog

Mangarevan: appe, kape, taru

Maori (Cook Islands): kape

Marshallese: majol wot, ot, wõt, wat, wot

Niuean: kape

Other: ape, appai, yappai

Palauan: bisech ra Belau, bisen

Pohnpeian: ohd, oht, oth, sepwikin

Samoan: ‘ape, ta‘amć

Satawalese: file

Spanish: camacho, malanga

Tahitian: ‘ape, ape

Tokelauan: tāmu

Tongan: kape

Tuvaluan: tamu

Ulithian: fole

Wallisian: kape

Yapese: chaf, file, la‘iy, lai

Habit:  herb

Description:  "Large herbs up to 5 m tall; stems erect, up to 1 m long and 20 cm in diameter.  Leaf blades ovate-triangular, anterior lobe 25-120 cm long, 20-90 cm wide, posterior lobes 12-40 cm long, 1/4-1/2 as long as anterior lobe, primary lateral veins 4-7 per side, petioles 75-130 cm long, cataphylls persistent, 25-95 cm long.  Inflorescences 2 to several together, subtended by bracts, peduncles 20-45 cm long; spathe whitish to yellowish, oblong, 13-35 cm long, 4-6 cm wide, constricted ca. 4 cm from base to form a tube up to 2 cm in diameter, upper part deciduous or withering; spadix nearly as long as spathe, 11-32 cm long, pistillate portion 1-2.5 cm long, sterile staminate portion 0.5-2 cm long, fertile staminate portion 2-7 cm long, terminal appendage 7.5-21 cm long.  Berries scarlet, ovoid, 8-10 mm long, 5-8 mm in diameter"  (Wagner et al., 1999; p. 1356).

Habitat/ecology:  In Hawai‘i, "cultivated and now naturalized in low elevation mesic valleys, primarily along streams or in other wet sites"  (Wagner et al., 1999; p. 1356). In Fiji, "it was probably an aboriginal introduction, now abundantly naturalized in damp places and along river banks from near sea level to 600 m or higher" (Smith, 1979; p. 455).

Propagation:  Seed

Native range:  "Exact place of origin unknown, occurring from India and Sri Lanka through southeastern Asia to Polynesia, cultivated widely in the tropics and used as a famine food in some areas" (Wagner et al., 1999; p. 1356).


Country/Terr./St. &
Island group
Location Cited status &
Cited as invasive &
Cited as cultivated &
Cited as aboriginal introduction?
Reference &
American Samoa
Manu‘a Islands
Olosega Island introduced
abo. intro.
Ragone, Diane/Lorence, David H. (2003) (p. 47)
American Samoa
Manu‘a Islands
Olosega Island   National Tropical Botanical Garden (U.S.A. Hawaii. Kalaheo.) (2001) (voucher ID: PTBG 37108)
Taxon name on voucher: Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) D. Don
American Samoa
Manu‘a Islands
Ta‘u Island introduced
abo. intro.
Ragone, Diane/Lorence, David H. (2003) (p. 47)
American Samoa
Manu‘a Islands
Ta‘u Island   National Tropical Botanical Garden (U.S.A. Hawaii. Kalaheo.) (2002) (voucher ID: PTBG 40472)
Taxon name on voucher: Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don
American Samoa
Tutuila Islands
Tutuila Island   Setchell, William Albert (1924) (p. 108)
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (US)
Northern Mariana Islands
Agrigan (Agrihan) Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (US)
Northern Mariana Islands
Agrigan (Agrihan) Island introduced
abo. intro.
Fosberg, F. R./Falanruw, M. V. C./Sachet, M.-H. (1975) (p. 17)
Vouchers cited: Falanruw 2331 (US), Fosberg 31618 (US)
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (US)
Northern Mariana Islands
Alamagan Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (US)
Northern Mariana Islands
Alamagan Island introduced
abo. intro.
Fosberg, F. R./Falanruw, M. V. C./Sachet, M.-H. (1975) (p. 17)
Vouchers cited: Falanruw 1932 (US)
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (US)
Northern Mariana Islands
Anatahan Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (US)
Northern Mariana Islands
Pagan Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (US)
Northern Mariana Islands
Pagan Island introduced
abo. intro.
Fosberg, F. R./Falanruw, M. V. C./Sachet, M.-H. (1975) (p. 17)
Vouchers cited: Corwin PC-43-2A (USNM), Corwin PC-43-3a (USNM), Corwin PC-43-5 (USNM), Fosberg 31375 (US)
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (US)
Northern Mariana Islands
Rota Island   Raulerson, L. (2006) (p. 16)
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (US)
Northern Mariana Islands
Sarigan Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (US)
Northern Mariana Islands
Sarigan Island introduced
abo. intro.
Fosberg, F. R./Falanruw, M. V. C./Sachet, M.-H. (1975) (p. 17)
Voucher cited: Evans 2424 (US, BISH, Fo, NY)
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (US)
Northern Mariana Islands
Tinian Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (US)
Saipan Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Cook Islands
Northern Cook Islands
Manuae Atoll (Northern Cook Islands) introduced
abo. intro.
McCormack, Gerald (2013)
Cook Islands
Northern Cook Islands
Nassau Island introduced
abo. intro.
McCormack, Gerald (2013)
Cook Islands
Northern Cook Islands
Penrhyn (Tongareva) Island introduced
abo. intro.
McCormack, Gerald (2013)
Cook Islands
Northern Cook Islands
Rakahanga Atoll introduced
abo. intro.
McCormack, Gerald (2013)
Cook Islands
Northern Cook Islands
Suwarrow (Taka) Atoll introduced
abo. intro.
McCormack, Gerald (2013)
Cook Islands
Southern Cook Islands
‘Atiu Island introduced
abo. intro.
McCormack, Gerald (2013)
Cook Islands
Southern Cook Islands
Mangaia Island introduced
abo. intro.
McCormack, Gerald (2013)
Cook Islands
Southern Cook Islands
Ma‘uke Island introduced
abo. intro.
McCormack, Gerald (2013)
Cook Islands
Southern Cook Islands
Miti‘aro Island introduced
abo. intro.
McCormack, Gerald (2013)
Cook Islands
Southern Cook Islands
Palmerston (Avarau) Island introduced
abo. intro.
McCormack, Gerald (2013)
Cook Islands
Southern Cook Islands
Rarotonga Island introduced
abo. intro.
McCormack, Gerald (2013)
Ecuador (Galápagos Islands)
Isabela Group
Isabela Island introduced
Charles Darwin Foundation (2008)
Ecuador (Galápagos Islands)
Isabela Group
Volcán Sierra Negra, Isabela Island introduced
Charles Darwin Foundation (2008)
Ecuador (Galápagos Islands)
San Cristóbal Group
San Cristóbal Island introduced
Charles Darwin Foundation (2008)
Observed in survey, no herbarium record. Also as Alocasia plumbea Van Houtte
Ecuador (Galápagos Islands)
Santa Cruz Group
Santa Cruz Island introduced
Charles Darwin Foundation (2008)
Also as Alocasia plumbea Van Houtte
Federated States of Micronesia
Chuuk Islands
Dublon (Tonowas) Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Chuuk Islands
Etal (Ettan) Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Chuuk Islands
East Fayu Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Chuuk Islands
Lukunor (Núkúnooch) Atoll [xxx] introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Chuuk Islands
Murilo (Mwiriné) Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Chuuk Islands
Namoluk (Nómwunuuk) Atoll   Marshall, Mae/Fosberg, F. R. (1975) (p. 29)
Federated States of Micronesia
Chuuk Islands
Namonuito (Namonweito, Nómwun Wiité) Atoll   Merlin, M./Juvik, J. (1996) (p. 53)
Federated States of Micronesia
Chuuk Islands
Nomwin (Nómwiin) Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Chuuk Islands
Pulusuk Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Chuuk Islands
Puluwat (Pwonowót) Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Chuuk Islands
Satawan Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Chuuk Islands
Weno (Moen) Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Kosrae Island
Kosrae Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Kosrae Island
Kosrae Island introduced
Lorence, David H./Flynn, Timothy (2010) (p. 6)
Federated States of Micronesia
Pohnpei Islands
Ant Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Pohnpei Islands
Kapingamarangi Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Pohnpei Islands
Mokil (Mwokil) Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Pohnpei Islands
Nukuoro Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Pohnpei Islands
Pingelap Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Pohnpei Islands
Pohnpei Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Pohnpei Islands
Pohnpei Island introduced
Glassman, S. F. (1952) (p. 108)
Federated States of Micronesia
Pohnpei Islands
Pohnpei Island introduced
Herrera, Katherine/Lorence, David H./Flynn, Timothy/Balick, Michael J. (2010) (p. 34)
Vouchers cited: B. Ekiek 71 (NY, PTBG), B. Ekiek 100 (NY, PTBG), F. R. Fosberg 69 (BISH), Lorence 8095 (PTBG), S. E. Riesenberg 69 (BISH), F. Sohl 17 (NY, PTBG), M. Takamatsu 765 (BISH), N. S. Tangalin 1246 (PTBG)
Federated States of Micronesia
Pohnpei Islands
Pohnpei Island   National Tropical Botanical Garden (U.S.A. Hawaii. Kalaheo.) (1999) (voucher ID: PTBG 34549)
Taxon name on voucher: Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) G. Don
Federated States of Micronesia
Pohnpei Islands
Pohnpei Island   National Tropical Botanical Garden (U.S.A. Hawaii. Kalaheo.) (1997) (voucher ID: PTBG 28680)
Taxon name on voucher: Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) D. Don
Federated States of Micronesia
Yap Islands
Eauripik Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Yap Islands
Fais Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Yap Islands
Fais Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Evans, M. (1969) (p. 4)
"Commonly planted in village and in small clearings, spontaneous in coconut plantation on plateau. Leave reaching large size in favorable places. This is one of the few places where this aroid is planted for food". Vouchers cited: Evans 386 (US), Fosberg 46696 (US)
Federated States of Micronesia
Yap Islands
Faraulep (Faraulap) Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Yap Islands
Ifalik (Ifaluk) Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Yap Islands
Lamotrek Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Yap Islands
Pulap (Pwonnap) Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Yap Islands
Satawal Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Yap Islands
Satawal Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R. (1969) (p. 4)
Voucher cited: Fosberg 46869 (US)
Federated States of Micronesia
Yap Islands
Sorol Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Yap Islands
Ulithi Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Yap Islands
Woleai Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Yap Islands
Yap (Waqab) Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Federated States of Micronesia
Yap Islands
Yap (Waqab) Island   Merlin, M./Kigfas, A./Keene, T./Juvik, J. (1996) (pp. 67-68)
Fiji Islands
Taveuni Island introduced
abo. intro.
Smith, Albert C. (1979) (p. 456)
Fiji Islands
Vanua Levu Island introduced
abo. intro.
Smith, Albert C. (1979) (p. 456)
Fiji Islands
Viti Levu Island introduced
abo. intro.
Smith, Albert C. (1979) (p. 456)
Vouchers cited: Weiner 2, St. John 18374, R.A. Lever s.n. [1943]
French Polynesia
Gambier Islands
Agakauitai Island introduced
Florence, J./Chevillotte, H./Ollier, C./Meyer, J.-Y. (2013)
French Polynesia
Gambier Islands
Mangareva (Gambier) Island introduced
Florence, J./Chevillotte, H./Ollier, C./Meyer, J.-Y. (2013)
French Polynesia
Gambier Islands
Mangareva (Gambier) Island introduced
St. John, Harold (1988) (p. 10)
Voucher cited: Fosberg 11039 (BISH)
French Polynesia
Gambier Islands
Taravai Island introduced
Florence, J./Chevillotte, H./Ollier, C./Meyer, J.-Y. (2013)
As Alocasia plumbea K. Koch ex L. van Houtte
French Polynesia
Marquesas Islands
Fatu Hiva Island introduced
abo. intro.
Lorence, David H./Wagner, Warren L. (2013)
French Polynesia
Marquesas Islands
Fatu Hiva Island introduced
Florence, J./Chevillotte, H./Ollier, C./Meyer, J.-Y. (2013)
French Polynesia
Marquesas Islands
Fatu Hiva Island   National Tropical Botanical Garden (U.S.A. Hawaii. Kalaheo.) (2003) (voucher ID: PTBG 39298)
Taxon name on voucher: Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) D. Don
French Polynesia
Marquesas Islands
Hiva Oa Island introduced
abo. intro.
Lorence, David H./Wagner, Warren L. (2013)
French Polynesia
Marquesas Islands
Hiva Oa Island introduced
Florence, J./Chevillotte, H./Ollier, C./Meyer, J.-Y. (2013)
French Polynesia
Marquesas Islands
Hiva Oa Island   National Tropical Botanical Garden (U.S.A. Hawaii. Kalaheo.) (2003) (voucher ID: PTBG 39860)
Taxon name on voucher: Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) D. Don
French Polynesia
Marquesas Islands
Nuku Hiva (Nukahiva) Island introduced
abo. intro.
Lorence, David H./Wagner, Warren L. (2013)
French Polynesia
Marquesas Islands
Nuku Hiva (Nukahiva) Island introduced
Florence, J./Chevillotte, H./Ollier, C./Meyer, J.-Y. (2013)
French Polynesia
Marquesas Islands
Tahuata (Tuhuata) Island introduced
abo. intro.
Lorence, David H./Wagner, Warren L. (2013)
French Polynesia
Marquesas Islands
Tahuata (Tuhuata) Island   National Tropical Botanical Garden (U.S.A. Hawaii. Kalaheo.) (2003) (voucher ID: PTBG 39330)
Taxon name on voucher: Alocasia macrorrhizos (L.) D. Don
French Polynesia
Marquesas Islands
Ua Huka (Huahuna, Uahuka) Island introduced
abo. intro.
Lorence, David H./Wagner, Warren L. (2013)
French Polynesia
Marquesas Islands
Ua Huka (Huahuna, Uahuka) Island   National Tropical Botanical Garden (U.S.A. Hawaii. Kalaheo.) (2003) (voucher ID: PTBG 40889)
Taxon name on voucher: Alocasia macrorrhizos
French Polynesia
Society Islands
Huahine Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R. (1997) (p. 8)
French Polynesia
Society Islands
Maupiti (Maurua) Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R. (1997) (p. 8)
French Polynesia
Society Islands
Maupiti (Maurua) Island   Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, M.-H. (1987) (p. 19)
French Polynesia
Society Islands
Mehetia (Mahetia, Meetia) Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R. (1997) (p. 8)
French Polynesia
Society Islands
Mehetia (Mahetia, Meetia) Island introduced
Florence, J./Chevillotte, H./Ollier, C./Meyer, J.-Y. (2013)
Voucher cited: J. Florence 10328 (PAP)
French Polynesia
Society Islands
Moorea Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R. (1997) (p. 8)
French Polynesia
Society Islands
Moorea Island introduced
Florence, J./Chevillotte, H./Ollier, C./Meyer, J.-Y. (2013)
Voucher cited: J. Florence 2242 (PAP)
French Polynesia
Society Islands
Raiatea (Havai) Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R. (1997) (p. 8)
French Polynesia
Society Islands
Raiatea (Havai) Island introduced
Florence, J./Chevillotte, H./Ollier, C./Meyer, J.-Y. (2013)
French Polynesia
Society Islands
Taha‘a Island introduced
Florence, J./Chevillotte, H./Ollier, C./Meyer, J.-Y. (2013)
French Polynesia
Society Islands
Tahiti Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R. (1997) (p. 8)
French Polynesia
Society Islands
Tahiti Island introduced
Florence, J./Chevillotte, H./Ollier, C./Meyer, J.-Y. (2013)
French Polynesia
Tuamotu Archipelago
Makatea (Ma‘atea) Island introduced
Florence, J./Chevillotte, H./Ollier, C./Meyer, J.-Y. (2013)
French Polynesia
Austral (Tubuai) Islands
Rapa Island introduced
Florence, J./Chevillotte, H./Ollier, C./Meyer, J.-Y. (2013)
French Polynesia
Austral (Tubuai) Islands
Rimatara (Rimitara) Island introduced
Florence, J./Chevillotte, H./Ollier, C./Meyer, J.-Y. (2013)
French Polynesia
Austral (Tubuai) Islands
Rurutu Island introduced
Florence, J./Chevillotte, H./Ollier, C./Meyer, J.-Y. (2013)
French Polynesia
Austral (Tubuai) Islands
Tubuai Island introduced
Florence, J./Chevillotte, H./Ollier, C./Meyer, J.-Y. (2013)
Guam Island
Guam Island introduced
Stone, Benjamin C. (1970) (p. 119)
Guam Island
Guam Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Also var. rubra (Hassk.) Furtado
State of Hawaii
Hawaiian Islands
Hawai‘i (Big) Island introduced
abo. intro.
Imada, Clyde T./Staples, George W./Herbst, Derral R. (2000) (p. 10)
Voucher cited: C. Imada 99-32 (BISH)
State of Hawaii
Hawaiian Islands
Kaua‘i Island introduced
abo. intro.
Wagner, Warren L./Herbst, Derral R./Sohmer, S. H. (1999) (pp. 1356, 1358)
State of Hawaii
Hawaiian Islands
Kaua‘i Island   Bishop Museum (U.S.A. Hawaii. Honolulu.) (1994) (voucher ID: BISH 640391)
Taxon name on voucher: Alocasia plumbea Van Houtte
State of Hawaii
Hawaiian Islands
Maui Island introduced
abo. intro.
Wagner, Warren L./Herbst, Derral R./Sohmer, S. H. (1999) (pp. 1356, 1358)
State of Hawaii
Hawaiian Islands
Moloka‘i Island introduced
abo. intro.
Wagner, Warren L./Herbst, Derral R./Sohmer, S. H. (1999) (pp. 1356, 1358)
State of Hawaii
Hawaiian Islands
O‘ahu Island introduced
abo. intro.
Wagner, Warren L./Herbst, Derral R./Sohmer, S. H. (1999) (pp. 1356, 1358)
State of Hawaii
Hawaiian Islands
O‘ahu Island   Bishop Museum (U.S.A. Hawaii. Honolulu.) (1964) (voucher ID: BISH 448954)
Taxon name on voucher: Alocasia plumbea Van Houtte
Marshall Islands
Ralik Chain
Ebon (Epoon) Atoll   Fosberg, F. Raymond (1990) (p. 24)
Marshall Islands
Ralik Chain
Jaluit (Jãlwõj) Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Marshall Islands
Ralik Chain
Jaluit (Jãlwõj) Atoll introduced
abo. intro.
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, M.-H. (1962) (p. 9)
"Found around villages and in coconut plantations on many islets". Vouchers cited: Sachet 21685 (US), Fosberg 26756 (US)
Marshall Islands
Ralik Chain
Kili (Kõle) Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Marshall Islands
Ralik Chain
Kwajalein (Kuwajleen) Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Marshall Islands
Ralik Chain
Kwajalein (Kuwajleen) Atoll introduced
Whistler, W. A./Steele, O. (1999) (p. 104)
Marshall Islands
Ralik Chain
Lae Atoll   Wagner, W. L./ Herbst, D. R./Weitzman, A./Lorence, D.H. (2013)
Marshall Islands
Ralik Chain
Namu Atoll   Wagner, W. L./ Herbst, D. R./Weitzman, A./Lorence, D.H. (2013)
Marshall Islands
Ralik Chain
Ujelang Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Marshall Islands
Ralik Chain
Ujelang Atoll introduced
abo. intro.
Fosberg, F. R. (1955) (p. 6)
"Planted around villages, and spontaneous in cocnut plantations, also a weed in taro pits". Voucher cited: Fosberg 34145 (US)
Marshall Islands
Ratak Chain
Ailuk (Aelok) Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Marshall Islands
Ratak Chain
Ailuk (Aelok) Atoll introduced
abo. intro.
Fosberg, F. R. (1955) (p. 6)
"Planted around villages, and spontaneous in cocnut plantations, also a weed in taro pits". Voucher cited: Fosberg 33970 (US)
Marshall Islands
Ratak Chain
Arno Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Marshall Islands
Ratak Chain
Arno Atoll   Anderson, Donald (1951) (p. i)
Voucher cited: Anderson 3733
Marshall Islands
Ratak Chain
Arno Atoll introduced
abo. intro.
Vander Velde, Nancy/Vander Velde, Brian (2007) (p. 2)
"Of all the plants, this may be the one causing the most trouble to people and the environment".
Marshall Islands
Ratak Chain
Majuro (Mãjro) Atoll introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Marshall Islands
Ratak Chain
Majuro (Mãjro) Atoll introduced
abo. intro.
Vander Velde, Nancy (2003) (p. 25)
"Found naturalized in taro pits, other moist garden areas and under neglected coconut plantations in Laura; also found as a planted ornamental".
Marshall Islands
Ratak Chain
Mejit (Mãjej) Island   Fosberg, F. Raymond (1990) (p. 24)
Marshall Islands
Ratak Chain
Mili (Mile) Atoll introduced
abo. intro.
Vander Velde, Nancy/Vander Velde, Brian (2010) (p. A4)
Uncommon; in few uncultivated areas on Mili, Tokewa.
Nauru Island
Nauru Island   Wagner, W. L./ Herbst, D. R./Weitzman, A./Lorence, D.H. (2013)
New Caledonia
Îles Loyauté (Loyalte Islands)
Îles Ouvéa (Ouvea Atoll) introduced
MacKee, H. S. (1994) (p. 17)
Voucher cited: Barrau s.n.
New Caledonia
New Caledonia Archipelago
Île Grande Terre introduced
MacKee, H. S. (1994) (p. 17)
Vouchers cited: Balansa 758, MacKee 21921; also as As Alocasia plumbea Van Houtte. Voucher cited: MacKee 40480
New Zealand (offshore islands)
Kermadec Islands
Raoul Island introduced
Sykes, W. R. (1970) (p. 221)
Niue Island introduced
abo. intro.
Sykes, W. R. (1970) (p. 221)
Voucher cited: CHR 169959
Hatohobei Group
Tobi Island   Wagner, W. L./ Herbst, D. R./Weitzman, A./Lorence, D.H. (2013)
Palau (Belau ) (main island group)
Babeldaob Island introduced
Raulerson, L./Rinehart, A. F./Falanruw, M. C. (1996) (p. 15)
Palau (Belau ) (main island group)
Koror (Oreor) Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Palau (Belau ) (main island group)
Koror (Oreor) Island introduced
Space, James C./Lorence, David H./LaRosa, Anne Marie (2009) (p. 62)
Palau (Belau ) (main island group)
Koror (Oreor) Island   Beleu National Museum (Republic of Palau. Koror.) (1958) (voucher ID: BNM 860)
Taxon name on voucher: Alocasia macrorrhiza (L.) Schott
Palau (Belau ) (main island group)
Peleliu (Beliliou) Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Rock Islands (Chelbacheb)
Ngeanges Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Sonsorol Group
Merir Island   Wagner, W. L./ Herbst, D. R./Weitzman, A./Lorence, D.H. (2013)
Sonsorol Group
Sonsorol Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R./Sachet, Marie-Hélène/Oliver, Royce (1987) (p. 89)
Philippine Islands
Philippine Islands native
U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (2013)
Philippine Islands
Philippine Islands native
Merrill, Elmer D. (1925) (p. 185)
In old clearings and secondary forests at low and medium altitudes.
Pitcairn Islands
Pitcairn Islands
Pitcairn Island introduced
St. John, H. (1987) (p. 25)
Vouchers cited: St. John 15029, Fosberg 11262
Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands native
U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (2013)
Tonga Islands
Tonga Islands introduced
Yuncker, T. G. (1959) (p. 76)
Vava‘u Group
Late Island introduced
Sykes, W. R. (1981) (p. 352)
Tuvalu (Ellis) Islands
Tuvalu Islands   Unknown (year unknown)
New Hebrides Islands
Vanuatu (Republic of)   Swarbrick, John T. (1997) (p. 88)
Wallis and Futuna
Wallis and Futuna (Horne) Islands
Wallis (‘Uvea) Island introduced
Meyer, Jean-Yves (2007) (p. 25)
Pacific Rim
Country/Terr./St. &
Island group
Location Cited status &
Cited as invasive &
Cited as cultivated &
Cited as aboriginal introduction?
Reference &
Australia (continental)
Queensland native
U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (2013)
Central America
Central America (Pacific rim)
Costa Rica (Republic of) introduced
U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (2013)
Central America
Central America (Pacific rim)
Nicaragua (Republic of) introduced
U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (2013)
China (People's Republic of)   Zhengyi, Wu/Raven, Peter H./Deyuan, Hong (2013)
Ditches and wet areas of farmlands and wastelands, never away from human disturbance; sea-level to 800 m.
Hong Kong native
Wu, Te-lin (2001) (p. 298)
In forests.
Indonesia (Republic of) native
U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (2013)
Native: Kalimantan; naturalized: Celebes, Java, Lesser Sunda Islands, Sumatra
Malaysia (country of) native
U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (2013)
Singapore (Republic of) introduced
Chong, Kwek Yan/Tan, Hugh T. W./Corlett, Richard T. (2009) (p. 12)
South America (Pacific rim)
South America (Pacific rim)
Perú (Republic of) introduced
U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (2013)
Taiwan Island
Taiwan Island   Zhengyi, Wu/Raven, Peter H./Deyuan, Hong (2013)
Ditches and wet areas of farmlands and wastelands, never away from human disturbance; sea-level to 800 m.
Indian Ocean
Country/Terr./St. &
Island group
Location Cited status &
Cited as invasive &
Cited as cultivated &
Cited as aboriginal introduction?
Reference &
Australia (Indian Ocean offshore islands)
Christmas Island Group
Christmas Island introduced
Swarbrick, J. T. (1997) (p. 103)
British Indian Ocean Territory
Chagos Archipelago
Diego Garcia Island cultivated
Topp, J. M. W. (1988) (p. 19)
British Indian Ocean Territory
Chagos Archipelago
Diego Garcia Island   Stoddart, D. R./Taylor, J. D., eds. (1971) (p. 147)
Vouchers cited: Stoddart 827 (K, US), Rhyne 745 (US)
British Indian Ocean Territory
Chagos Archipelago
Diego Garcia Island introduced
Whistler, W. Arthur (1996) (pp. 23, 31)
British Indian Ocean Territory
Chagos Archipelago
Diego Garcia Island introduced
Rivers, Julie (2004) (pp. 1, 6)
As Alocasia plumbea Van Houtte
British Indian Ocean Territory
Chagos Archipelago
Diego Garcia Island   National Tropical Botanical Garden (U.S.A. Hawaii. Kalaheo.) (1995) (voucher ID: PTBG 23791)
Taxon name on voucher: Alocasia macrorrhizos
Seychelles Islands
Alphonse Island   Robertson, I. A. D./Robertson, S. A./Fosberg, F. R. (1983) (p. 179)
Voucher cited: Robertson 2889 (K)
Seychelles Islands
Coetivy Island   Robertson, S. A./Fosberg, F. R. (1983) (p. 146)
Seychelles Islands
Cousin Island introduced
Fosberg, F. R. (1983) (p. 22)
Voucher cited: Fosberg 52181 (US)
Seychelles Islands
D'Arros Island   Stoddart, D. R./Coe, M. J./Fosberg, F. R. (1979) (p. 20)
Voucher cited: Stoddart 7206 (US)
Seychelles Islands
Desnoeufs Island   Wilson, J. R. (1983) (p. 208)
Seychelles Islands
Frégate Island   Robertson, S. A./Todd, D. M. (1983) (p. 46)
Seychelles Islands
Marie-Louise Island   Wilson, J. R. (1983) (p. 189)
Seychelles Islands
Poivre Island   Robertson, S. A./Fosberg, F. R. (1983) (p. 167)
Also reported from
Country/Terr./St. &
Island group
Location Cited status &
Cited as invasive &
Cited as cultivated &
Cited as aboriginal introduction?
Reference &
United States (continental except west coast)
United States (other states)
USA (Florida) introduced
U.S. Dept. Agr., Agr. Res. Serv. (2013)

Control:  If you know of control methods for Alocasia macrorrhizos, please let us know.

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This page was created on 3 DEC 2007 and was last updated on 5 NOV 2011.