Hyptis capitata
This is a very vigorous weed specimens of knob weed, or mint weed (Hyptis capitata), which is new to Malaita, Solomon Islands and is spreading fast. It is spread by water, animals, humans, vehicles (slashers too).
In the Northern Territory, Australia, it was relatively easy to manage, where hand pulling and glyphosate were effective control methods.
In Samoa it is a bad pasture weed which was introduced only 30 years ago. It has now spread all over the island and especially where cattles are grazing; efforts are on its way to eradicate it as its not palatable to the animals.
Based on experiences in Palau, this weed is likely within a few years to be one of the most common weeds along roadsides and disturbed areas, as well as farms and gardens, if not eradicated quickly.
Photo by G. Jackson courtesy Ecoport
(source URL: http://www.ecoport.org)